出版時間:2011-01-01 出版社:中國科學技術出版社 作者:張鎮(zhèn)華 編 頁數(shù):152
《提升英語(上)》分上、下兩冊,每冊12課,共24課,既可供報考高中起點的本、專科學生使用一年,又可根據(jù)實際需要用于各種類型的短期培訓。每課大都由預習提示(Suggestions for Preview)、正文(Text)、預習檢查(True or False Statem。Preview Check)、生詞及表達法(New Words and Expressions)、課文注釋(Notes Oil the Text)、語音(Phonetics)、語法(Grammar)、詞語用法研究(Word study)、課文練習(Exercises on the Test)、補充練習(Supplementary Exercises)等部分組成。 每部分既自成體系,又與其他部分彼此關聯(lián),編寫內(nèi)容由淺入深,可滿足教師對各種層次的學生進軒“因材施教”的實際需要。
Lesson OneText: First Impressions CountPhonetics: English Alphabet & International Phonetic Symbols .Grammar: NounsVerb Pattern ( 1 )Verb Pattern (2)Word StudyLesson TwoText: Olympic Games Set the StandardPhonetics: Consonant Letters & Their PronunciationGrammar: AgreementVerb Pattern (3)Word StudyLesson ThreeText: The Poisoned PlanetPhonetics : Open SyllablesGrammar: Time and Tenses ( I )Comparison of Tenses ( I )Verb Pattern (4)Word StudyLesson Four Text: TMe of the Sands--A Philosophical StoryPhonetics : Closed SyllablesGrammar: Comparison of Tenses ( I )Verb Pattern (5)Word StudyLesson FiveText: Best Teacher I Ever Had (After David Owen)Phonetics: Vowels in Non-stressed SyllablesGrammar: Comparison of Tenses ( In )Verb Pattern (6)Word StudyLesson SixText: Alpha and Omega--Creation and DestructionPhonetics : R-SyllablesGrammar: Comparison of Tenses (IV)Verb Pattern (7)Word StudyLesson SevenText: Issac AsimovPhonetics : Re-SyllablesGrammar: Passive VoiceVerb Pattern (8)Word StudyLesson EightText: Darkness at Noon (After Harold Krents)Phonetics : Double R-SyllablesGrammar: Adjectives and AdverbsVerb Pattern (9)Word Study……Lesson nine Lesson ten Lesson elevenLesson twelve