《棘豆屬(豆科)模式標(biāo)本圖集1》主要內(nèi)容:Oxytropis, including more than 960 taxa recorded in the Index Kewensis, is a big genus be-longing to the subfamily Papilionoideae of Leguminosae. About 300 species of this genus were rec-ognized by Polhill (R. M. Polhill, 1981. Oxytropis DC. In Polhill & Raven (eds.), Advancesin Legume Systematics Part 1. pp. 3621. The purtx3se of this paper is to compile a series of cata-logues of the type specimens of Oxytropis which would be published in three volumes separately.This catalogue (1), the first volume, records 135 photos (including 133 taxa) of type specimensof Oxytropis (Leguminosae) preserved in PE, LE, TUS, WUK, HIMC and HNWP. Of them,115 photos belong to holotypes, eight to isotypes, seven to lectotypes, five to isolectotypes andthree to paratypes. This catalogue should be used with its sister monograph "Systematics of Chi-nese Oxytropis DC. (Leguminosae)"(X. Y. Zhu & H. Ohashi, 2000).