
出版時(shí)間:2010-6  出版社:中國勞動社會保障出版社  作者:孫鈺 主編  頁數(shù):176  


  本書為國家級職業(yè)教育規(guī)劃教材,由人力資源和社會保障部職業(yè)能力建設(shè)司推薦。  本書根據(jù)高等職業(yè)技術(shù)院校教學(xué)實(shí)際,由人力資源和社會保障部教材辦公室組織編寫。主要內(nèi)容包括:天然纖維素纖維,蛋白質(zhì)纖維,化學(xué)纖維,紗線,開棉、清棉和混棉,梳棉和精梳,并條和粗紗,細(xì)紗,絡(luò)筒、整經(jīng)、經(jīng)紗上漿、機(jī)織、機(jī)織物、其他織物和紡織品國際貿(mào)易?! ”緯鵀楦叩嚷殬I(yè)技術(shù)院校紡織專業(yè)教材,也可作為成人高校、本科院校舉辦的二級職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院和民辦高校的紡織類專業(yè)教材,或作為自學(xué)用書?! ”緯蓪O鈺、毛雷主編,劉華副主編,王晶晶參編,楊昆審稿。


Unit 1 Natural Cellulosic Fibers1Unit 2 Natural Protein Fibers10Unit 3 Chemical Fibers18Unit 4 Yarns26Unit 5 Opening, Cleaning and Blending36Unit 6 Carding and Combing45Unit 7 Drawing and Roving55Unit 8 Spinning65Unit 9 Winding74Unit 10 Warping82Unit 11 Warp Sizing91Unit 12 Weaving99Unit 13 Basic Weaves108Unit 14 Other Fabrics118Unit 15 International Trade of Textile126Appendix A Vocabulary135Appendix B Translation145Appendix C Textile Industry Acronyms175


  Yarns can be classified in many ways,for example’as either pure yarn or blended yarn according to whether two or more types of fibers were mixed during spinning or carded yarns or combed yarns according to whether a combing process was involved’etc。  There are two kinds of methods of making the yarns.With one method the yarn is produced from staple fibers and called staple yarn;with the other method’ the yarn is made from filament fibers and identified as filament yarn or thrown yarn.



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