
出版時間:2005-7  出版社:中國勞動(社會保障)出版社  作者:王微萍  


  本書是高等職業(yè)技術(shù)院校旅游與飯店管理專業(yè)的教學(xué)用書。  本書詳細(xì)介紹了旅游與飯店管理專業(yè)必須掌握的英語知識和詞匯,內(nèi)容涵蓋交通、觀光、住宿、餐飲、娛樂、購物等。每單元均列有習(xí)題、參考譯文和參考答案?! ”緯木帉懨嫦蚵糜闻c飯店管理專業(yè)的工作實際,是高等職業(yè)技術(shù)院校旅游與飯店管理專業(yè)的必備教材,也可供在職培訓(xùn)和從事相關(guān)工作的人員參考使用。


Unit One Welcome to China第一單元 中國歡迎您Unit Two The Tour Guides第二單元 導(dǎo)游者Unit Three The Travelers第三單元 旅游者Unit Four Transportation第四單元 交通運輸Unit Five Sightseeing第五單元 觀光Unit Six Accommodation第六單元 住宿Unit Seven Hotel Service第七單元 賓館服務(wù)Unit Eight Cuisine第八單元 美食Unit Nine Entertainment第九單元 娛樂Unit Ten Shopping第十單元 購物參考譯文參考答案


插圖:The main building has a height of 34 stories. It boasts 845 guest rooms, ranging from standard rooms, deluxe suites and business suites to presidential suite. Each room is elegantly designed and well equipped with luxurious toilets, full-size desks, color televisions, refrigerators, and individual climate control. Internet access and IDD telephones are also available to meet your communication needs.The exquisitely beautiful Atrium lobby is an indoor microcosm of the famed landscapes of Southern China. Here waters abound, with a veil-like cascade and a spectacular rockery. Atop the rockery sits an elegant Chinese pavilion, octagon-shaped, with its richly ornate gold top, and a profusion of luxuriant vegetation and flowers.Restaurants offering a wonderful variety of Chinese and Western food spread over the public areas from the first floor to the third floor. The Jade River Restaurant, with its exquisite garden decor, is famed for its high standard Cantonese cuisine. The Coffee Shop and the Grill Room serve excellent Western cuisine in an elegant ambience with river view. The Provincial Restaurant is specialized in the regional cuisine of Beijing, Sichuan and Shanghai. A Japanese Restaurant offers ethnic Japanese food, the traditional tastes of Kyoto. The Wanfu Pleasure Boat provides the best chance to enjoy the beautiful scene of the Pearl River. The tea lounge was designed for comfort and intimacy.Even the most avid sportsperson or the most discerning traveler will be impressed with what the White Swan has to offer. There's a fully equipped health club and spa, two swimming pools, squash courts, indoor and outdoor tennis courts, two jogging tracks and a golf driving range. Fine antiques are among many souvenirs and branded items to be founded in the hotel's shopping arcade. An Elizabeth Arden's Red Door beauty salon can take care of all your cosmetic and personal needs.





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