出版時間:2008-4 出版社:中國廣播電視大學出版社 作者:蔡蘭珍,王飛 著 頁數(shù):393
Good writing depends not only on flawless grammar and abundant vocabulary but also, and perhaps above all,.on the quality of its content, and on writing skills such as gathering information, structuring the content selected, writing, revising, and testing their final documents. Learners will also benefit from learning specific, formats relevant for their individual professional statuses/situations.All of these knowledge and skill demand a strict and full-scale training and guidance. With these factors in mind, the authors edited the book A Quick Writing Guide for English language learners to provide guidance for English learners. As a how-to book, it registered the following features.1. Extensive coverage;2. Strong guidance;3. Process Writing Orientation;4. Latest Writing Material;5. Students’and professional example of different writings.6. Clearly Stated Learning, Objectives.
Chapter Ⅰ Composing BasicsI. Preparing Your Writing2. Preliminary Shaping: A Rough Draft3. Revising4. Editing and Proofreading5. Writing with a ComputerChapter Ⅱ Grammar Essential1. Part of Speech2. Part of Sentences3. Phrases4. Clauses5. Types of SentencesChapter Ⅲ ESL Basics: Use of Grammar1. Verbs2. Nouns3. The Articles: a/an and the4. Quantifiers5. Adjectives6. Adverbials7. Prepositions8. Phrasal Verbs and Prepositional IdiomsChapter Ⅳ Editing for Grammar1. Subject-Verb Agreement2. Use Verbs in the Correct Mood3. Use the Active Voice4. Pronoun Problems5. Adjectives and Adverbs6. Sentences7. Subordination and Coordination8. EmphasisChapter Ⅴ Choice of Words1. Using Words Precisely2. Use Words Appropriately3. Using Words Concisely4. Bias in Writing5. Use of the Dictionary5. Use of The ThesaurusChapter Ⅵ Editorial Style (l)1. Commas2. Semicolon3. Colon4. Quotatin Marks5. Apostrophe6. Hyphens7. Other Punctuation MarksChapter Ⅶ Editorial Style (II)1. Capitalization2. Abbreviations3. Numbers and Dates4. Italics arid Underlining .5. Illustrations: Caption and Legend6. SpellingChapter Ⅷ Formatting Essentials1. Basic formatting requirements2. Basic Requirements in MLA and APA Formats for Academic Manuscripts3. Formatting in Business DocumentsChapter Ⅸ Paragraph Writing1. Introduction2. Types of Paragraphs3. Three Characteristics of an Effective Paragraph4. Pattems of Paragraph Development and OrganizationChapter Ⅹ Summary Writing1. The Importance of Summaries2. Contents of a Summary3. Writing a Summary4. Evaluative Summaries5. Minutes6. AbstractChapter Ⅺ Essay Examination1. Essay-LengthAnswers2. Paragraph-length AnswersChapter Ⅻ Argumentation Essay; Writing about Literature1. Introduction2. Writing an Argumentative Essay3. Writing about LiteratureChapter ⅩⅢ The Research Paper1. Understanding research process2. Use of library: Conducting library research3. Preparing for Your Research Paper4. Writing and Arranging Your Research Paper5. Preparing and Final Editing the Final Draft6 Sample Research PapersChapter ⅩⅣ Proposal for Research Paper1. Writing a successful proposal for Research Paper2. Proposals for research paperChapter ⅩⅤ Writing a Successful Research Report1. The Importance to Write a Research Report2. Organization of a Research Report3. Preparation for a Research Report4. General Writing Guidelines: Grammatical ConsiderationsChapter ⅩⅥ Questionnaire Preparation and Reporting1. The Usefulness of Questionnaires2. Questionnaire Design3. Questionnaire Administration4. Interpretation of the Results5. Writing Effective Questionnaire Reports6. ConclusionChapter ⅩⅦ Writing Oral Reports1. Informal oral reports2. Formal Speeches3. An Oral Presentation of a Written ReportChapter ⅩⅧ MLA-style Documentation1. MLA Reference in-text Citations (parenthetical citation)2. MLA List of Works Cited3. MLA Information Notes: Footnotes and EndnotesChapter ⅩⅨ APA-Style Documentation and Other Documentation Styles1. General APA Formatting Guidelines2. Directory to APA Reference in-text Citations3. APA Reference List4. Footnotes and Endnotes5. Sample APA-style research paper6. Chicago Manual Documentation Style (CMS)Bibliography