
出版時(shí)間:2012-9  出版社:教育科學(xué)出版社  作者:曲一線 編  頁(yè)數(shù):86  字?jǐn)?shù):540000  




Unit 1 You Can Write Poetry
Lesson 1 Poetry Please
Lesson 2 Poems About Nature
Lesson 3 Say It in Three
Lesson 4 The Wish '
Lesson 5 That's a Funny Limerick!
Lesson6 Sayltin Five
Lesson 7 Trading Poems
Lesson 8 Unit Review
Unit 1單元檢測(cè)
Unit 2 DNA
Lesson 9 What's a Horkey?
Lesson 10 What is DNA?
Lesson 11 Cloning People?
Lesson 12 Did You Ever See a Chorse?
Lesson 13 Clones Are the Same
Lesson 14 A Clone of My Own
Lesson 15 Cloning Questions
Lesson 16 Unit Review
Unit 2單元檢測(cè)
Unit 3 Pardon Me !
Lesson 17 Do Mistakes Matter?
Lesson 18 Wait Don't Eat Yet!
Lesson 19 Sayings
Lesson 20 Where I Come From
Lesson 21 What's in a Name?
Lesson 22 Do Manners Matter?
Lesson 23 Supper with the Bradshaws
Lesson 24 Unit Review
Unit 3單元檢測(cè)
Unit 4 Work for Peace
Lesson 25 Talk! Don't Fight!
Lesson 26 Good Friends Shouldn't Fight
Lesson 27 The Dove and the Olive Branch
Lesson 28 Please Let There Be Peace
Lesson 29 Jenny's Good Advice
Lesson 30 Let's Work for Peace
Lesson 31 Peace at Last
Lesson 32 Unit Review
Unit 4單元檢測(cè)
Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us
Lesson33 Welcome Guest!
Lesson 34 Danny's Dinosaur Dinner
Lesson 35 Keeping Culture Alive
Lesson 36 So We Can Be Friends
Lesson 37 The Fox and the Stork
Lesson 38 One Country Many Cultures
Lesson 39 Memories of Canada
Lesson 40 Unit Review
Unit 5單元檢測(cè)
Unit 6 Get Ready for Jobs
Lesson 41 When Are You Free?
Lesson 42 What Do You Want to Do?
Lesson 43 Let Me Check My Calendar
Lesson 44 Keep Your Choices Open
Lesson 45 Planet Danny
Lesson 46 Get a Good Education
Lesson 47 The Scholarship
Lesson 48 Unit Review
Unit 6單元檢測(cè)



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