
出版時間:2008-6  出版社:教育科學(xué)出版社  作者:曲一線 編  頁數(shù):88  


  基礎(chǔ)闖關(guān)全練 這是最基礎(chǔ)的測試,這是夯實基礎(chǔ)知識、鞏固基本能力的基地。這也是你的第一關(guān),你一定要努力努力再努力!  三年模擬全練 這是全國一線教師團結(jié)起來跟命題人的較量,是命題人不得不閱讀的重要信息,也是命題人靈感的發(fā)源地?! ∥迥曛锌既?這是新中考與新教材的無縫對接。中考試題,是多少命題專家的心血啊,是多少命題學(xué)者的汗滴。這是智慧的結(jié)晶,這是精心的設(shè)計,這是苦心的創(chuàng)作,這是優(yōu)美的詩句。洞悉中考試題及命題規(guī)律就等于抓住了上帝的一只手,就等于揭開了上帝手中的謎底!  探究創(chuàng)新全練 這是新課標(biāo)理念的全新體現(xiàn),這是依照最新考題進行的預(yù)測。如果你認真去練習(xí),就會發(fā)現(xiàn)其中的奧秘?! ≈腔郾衬?這是經(jīng)驗的總結(jié),這是學(xué)習(xí)的秘密,這是陽光心態(tài)的展示,這是智慧之光的梳理。背上它吧。你會比別人更加相信自己。


Unit1 The OlympicsLesson 1 Higher,F(xiàn)aster,StrongerLesson 2 Swimming for GoldLesson 3 Are You an Athlete?Lesson 4 Good Luck to YouLesson 5 Dannys Very Special GuestLesson 6 Diving" Dream Team"Lesson 7 Dont Fall off the Pizzas!Lesson 8 Unit ReviewUnit 1 單元檢測Unit2 Biggest, Longest, WidestLesson 9 Be a Champion!Lesson 10 Wheres the Highest Hotel?Lesson 11 Dont Fall, Danny !Lesson 12 Lets Go the Farthest!Lesson 13 Whos the Champ?Lesson 14 So Many Records!Lesson 15 My Favourite RecordLesson 16 Unit ReviewUnit 2 單元檢測Unit3 Buying and SellingLesson 17 Who Will Buy It?Lesson 18 Two Hours Too EarlyLesson 19 Know Business LingoLesson 20 Ill Buy It!Lesson 21 Cookies,Please !Lesson 22 A Cookie SaleLesson 23 Push That ProductLesson 24 Unit ReviewUnit 3 單元檢測期中檢測Unit4 Stay HealthyLesson 25 Whats Wrong with Danny?Lesson 26 Where Is Danny?Lesson 27 Good Food, Good HealthLesson 28 Move Your Whole BodyLesson 29 Dont Smoke,Please !Lesson 30 Janes Lucky LifeLesson 31 Danny Tells AllLesson 32 Unit ReviewUnit 4 單元檢測Unit5 Great PeopleLesson 33 What Does Life Mean?Lesson 34 A Universe of ThoughtLesson 35 Chinas Most Famous" Farmer"Lesson 36 Make the World a Better PlaceLesson 37 Touch the WorldLesson 38 To China,with LoveLesson 39 Guess My Hero, Danny !Lesson 40 Unit ReviewUnit 5 單元檢測Unit6 Accidents!Lesson 41 After an AccidentLesson 42 Be Careful, Danny !Lesson 43 Brians InjuryLesson 44 Please Take Care!Lesson 45 How Safe Is Your Home?Lesson 46 Help PeopleLesson 47 Never Catch a DinosaurLesson 48 Unit ReviewUnit 6 單元檢測期末檢測


  讓每一位學(xué)生分享高品質(zhì)教育  新課標(biāo) 新教材 同步課堂必備



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