出版時間:2012-11 出版社:中國盆景藝術家協(xié)會 中國林業(yè)出版社 (2012-11出版) 作者:中國盆景藝術家協(xié)會 編 頁數:127
《中國盆景賞石(2012.11)》封面故事:“風霜雪雨鑄松魂”——2012年中國盆景年度大獎黑松Pinus thunbergii。世人愛松,皆因其凌霜傲雪、不屈不撓的高潔品性和嘯傲塵世的豁達情懷。在中國傳統(tǒng)文化中,松、竹、梅并稱“歲寒三友”,常被入詩、入畫,也入“景”。本次在廣東中山舉辦的中國盆景精品展,共入展盆景作品兩百余件,其中張新華先生的黑松作品“風霜雨雪鑄松魂”尤其奪人眼目。
封面攝影:蘇放 封面:“風霜雪雨鑄松魂”黑松Pinus thunbergii高130cm張新華藏品蘇放攝影 封四:“金鷹”大化彩玉石長76cm寬67cm高58cm李正銀藏品 點評 “風霜雪雨鑄松魂”黑松Pinus thunbergii文:徐昊 卷首語 卷首語:冰山背面的世界一一從中山古鎮(zhèn)的展覽談中國盆景在世界盆景格局中的 新角色文:蘇放 盆景中國 2012中國盆景精品展(中山古鎮(zhèn))暨廣東省盆景協(xié)會成立25周年會員盆景精品 展于2012年9月29日至10月3日在廣東省中山市古鎮(zhèn)鎮(zhèn)舉行 論壇中國 2012中國盆景精品展(中山古鎮(zhèn))之中國盆景印象訪談及圖文整理:CP “中山展”過后的思考——暢談2012中國盆景精品展(中山古鎮(zhèn))暨廣東省盆景 協(xié)會成立25周年會員盆景精品展觀后之感觸訪談及圖文整理:CP 獲獎作品專欄 2012中國盆景精品展(中山古鎮(zhèn))暨廣東省盆景協(xié)會成立25周年會員盆景精 品展金、銀獎作品選攝影:蘇放 中國現場 嶺南盆景示范表演制作:吳成發(fā) 盆景中國 2012中國風之旅——2012中國盆景精品展(中山古鎮(zhèn))后廣東周邊中外嘉賓參 觀團訪問系列——趣怡園篇訪談及圖文整理:CP 2012中國風之旅(2)——2012中國盆景精品展(中山古鎮(zhèn))后廣東周邊中外嘉 賓參觀團訪問系列——真趣園篇訪談及圖文整理:CP 話題 走向世界的中華瑰寶文:黎德堅 盆景中國 2012年中國盆景精品展(中山古鎮(zhèn))評比計分表 2012年中國盆景精品展(中山古鎮(zhèn))(小型)評比計分表 工作室 側柏改作制作、撰文:王華峰 專題 1淺議“寫意”盆景文:邵武峰 養(yǎng)護與管理 盆景素材的培育(五)——《盆景總論》(連載七)文:【韓國】金世元 古盆中國 紫砂古盆銘器鑒賞文:申洪良 賞石中國 “彩霞滿天”三江紅彩玉長60cm高50cm厚32cm李正銀藏品 賞石文化的淵流傳承與內涵(連載六)文:文蛀 論賞石文化的比較優(yōu)勢文:雷敬敷 卷首語 卷首語:冰山背面的世界——從中山古鎮(zhèn)的展覽談中國盆景在世界盆景格局中 的新角色(日文版)文:蘇放
版權頁: 插圖: A piece of hot news these days comes from the report of TheGuardian on November 9th : OECD forecast that China would haveexceeded America within the next four years and become the largesteconomic entity in the world. This organization also indicated thatChinese economic scale would have surpassed Euro zone by the endof this year. American "U.S. News & World Report" als0 expressedwhen mentioning this data on November 9th that the forecast thatAmerica would lose the position of the world's largest economicgiant sounds distracted for Americans which though does not meanthe end of the world but larger ratio of Chinese economy in the worldarena. "Sydney Herald" of Australia commented that American fiercepresidential election'may not change the world, but China after "18thCPC National Congress" is likely to change the world. Yes, the world is waiting and seeing what will happen. China is risingabruptly, which may be the biggest change the world faces in this century. Meanwhile, the revival of Chinese Penjing is stealthily pursuing itsown new role and seeking new role feeling in future structure of thisworld Penjing with the help of the remarkable increase of Chineseeconomic entity scale. The exhibition of Guzhen Town of ZhongshanCity in Guangdong Province of China is an embodiment of this"Chinese voice". Chinese Penjing of Lingnan style is an independent mind inglobal Penjing having its own historical and most keen to expressthe (harmonious not adversarial) relationship between human andnature, which comes from its unfettered and gentle sense of spaceand line drawing method of inheritance and leaping in history. Italways provides you a structural surprise comprehensively. In termsof aesthetic thought, this exhibition is undoubtedly an unprecedented"Chinese language" Penjing conference. A tranquil proprietary exhibition area of hundreds of pots is set forminiature Penjing which firstly become one of the main characters.Ultra-large Penjing with width of dozens of meters first appear onthe stage of Penjing exhibition opening ceremony. Over 500 potsof Penjing with traditional Chinese Lingnan style technique andlanguage make you firstly dazzled. There are much to be mature andimproved, though it is an exhibition which has amazing scale andvisual effect. Creative language of Chinese Penjing of Lingnan style is a kindof Penjing language with independent aesthetic considerationand historical blood in Penjing world. Free passion, fantasticunlimitedness, low-pitched poetry and unlimitedly creative artstructure are completely unified in a living life which is continuouslygrowing and changing. Compared with Japanese pine and cypressPenjing permanently freezing instant art structure after creation ofa big changeover and high strength, Chinese weed tree Penjingof Lingnan style seems never finish its creative motivation. It couldcontinue its developing forever and could tell you a brand newcreativeness after overlapping mountains and tortuous water forever.Every line development could tell you the growth story of anotherlife, aging but fresh, dignified but light and specific but abstract.Philosophy and poetry have high technology content, which isgoing on continually and impressive. Every tree tells you a Chinesephilosophical concept about oneness of man and nature.