
出版時間:2008-2  出版社:中國林業(yè)  作者:楊洪  頁數(shù):277  


在經(jīng)濟全球化的趨勢下,中國企業(yè)的經(jīng)營活動越來越需要“會計英語 ”這一國際通用的商業(yè)工具。本書系統(tǒng)介紹了中美會計確認、計量和報告的基本原理和方法?! 〉谝徊糠质恰坝⒄Z會計”,即第1-22章的內(nèi)容。該部分以美國會計為背景,介紹基本會計業(yè)務(wù)確認、計量和報告的基本原理、方法和實際操作。其中,第1、2章介紹會計基本理論;第3-5章介紹會計基本信息載體—— 憑證、賬簿和報表;第6-8章介紹會計處理過程——會計循環(huán);第9-19章介紹企業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營、投資、籌資及利潤分配業(yè)務(wù)的會計處理;第20-22章是常見會計專題,分別為財務(wù)報表分析、稅務(wù)會計和審計?! 〉诙糠质恰皶嬘⒄Z”,即“附錄”部分內(nèi)容。該部分以中國39項新準則為背景,介紹中國企業(yè)日常會計確認、計量和報告的相關(guān)內(nèi)容。具體包括附錄A、附錄B和附錄C。附錄A是新準則中工商企業(yè)會計科目的中英文對照;附錄B是新準則中工商企業(yè)財務(wù)報表的巾英文對照;附錄C是中國企業(yè)外幣交易業(yè)務(wù)會計處理的案例?! ⊥ㄟ^劃分“英語會計”與“會計英語”,讀者可以在避免內(nèi)容交叉重復(fù)的情況下,了解國外會計的慣例,掌握中國會計的英文表述,更好地理解中外會計的差異。


前言Chapter 1 Overview of Accounting The importance of Accounting Accounting Profession Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting Objectives of Financial Reporting Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information Recognition and Measurement Concepts Accounting Environment Ethics in the Environment of Accounting  New Terms in Chapter 1  ExercisesChapter 2 Elements of Financial Statements, Accounting Equation and Double-entry Elements of Financial Statements Accounting Equation Double-entry Procedure  New Terms in Chapter 2  ExercisesChapter 3 The Journal Definition of Journal Details in the Journal Recording Transactions in Journal General Journal Special Journal  New Terms in Chapter 3  ExercisesChapter 4 The Ledger Details in the Ledger Format of Ledger How to Post Chart of Accounts  New Terms in Chapter 4  ExercisesChapter 5 Basic Financial Statements Income Statement Statement of Capital Balance Sheet Statement of Cash Flows Relationships among the Financial Statements  New Terms in Chapter 5  ExercisesChapter 6 The Accounting Cycle (Ⅰ) Analyzing Transactions and Journalizing Transactions Posting Transactions Preparing a Trial Balance  New Terms in Chapter 6  ExercisesChapter 7 The Accounting Cycle (Ⅱ) The Need for Adjusting Entries Apportioning Recorded Costs……Chapter 8 The Accounting Cycle (Ⅲ)Chapter 9 Accounting for Purchasing TransactionsChapter 10 Inventories and the Cost of Goods SoldChapter 11 Accounting for Sales TransactionsChapter 12 Accounting for Manufacturing TransactionsChapter 13 CashChapter 14 Accounts Receivable and Uncollectible AccountsChapter 15 Accounting for InvestmentsChapter 16 Plant AssetsChapter 17 Natural Resources and Intangible AssetsChapter 18 Accounting for LiabilitiesChapter 19 Stockholders' Equity of A CorporationChapter 20 Analysis of Financial StatementsChapter 21 Tax AccountingChapter 22 AuditingAppendix參考文獻





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