出版時間:2007-6 出版社:中國林業(yè) 作者:曹福亮 頁數(shù):172
Agroforestry is rapidly being transformed from an empirical, largely anecdotalcollection of beliefs and practices into an emerging science in the field of natural resourcemanagement. The book is a major contribution towards this goal. This book reported findingsfrom seven different pot and field trials and field Ginkgo agroforestry systems mainlyincluding interactive effect of light, moisture and nutrient on Ginkgo, intra-specificcompetition of ginkgo, inter-specific competition between Gingko and crops. It providesthe most authoritative analysis available up to now of the various hypotheses that Ginkgoand crops, if properly chosen and managed, have a potential to increase productivecapacity of the systems. The main value of this book is that it brings together a substantialamount of original contribution to human knowledge from fundamental research, appliedresearch in pot trials and observations of real Ginkgo agroforestry systems in the field.
Following an un-dergraduate degree in Forestry Sciences and an MSc in Silviculture
from Nanjing Forestry University (NJFU), Nanjing, P. R. China,Fuliang Cao (English name Sam) receive dhis PhD in Forest Ecol-ogy at the University of British Columbia, Can
FOREWORDACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACTCONTENTSLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF TABLESLIST OF APPENDICESABBREVIATIONSChapter 1 General Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Research Strategy 1.4 Organization of the BookChapter 2 Description of Research Sites and Ginkgo, Crop Species 2.1 Description of Research Sites 2.2 Description of Ginkgo, Broad Bean, Rapeseed, and Wheat 2.2.1 Ginkgo 2.2.2 Broad bean 2.2.3 Rapeseed 2.2.4 WheatChapter 3 Effects of Environmental Regimes on Physiology and Growth of Young Ginkgo Trees in Field and Greenhouse Pot Trials 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Field Trial 3.2.1 Methods 3.2.2 Results 3.3 Greenhouse Pot Trial 3.3.1 Methods 3.3.2 Results 3.4 Discussion 3.4.1 Photosynthetic characteristics 3.4.2 Chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll concentration 3.4.3 Growth and biomass yield 3.4.4 Carbon allocation 3.4.5 Leaf characteristics 3.5 ConclusionsChapter 4 Intraspecific Competition Between Young Ginkgoes Trees in Greenhouse Pot And Field Trials 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Methods 4.2.1 Research site 4.2.2 Experimental design 4.2.3 Measurements 4.2.4 Statistical analysis 4.3 Results 4.3.1 Height and diameter growth 4.3.2 Height/diameter ratio 4.3.3 Leaf characteristics 4.3.4 Biomass production 4.3.5 Carbon allocation 4.3.6 Net photosynthetic rate and leaf flavonoid concentration 4.3.7 Soil nutrient concentration in the pot trial 4.3.8 Ginkgo seedling nutrients in the pot trial 4.3.9 Ginkgo leaf biomass-based nitrogen use efficiency 4.3.10 Difference in physiological and morphological parameters, growth, and biomass production between three- and four-year-old Ginkgo seedlings 4.4 Discussion 4.4.1 Physiological and morphological characteristics 4.4.2 Competition and carbon allocation 4.4.3 Soil and seedling nutrient concentration 4.5 ConclusionsChapter 5 Competition and Productivity in Ginkgo and Crop Mixtures in a Greenhouse Trial 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Methods 5.2.1 Plant materials and study sites 5.2.2 Experimental design 5.2.3 Measurements 5.2.4 Statistical analysis……Chapter 6 Interference Between Four-year·old Ginkgo Seedling and Crops in Field Fctoraal Experiment TrimalChapter 7 Performance of Wheat Broad Bean and Rapeseed as Inter-crops in Ginkgo PlanttationsChapter 8 Conceptual Model of Ginkgo Agrofarestry SystemChapter 9 Overall Concfusions and ReconmendationsAPPENDIX1APPENDIX2APPENDIX3APPENDIX4APPENDIX5APPENDIX6APPENDIX7REFERENCES
In the past 50 years, Ginkgo plantations have in-creased greatly due to the increasing demand for its nuts,and Ginkgo cultivation has now extended to more than20 provinces. The total number of nut-producing trees is0.7-0.8 million, and the average total production of nutsis 5,000-6,000 tons a year (He et al. 1997). As pharma-ceutical usage of the species developed in the early1980s, Europe began to establish leaf-producingplantations. The manufacture of extracts of leaves hasdeveloped rapidly since 1990, promoting the establish-ment of leaf-producing plantations in China. It is esti-mated that yield of dry Ginkgo leaves in China reached8, 000 tons in 1996. Of this, half was harvested from leafproducing plantations and half from mature trees thathave borne nuts already (Ding 1999). The leaves ofyoung trees contain more active compounds than thoseof old trees, and consequently industry prefers to buyleaves produced from seedlings rather than from graftedplants in orchards. The total area of leaf plantations inChina is now estimated to be about 15,000 hectares (Li2000, Ca0 2003). Ginkgo is currently one of the most importantcash crops in China. In the past ten years, a large areaof Ginkgo plantations has been established for nut-and-leaf production because farmers can get a highprofit and a quick return on their investment. In 2000,China accounted for more than 70% of the total worldGinkgo resources and produced more than ten thou-sand tons of nuts and 80 thousand tons of leaves (Cao2003). About two-thirds of the nuts and leaves pro-duced are exported to Japan, the US, Korea, andGermany (Zheng 1992). Since the 1950s, China has experienced a rapidgrowth of population. The area of arable land has de-creased drastically and the environment has been de-graded as industrial development has taken place. Jiangsu,a southeastern province of China, has to support a popu-lation of approximately 40 million on a land area of only102.6 thousand km2. This population is growing at anannual rate of 2%. Jiangsu is one of the four mostdeveloped provinces in China, and therefore a largeportion of arable land has been converted to industrialuse. The combination of high population density anddecreasing amount of arable land has resulted in seriousland shortages for several decades, and with the contin-ued growth of the population these shortages are likely toget worse. Because ofits limited and diminishing arableland resource, China is facing a challenge to providefood for the growing population. Agroforestry manage-ment systems may offer one of the most effective waysto solve this problem. China has a long history of agroforestry. During theShang and West Zhou Dynasty (1600-800 B.C.), farm-ers planted trees in or around crop fields, and grew fruit-bearing plants and vegetables, and farmed domesticanimals in their home yards for self-sufficiency. Sincethen, various forms of agroforestry developed gradually,and formed the foundation for the Chinese-farmingeconomy for more than 3000 years. Because of theeconomic, ecological and social benefits, there is astrong pressure to convert monoculture food crop sys-tems into systems of agroforestry. Modern agroforestrysystems could be very beneficial to the development ofChina's rural economy (Hsiung (Xiong) and Chandler1996, Ca0 2003). In the last 20 years, many scientists have studiedagroforestry in China, and agroforestry systems havebeen adopted widely in rural areas. Many different treespecies are used in agroforestry to protect soil and foodcrops from wind and drought damage and from erosion.Examples include intercropping fruit trees and wheat,and Fraxinus and Paulownia intercropped with straw-berries and wheat (MacDicken and Vergara 1990). Othertree species used for interplanting include rubber tree,Paulownia spp., Ziziphus jujuba, Populus deltoides,Diospyros kaki, Fraxinus chinesis, Morus cathayana,Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Taxodium ascendens, andTaxodium distichum (Xiu 1986, Wen 1989, Jiang 1990,Lou 1996). ……
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