
出版時間:1998-7  出版社:中國林業(yè)出版社  作者:王蓮英 主編  頁數:212  


  This is a monograph related to Chinese tree peony cultivars and the cultivars resources。 There are 9 chapters, describing the origin and development, resources status quo, genetic diver sity of tree peony; elaborating the advances of tree peony cultivars strategy in the tree peony industrial development。 Furthermore, it introduces the his torical changes and development, cultivars constituent, ecology habit, cultural technique, de velopment prospect and the 430 main cultivars of Xibei(Northwest), Xinan(Southwest) and Jiangnan(South of the Changjiang River) tree peony cultivar groups and Yanan sub-group, Exi sub-group。 At the same time, the Handi(Cold area) tree peony is also introduced。 The book introduces Chinese tree peony completely, systematically and describes it in detail to readers, focusing on its beauty and limitless prospect。




PrefaceIntroductionGeneral Statements  Wild Species and Their Distribution and Ecological Environment  The Cultivar Groups and Their Disttibutiion  A Brief History of Peony Cultivation  Varietal Classification System  Ecological Habitats and Biological Characteristics  Propagation and Cultivation  Peonies and Their Uses  Famous Peony Gardens  The Criteria for Recording Morphology of Cultivars  Introduction and Development of Chinese Peonies in Other CountriesCultivar Statements  Single Form  Lotus Form  Chrysanthemum Form  Rose Form  Hundred Proliferate-Flower Form  Anemone Form  Goloden-Circle Form  Crown Form  Globular Form  Crown Proliferate-Flower Form  Reference  Index of Mudan Cultivar Names




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