
出版時(shí)間:2012-8  出版社:國(guó)家統(tǒng)計(jì)局人口和就業(yè)統(tǒng)計(jì)司 中國(guó)統(tǒng)計(jì)出版社 (2012-08出版)  作者:國(guó)家統(tǒng)計(jì)局人口和就業(yè)統(tǒng)計(jì)司 編  




第一部分綜合數(shù)據(jù) Chapter One: General Survey 1-1各地區(qū)人口數(shù) Total Population by Region 1-2按性別分人口數(shù) Population by Sex 1-3人口年齡結(jié)構(gòu)和撫養(yǎng)比 Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population 1-4按城鄉(xiāng)分人口數(shù) Population by Urban and Rural Residence 1-5人口出生率、死亡率和自然增長(zhǎng)率 Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population 1-6各地區(qū)人口出生率、死亡率和自然增長(zhǎng)率 Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population by Region 1-7六次全國(guó)人口普查人口基本情況 Basic Statistics on National Population Census in 1953, 1964, 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2010 1-8各地區(qū)人口平均預(yù)期壽命 Population Life Expectancy by Region 1-9全國(guó)歷年人口密度 Population Density 1-10全國(guó)勞動(dòng)統(tǒng)計(jì)主要指標(biāo) Main Indicators of National Labor Statistics 1-11分城鄉(xiāng)就業(yè)人員年末人數(shù) Number of Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban and Rural Areas 1-12分產(chǎn)業(yè)就業(yè)人員年末人數(shù) Number of Employed Persons at Year-end by Three Strata Industries 1-13城鎮(zhèn)登記失業(yè)人數(shù)及失業(yè)率(年末數(shù)) Registered Unemployed Persons and Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas (year-end) 1-14分地區(qū)城鎮(zhèn)登記失業(yè)人員數(shù)(年末數(shù)) Registered Unemployed Persons in Urban Areas by Region (year-end) 1-15分地區(qū)城鎮(zhèn)登記失業(yè)率(年末數(shù)) Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas by Region (year-end) 1-16分行業(yè)城鎮(zhèn)單位就業(yè)人員年末人數(shù) Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban Units by Sector 1-17分登記注冊(cè)類(lèi)型城鎮(zhèn)單位就業(yè)人員年末人數(shù) Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban Units by Registration Status 1-18分行業(yè)城鎮(zhèn)單位女性就業(yè)人員年末人數(shù) Female Employed Persons at Year- end in Urban Units by Sector 1-19分登記注冊(cè)類(lèi)型城鎮(zhèn)單位女性就業(yè)人員年末人數(shù) Female Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban Units by Registration Status 1-20分登記注冊(cè)類(lèi)型城鎮(zhèn)單位就業(yè)人員平均工資及指數(shù) Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices by Status of Registration 1-21分登記注冊(cè)類(lèi)型城鎮(zhèn)單位就業(yè)人員平均實(shí)際工資指數(shù) Average Real Wage Indices of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Status of Registration 1-22分行業(yè)城鎮(zhèn)單位就業(yè)人員平均工資 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector 1-23分地區(qū)城鎮(zhèn)單位就業(yè)人員平均工資 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Region 1-24國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值及構(gòu)成 Gross Domestic Product and Its Composition 1-25國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值指數(shù) Indices of Gross Domestic Product 第二部分2010年第六次全國(guó)人口普查有關(guān)人口的主要數(shù)據(jù) Chapter Two: Major Data of Population on 2010 Population Census of China 2-1全國(guó)分年齡、性別的人口數(shù) Population by Age and Sex 2-2全國(guó)城市分年齡、性別的人口數(shù) City Population by Age and Sex 2-3全國(guó)鎮(zhèn)分年齡、性別的人口數(shù) Town Population by Age and Sex 2-4全國(guó)鄉(xiāng)村分年齡、性別的人口數(shù) Rural Population by Age and Sex 2-5各地區(qū)人口年齡構(gòu)成和撫養(yǎng)比 Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population by Region 2-6各地區(qū)城市人口年齡構(gòu)成和撫養(yǎng)比 Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of City Population by Region 2-7各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)人口年齡構(gòu)成和撫養(yǎng)比 Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Town Population by Region 2-8各地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)村人口年齡構(gòu)成和撫養(yǎng)比 Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Rural Population by Region 2-9各地區(qū)戶(hù)數(shù)、人口數(shù)、性別比和平均家庭戶(hù)規(guī)模 Households, Population, Sex Ratio and Household Size by Region 2-10各地區(qū)城市戶(hù)數(shù)、人口數(shù)、性別比和平均家庭戶(hù)規(guī)模 Households, Population, Sex Ratio and Household Size of Cities by Region 2-11各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)的戶(hù)數(shù)、人口數(shù)、性別比和平均家庭戶(hù)規(guī)模 Households, Population, Sex Ratio and Household Size of Towns by Region 2-12各地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)村戶(hù)數(shù)、人口數(shù)、性別比和平均家庭戶(hù)規(guī)模 Households, Population, Sex Ratio and Household Size of Rural Areas by Region 2-13各地區(qū)按家庭戶(hù)規(guī)模分的戶(hù)數(shù) Family Households by Size and Region 2-14各地區(qū)城市按家庭戶(hù)規(guī)模分的戶(hù)數(shù) Family Households of Cities by Size and Region 2-15各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)按家庭戶(hù)規(guī)模分的戶(hù)數(shù) Family Households of Towns by Size and Region 2-16各地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)村按家庭戶(hù)規(guī)模分的戶(hù)數(shù) Family Households of Rural Areas by Size and Region 2-17各地區(qū)家庭戶(hù)類(lèi)別 Family Households by Type and Region 2-18各地區(qū)城市家庭戶(hù)類(lèi)別 Family Households of Cities by Type and Region 2-19各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)家庭戶(hù)類(lèi)別 Family Households of Towns by Type and Region 2-20各地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)村家庭戶(hù)類(lèi)別 Family Households of Rural Areas by Type and Region 2-21各地區(qū)分性別、受教育程度的人口 Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Region 2-22各地區(qū)城市分性別、受教育程度的人口 City Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Region 2-23各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)分性別、受教育程度的人口 Town Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Region 2-24各地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)村分性別、受教育程度的人口 Rural Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Region 2-25各地區(qū)分性別的15歲及以上文盲人口 Illiterate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region 2-26各地區(qū)城市分性別的15歲及以上文盲人口 City Illiterate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region 2-27各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)分性別的15歲及以上文盲人口 Town Illiterate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region 2-28各地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)村分性別的15歲及以上文盲人口 Ruralllliterate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region 2-29全國(guó)15歲及以上人口分年齡、性別的婚姻狀況 Population Aged 15 and Over by Age, Sex and Marital Status 2-30全國(guó)城市15歲及以上人口分年齡、性別的婚姻狀況 City Population Aged 15 and Over by Age, Sex and Marital Status 2-31全國(guó)鎮(zhèn)15歲及以上人口分年齡、性別的婚姻狀況 Town Population Aged 15 and Over by Age, Sex and Marital Status 2-32全國(guó)鄉(xiāng)村15歲及以上人口分年齡、性別的婚姻狀況 Rural Population Aged 15 and Over by Age, Sex and Marital Status 2-33各地區(qū)分性別、婚姻狀況的人口 Population by Sex, Marital Status and Region 2-34各地區(qū)城市分性別、婚姻狀況的人口 City Population by Sex, Marital Status and Region 2-35各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)分性別、婚姻狀況的人口 Town Population by Sex, Marital Status and Region 2-36各地區(qū)農(nóng)村分性別、婚姻狀況的人口 Rural Population by Sex, Marital Status and Region 2-37全國(guó)分性別、受教育程度、初婚年齡的人口 Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Age at First Marriage 2-38全國(guó)分性別、受教育程度、初婚年齡的人口(城市) City Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Age at First Marriage 2-39全國(guó)分性別、受教育程度、初婚年齡的人口(鎮(zhèn)) Town Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Age at First Marriage 2-40全國(guó)分性別、受教育程度、初婚年齡的人口(鄉(xiāng)村) Rural Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Age at First Marriage 2-41各地區(qū)分性別、孩次的出生人口(2009年11月1日-2010年10月31日) Births by Sex, Birth Order and Region (2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2-42各地區(qū)分性別、孩次的出生人口(2009年11月1日-2010年10月31日)(城市) Births in cities by Sex, Birth Order and Region (2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2-43各地區(qū)分性別、孩次的出生人口(2009年11月1日-2010年10月31日)(鎮(zhèn)) Births in Towns by Sex, Birth Order and Region (2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2-44各地區(qū)分性別、孩次的出生人口(2009年11月1日-2010年10月31日)(鄉(xiāng)村) Births in Rural Areas by Sex, Birth Order and Region (2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2-45各地區(qū)分性別、戶(hù)口登記狀況的人口 Population by Sex, Household Registration Status and Region 2-46各地區(qū)城市分性別、戶(hù)口登記狀況的人口 City Population by Sex, Household Registration Status and Region 2-47各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)分性別、戶(hù)口登記狀況的人口 Town Population by Sex, Household Registration Status and Region 2-48各地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)村分性別、戶(hù)口登記狀況的人口 Rural Population by Sex, Household Registration Status and Region 2-49各地區(qū)60歲及以上分性別、主要生活來(lái)源的人口 Population Aged 60 and Over by Sex, Main Source of Support and Region 2-50各地區(qū)城市60歲及以上分性別、主要生活來(lái)源的人口 City Population Aged 60 and Over by Sex, Main Source of Support and Region 2-51各地區(qū)鎮(zhèn)60歲及以上分性別、主要生活來(lái)源的人口1 Town Population Aged 60 and Over by Sex, Main Source of Support and Region 2-52各地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)村60歲及以上分性別、主要生活來(lái)源的人口 Rural Population Aged 60 and Over by Sex, Main Source of Support and Region 2-53全國(guó)60歲及以上分年齡、性別、主要生活來(lái)源的人口 Population Aged 60 and Over by Age, Sex and Main Source of Support 2-54全國(guó)城市60歲及以上分年齡、性別、主要生活來(lái)源的人口 City Population Aged 60 and Over by Age, Sex and Main Source of Support 2-55全國(guó)鎮(zhèn)60歲及以上分年齡、性別、主要生活來(lái)源的人口 Town Population Aged 60 and Over by Age, Sex and Main Source of Support 2-56全國(guó)鄉(xiāng)村60歲及以上分年齡、性別、主要生活來(lái)源的人口 Rural Population Aged 60 and Over by Age, Sex and Main Source of Support 第三部分2010年第六次全國(guó)人口普查有關(guān)就業(yè)的主要數(shù)據(jù) Chapter Three: Major Data of Employment on 2010 Population Census of Cluna 第四部分2010年城鎮(zhèn)單位就業(yè)人員統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù) Chapter Four: Data from Statistics on Employment in Urban Units in 2010 第五部分2010年全國(guó)戶(hù)籍統(tǒng)計(jì)人口數(shù)據(jù) Chapter Five: Data from Household Registration in 2010 第六部分2010年全國(guó)計(jì)劃生育統(tǒng)計(jì)人口數(shù)據(jù) Chapter Six: Data from Family Planning Statistics in 2010 第七部分世界部分國(guó)家及地區(qū)人口和就業(yè)統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù) Chapter Seven: Population and Employment Data of Selected Countries and Territories of the World 第八部分2010年第六次全國(guó)人口普查表、普查表填寫(xiě)說(shuō)明及主要統(tǒng)計(jì)指標(biāo)解釋 Chapter Eight: Questionnairs for 2010 Population Census, The Explanation of Filling the Census Questionnaire and Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


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