
出版時(shí)間:2004-3  出版社:法律出版社  作者:姜作利  頁(yè)數(shù):348  字?jǐn)?shù):380000  


  本書采取與國(guó)際接軌的讀者中心主義寫作風(fēng)格,通過(guò)最流行、最標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的英語(yǔ)講述國(guó)際商法,有利于讀者掌握用英語(yǔ)國(guó)際商法內(nèi)容的正確方法。    本書運(yùn)用大量案例和圖表,將復(fù)雜的內(nèi)容直觀化,有利于讀者有短時(shí)間內(nèi)了解國(guó)際商法的概貌?! ”緯鴥?nèi)容充實(shí),文筆輕松時(shí)尚,且圖文并茂,是國(guó)內(nèi)大專院校開展法律雙語(yǔ)教學(xué)的最佳教材。   作者編著這部英文版的專著性國(guó)際商法教材,主要基于以下原因:一、適應(yīng)我國(guó)高校法學(xué)專業(yè)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)國(guó)際商法之需要。二、為把中國(guó)相關(guān)法律推向國(guó)際市場(chǎng),擴(kuò)大我國(guó)在國(guó)際社會(huì)的影響貢獻(xiàn)力量。  本書具有以下特點(diǎn):一、吸收了多部國(guó)外國(guó)際商法教材的優(yōu)點(diǎn),盡量將原汁原味的法律知識(shí)奉獻(xiàn)給讀者。二、盡量體現(xiàn)中國(guó)的特色。




Chapter One Introduction to International Business Law   I. What is International Business Law?    II. History of International Business Law    Ⅲ. Sources of International Business Law     A. National Law     B. International Treaties and Conventions     C. International Model Law     D. International Trade Customs and Usages    IV. International Organizations     A. Organizations Affiliated with the United Nations    B. Other International Organizations    V. Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems     A. The Roman Germanic Civil Law System     B. The Anglo American Common Law System    VI. International Business Law and China  Chapter Two Forms of International Business    I. Some International Trade Theories     A. Specialization     B. Absolute Advantage     C. Comparative Advantage     D. Opportunity Cost   ?、? Exporting     A. Direct Exporting     B. Indirect Exporting    III. Government Controls over Trade     A. Tariffs     B. Nontariff Barriers to Trade     C. Export Restrictions   IV. International Licensing Agreement     A. Technology Transfer     B. International Franchising  Chapter Three Legal System of International Business    I. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the  International Sale of Goods (CISG)     A The Development of International Business Law     B. The Drafting of the CISG     C. Applicability of the CISG     D. Interpreting of the CISG      Case 3—1 Raffles v .Wichelhaus and Another    II. UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial  Contracts (PICC)     A. Origin and Preparation of the UNIDROIT PICC     B. Structure and Scope of the UNIDROIT PICC     C. General Principles of the UNIDROIT PICC     D. The purposes of the UNIDROIT PICC     E. Comparison of the UNIDROIT PICC and CISG   ?、? International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade  Terms     A. Concept and Role of Trade Terms     B. Contents of Incoterms 2000     C. FOB (free on board) (port of shipment)     D. CIF (cost, insurance and freight) (port of  destination)     E. Modification of Trade Terms     Case 3—2 Kumar Corporation v. Nopal Lines, Ltd  Chapter Four Contract Law for the International Sale of  Goods   I. Definition and Form of Contract     A. Definition of Contract     B. Form of Contract   ?、? Validity and Formation of International Sale of  Contracts     A. Invitation Offer     B. The Offer     C. The Acceptance     D. Battle of the Forms      Case 4—1 Filanto v Chilewich International  Corporation    E. Consideration in Common Law     Case 4—2 Hamer v. Sidway       Case 4—3 Fiege v Boehm   ?、? Misrepresentation     A. Fraudulent Misrepresentation     B. Innocent Misrepresentation     C. Negligent (innocent) Misrepresentation    IV. Mistakes     A. Common Law     B. Civil Law     C. The UNIDROIT PICC     D. China Contract Law    V. Fraud     A. Common Law      Case 4—4 Stambovsky v. Ackley     B. Civil Law     C. The UNIDROIT PICC     D. China Contract Law    VI. Duress     A. Common Law     B. Civil Law     C. The UNIDROIT PICC     D. China Contract Law   ?、? Undue Influence and Unconscionable (unjust) Conduct     A. Common Law      Case 4—5 Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd , v. Amadio    B. Civil Law     C. The UNIDROIT PICC     D. China Contract Law  Chapter Five Contract Law for the International Sale of  Goods (continued)    I. Remedies for Breach of Contract     A. General Principles of Remedies      Case 5—1 Prutch v. Ford Motor Company     B. Buyer’s Remedies     C. Seller’s Remedies     D. Remedies Available to Both Buyers and Sellers      Case 5—2 Delchi Carrier, SpA v. Rotorex Corporation    Ⅱ. Anticipatory Breach of Contract and Exceptio non  Adimpleti Contractus in Civil Law     A. Anticipatory Breach in Common Law     B. Exceptio non Adimpleti Contractus in Civil Law   ?、? Liquidated Damages     A. Common Law     B. Civil Law     C. The UNIDROIT PICC     D. China Contract Law   ?、? Obligations of the Seller and the Buyer     A. Seller’s Obligations     B. Buyer’s Obligations      Case 5—3 The Natural Gas Case    V. Passing of Risk     A. Common Law     B. The CISG     C. China Contract Law    VI. Passing of Property     A. Common Law     B. The CISG     C. China Contract Law   ?、? Excuses for Nonperformance     A. Common Law      Case 5—4 Transatlantic Financing Corporation v.  United States    B. The UNIDROIT PICC     C. The CISG     D. Force Majeure Clauses Chapter Six Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine Cargo  Insurance   I. Charterparties     A. Voyage Charterparties     B. Time Charterparties     C. Charterparties by Demise    Ⅱ. Bills of Lading     A. Laws of Bills of Lading     B. Characteristics of the Bills of Lading     C. Transfer of Property under A Bill of Lading     D. Carrier’s Duties under A Bill of Lading     E. Carrier’s Immunities     F. Delayed Bills of Lading     G. Frauds on Bills of Lading   ?、? Marine Cargo Insurance     A. Marine Insurance Policies and Certificates     B. Perils and Losses     C. Insurance Cover  Chapter Seven Finance of International Trade    I. The Bill of Exchange     A. Origin of Bills of Exchange     B. The Law Governing Bills of Exchange     C. Types of Bills of Exchange     D. General Requirements and Rights of the Holder in  Due Course    E. Common Procedures in Handling Bills of Exchange    II. Collection of Documentary Bills Through Banks     A. Types of Collection     B. Advantages of Collection   ?、? Letters of Credit (L/C)     A. Law Applicable to Letters of Credit     B. Types of Letters of Credit     C. The Stages of Arranging and Advising A Letter of  Credit    D. Independence Principles and Rule of Strict  Compliance     E. Fraud Exception in Letters of Credit Transaction Case 7-1 Sztejn v. Henry Schroeder Banking Corp    IV. International Factoring     A. Definition and Historical Development     B. Obligations of the Parties     C. Advantages of International Factoring for Chinese  Merchants Chapter Eight Partnership Law    I. Definition and Creation of a Partnership     A. Definition     B. Creation of a Partnership    II. Property of a Partnership     A. Scope of Partnership Property     B. Ownership and Possession     C. Creditors of Partners   ?、? Partners’Rights and Duties     A. Right to Compensation     B. Duty of Loyalty and Good Faith     C. Duty of Care in Partnership Business     D. Enforcement of Partnership Rights and Liabilities    IV. Dissolution of the Partnership     A. Nonwrongful Dissolution     B. Wrongful Dissolution     C. Automatic Dissolution     D. Dissolution by Court Order    V. Winding Up     A. Powers during Winding up     B. Duties of Partners during Winding up     C. Compensation for Winding up  Chapter Nine The Law of Corporations    I. History and Nature of Corporations     A. History of Corporations     B. The Principal Characteristics of the Corporation     C. Promoters     D. Piercing the Corporate Veil and Related Problems    II. Sources of Corporate Financing     A. Common Stock     B. Debt Securities   ?、? Shareholders’ Rights and Liabilities     A. Shareholders’ Meetings     B. Shareholders’ Election of Directors     C. Fundamental Corporate Changes     D. Shareholders’ Inspection and Information Rights     E. Distribution to Shareholders     F. Shareholders’ Lawsuits     G. Shareholders’ Liabilities    IV. Management of Corporations     A. The Board of Directors     B. Officers of the Corporation «    C. Directors’ and Officer’s Duties to the Corporation    V. Termination of Corporations     A. Dissolution by Agreement     B. Involuntary Dissolution  Chapter Ten  Law of Foreign Investment Enterprises of  China    I. China’s Fundamental Policies for Encouraging  Foreign Investments     A. Sources of Foreign Investment Law of China    B. More Sectors Opened     C. Categories of Investment Projects     D. Government Guarantees    II. Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese  Foreign Equity Joint Ventures     A. Definition and Legal Characteristics     B. Establishment and Registration     C. Sources of Investment     D.Administrative Management     E. Liquidation   ?、? Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese  Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures     A. Definition and Leg»l Characteristics     B. Establishment of China Contractual Joint Ventures     C. Administrative Management     D. Distribution of Earnings and Recovery of  Investments   IV. Law of the People’s Republic of China on Foreign  Capital Enterprises     A. Establishment of China Foreign Capital Enterprises     B. Business Form and Registered Capital     C. Methods of Investment Contribution  Chapter Eleven Intellectual Property Right Law    I. The Creation of Intellectual Property Rights     A. Copyrights     B. Patents     C. Trademarks     D. Know-how    II. International Provisions     A. Comprehensive Agreements     B. Artistic Property Agreements     C. Industrial Property Agreements    Ⅲ. International Licensing Agreements     A. Characteristics of International Licensing  Agreements     B. Major Issues in International Licensing Agreements Chapter Twelve GATT and WTO Law    I. The Founding of GATT     A. Trade Barriers     B. Trade Liberalization Through Cooperation     C. Scope and Coverage of GATT 1947 and GATT 1994    II. Major Principles of GATT 1994     A. Multilateral Trade Negotiations     B. Most-favorednation Treatment     C. National Treatment     D. Tariff-based Import Restriction   ?、? The World Trade Organization (WTO)     A. The WTO and the Economic Globalization     B. Legal Structure of the WTO     C. WTO Antidumping Agreement    IV. WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures     A. Deficiencies in the GATT 1947 Dispute Process     B. WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures  Chapter Thirteen The Law of Agency    I. Creation of Agency     A. Formation     B. Capacity     C. Nondelegable Duties    Ⅱ. Duties of Agent and Principal     A. Duties of Agent to Principal     B. Duties of Principal to Agent      Case 13—1 Willis v Champlain Cable Corp   ?、? Termination of an Agency     A. Act of the Parties     B. Operation of Law     C. Post-Termination Relationship    IV. Third Party Relations of the Principal and the  Agent     A. Contract Liability of the Principal     B. Contract Liability of the Agent  Chapter Fourteen International Commercial Dispute  Settlement    I. Settlement of Disputes through Municipal Courts     A. Jurisdiction and Venue      Case 14—1 In Re Union Carbide Corporation Gas Plant  Disaster at Bhopal     B. Enforcement of Foreign Judgment    II. International Tribunals     A. International Court of Justice     B. International Center for the Settlement of  Investment Disputes   Ⅲ. Alternative Dispute Resolution     A. Negotiation     B. Mediation     C. Mini-trial    IV. Commercial Arbitration     A. Definition and Special Features     B. The Applicable Procedure Law     C. The Applicable Substantive Law     D. Arbitration Agreement and Arbitration Clauses     E. Recognition and Enforcement of Awards     F. Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the  People’s Republic of China  Bibliography





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