出版時間:2004-1 出版社:中國法律圖書有限公司 作者:羅杰.H.伯恩哈特 頁數(shù):479
本書的內(nèi)容分為三個部分。第一部分是關(guān)于美國財產(chǎn)法所承認(rèn)的不動產(chǎn)權(quán)益。美國的財產(chǎn)法認(rèn)為,不動產(chǎn)權(quán)所有人所擁有的并不是土地本身,而是對于土地的產(chǎn)權(quán)(estate)。這些土地產(chǎn)權(quán)主要包括非限定繼承不動產(chǎn)(fee simple)、限嗣繼承不動產(chǎn)(fee tail)、終身產(chǎn)權(quán)(life estate)、未來權(quán)益(future interests)、定期租賃(tenancy for years)、定期續(xù)租(periodic tenancy)、不定期租賃(tenancy at will)等等;還包括不動產(chǎn)的幾種共同所有形式以及地役權(quán)(easements)、隨土地轉(zhuǎn)移的約定(covenants running with land)和基于衡平法的地役權(quán)(equitable servitudes)。 第二部分是關(guān)于不動產(chǎn)的轉(zhuǎn)讓。由于土地的特殊性以及土地產(chǎn)權(quán)的復(fù)雜性,它的轉(zhuǎn)讓也是由和動產(chǎn)的轉(zhuǎn)讓不同的規(guī)則來約束的。這里主要涉及土地權(quán)益買賣雙方的權(quán)益問題、土地權(quán)益的登記制度以及不動產(chǎn)抵押貸款。 第三部分是關(guān)于財產(chǎn)法的一些其他題目,主要是兩大塊。第一塊是涉及一些傳統(tǒng)的普通法原則,如土地產(chǎn)權(quán)所有人對空間、水源的權(quán)利和相鄰?fù)恋氐闹螜?quán),關(guān)于不動產(chǎn)上的固定附著物(fixture)的問題,妨害(nuisance)問題等等。另一塊是政府對于土地使用管理。 如前所述,本書的作者為我們勾畫了一幅關(guān)于美國財產(chǎn)法的清晰圖畫。但是,對于我們而言,更重要的事情不是僅僅理解這些規(guī)則,而是理解這些規(guī)則背后的道理。具體的規(guī)則常常是不能移植的,但是規(guī)則背后的道理卻可以有啟發(fā)和借鑒的作用。
INTRODUCTIONTABL OF CASESPART ONE.INTERESTS IN LAND Chapter One.Possession and Owner-ship Chapter Two.Common Law Estates Chapter Three.concurrent Ownership Chapter Four.Landlord and Tenant Chapter Five.Easements Chapter Six.Covenants Running With the LandPART TWO.CONVEYANCING Chapter Seven.Real Estate Brokers Chapter Eight.Contract of Sale:Ven-dor-Purchaser Chapter Nine.Transfer of Title by Deed:Grantor-Grantee Chapter Ten.Priorities:The Recording System Chapter Eleven.Title Insurance Chapter Twelve.MortgagesPART THREE.MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY DOCTRINES Chapter Thirten.Airspace Chapter Fourteen.Water Chapter Fifteen.Support Chapter Sixteen.Agreed Boundaris Chapter Seventeen.Fixtures Chapter Eighteen.Trespass Chapter Nineteen.Nuisance Chapter Twenty.Land Use Regulation
B. FREEHOLD v. NONFREEHOLD ESTATES--SEISIN The fee simple, fee tail, and life estate are called freehold estates; the tenancy for years and the periodic tenancy are nonfreehold estates. The time for termination of freehold estates cannot be precisely determined in advance because death (with or without heirs) is always the terminating event. In contrast, nonfreehold estates terminate on or before an ascertainable date. The need for distinguishing between freehold and nonfreehold estates derived from the common law concept of seisin. The holder of a freehold estate had seisin (i.e. was seised of the land), whereas the holder of a nonfreehold estate had possession but not seisin. In England, all land titles came from the monarch, either directly to the possessor or by way of intermediate lords. The holder of a freehold estate owed certain services to the overlord, somewhat equivalent to mod- ern rent or property taxes. C. CREATION OF ESTATES (CREATING WORDS) 1. Fee Simple---“To Bob and his Heirs” At common law, the only language that could create a fee simple was a grant to the transferee “and his heirs.” “And his heirs” was the grantors way of indicating that the estate was inheritable by the grantees heirs. However, this language does not directly give anything to the heirs. They do not share the estate with the transferee and have no interest of their own from this conveyance. The words “and his heirs” are “words of limitation,” which designate the estate as being inheritable, rather than "words of purchase," which designate the taker. Today, the requirement of such special words of limitation to create fee simple has been abolished in virtually every jurisdiction and has been replaced by a statutory presumption in favor of the fee simple estate.
總序 許傳璽 在美國法律教育界與律師實務(wù)界,這套“美國法精要”(Nutshell Series)是頗具特色的一套小書。這套書最突出的特點當(dāng)推它們的簡捷明快、深入淺出。每種書均由富有教學(xué)經(jīng)驗的法學(xué)院教授執(zhí)筆,在三、四百頁的篇幅內(nèi)集中介紹某一法律部門的基本原理、主要法規(guī)和重點案例?! ∮捎谶@些特點,這套叢書受到了無數(shù)美國讀者的歡迎和喜愛。眾多法學(xué)院的學(xué)生將這套書作為課外的輔助教材,由此掌握美國各主要部門法的精義。執(zhí)業(yè)律師也經(jīng)常借助這套書,以迅速了解自己尚未熟習(xí)的某些部門法,或者溫習(xí)過去曾經(jīng)學(xué)過的某些課程?! ∠嘈胚@套書也能贏得國內(nèi)讀者的歡迎。無論是法律專業(yè)的本科生、研究生,還是執(zhí)業(yè)律師或其他人士,都能從這套叢書中獲得有關(guān)美國法律的大量知識,對自己的學(xué)習(xí)和工作有所助益。此外,通過閱讀原汁原味的英文來學(xué)習(xí)美國法律也應(yīng)能提高讀者的法律英語水平,促進與美國同行的對話和交流。 應(yīng)原出版者的要求,這套叢書的國內(nèi)版增加了中文前言,以介紹美國部門法的概況、每種書的內(nèi)容及原書作者。這些前言作者都是在美國受過專業(yè)教育或從事專門研究的中國法律學(xué)者甚或?qū)<?。相信他們的介紹會對讀者有所幫助?! appy reading! 1999年4月 于哈佛法學(xué)院