
出版時間:2003-5  出版社:法律出版社  作者:Jo Shan  頁數(shù):591  




Preface and AcknowledgementsTable of CasesTable of ArticlesList of AbbreviationsTable of EquivalencesPart1 Introducin the European Union and its Constitutional Framework  1.Studying the Law of the European Union  2.Evolving from Community to Union  3.The Unfinished Union:The Treaty of Maastricht and BeyondPart2 The Institutional and Coustitutional Framework  of the EU  4.The Institutions of the European Union  5.The Evolving EU Constitutional FrameworkPart3 The  Eurppean Union and its Institutions at Work  6.The Legal  and Cons titutional Dimensions of Policy Making in the European Union  7.Legislative, Administrative and  Budgetary Procedures  8.The Implementation and Enfo rcement of EU Lawpart Valres and Principles in  European Union Constitutional Framework  9.Fundamental Rights  and General Principles of Law   10.Citizenship and the European UnionPart  The EU Legal Order and the National Legal Orders  11.Article 234EC The Organic Connection Betweem National Courts and the Court of Justice  12.EU Law and the Legal Systens of the Member States  13.The Nationla Dimension Domestic Remedies for Breach of  EC Law and National  R eactions to the ChallengePart The judicial Control of the EU Institutions  14.Introduction to the Judicial ontrol of the EU institutions  15.Judicial R eview of the  Acts of the Institutions  16.Judicial Control of Failure to Act  17.Non-Contractral Liabiity and Compensation for Loss Caused by the EUBibliographyIndex




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