
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:中國旅游  作者:朱華  頁數(shù):261  


  《四川英語導游教程》包括七個教學內(nèi)容:1.導游聽力訓練。2.導游情景對話。3.導游景點講解。4.導游講解方法。5.旅游景點翻譯。6.旅游景點閱讀。7.中國旅游文化。景點講解和情景對話是本教程重要的教學內(nèi)容之一,學生和導游資格考試考生可以在老師的指導下進行對話和景點講解,也可聽錄音,根據(jù)不同的場景進行情景化演練。本書聽力訓練包含了30多個四川旅游景點精華部分,在書后附有完整的聽力文本。根據(jù)不同學生對象,也可將聽力文本作為旅游閱讀擴展練習,擴大學生導游英語詞匯和景點知識。本書教授了問答法、重點講解法、引人入勝法、畫龍點睛法等多種景點講解方法,學生可以根據(jù)不同類型的景點,設計不同的情景,運用不同的講解方法學習旅游景點講解?!  端拇ㄓ⒄Z導游教程》是旅游教學本土化的重要實踐,為四川省旅游和英語教學改革提供了重要課程資源,適用于四川旅游院校開設的旅游英語課程,包括導游英語、旅游英語、旅游英語口語等,也可作為對外漢語、外事、外語專業(yè)的輔修教材。由于本書包括了四川導游資格考試的所規(guī)定的大部分景點,因此本書也可以作為導游資格考試的培訓教材和導游人員的參考用書。希望《四川英語導游教程》能為我國旅游事業(yè)的進步,為四川省培養(yǎng)更多的優(yōu)秀英語導游、優(yōu)秀外事工作者和各類涉外管理人才,為四川旅游業(yè)的快速發(fā)展和中外文化交流作出新的貢獻。




第一單元天府之國 Unit1The Land of Abundance PartⅠListening Activities聽力訓練 1.Tourist Resources in Sichuan四川旅游資源 2.Colorful Cultures in Sichuan多姿多彩的四川文化 PartⅡWelcome Speech歡迎詞 Welcome Speech歡迎詞 PartⅢDialogues導游對話 TheLand of Abundance天府之國 PartⅣReadings旅游閱讀 ASurvey of Sichuan Province四川概述 PartⅤTranslation景點翻譯 1.The Land of Abundance天府之國 2.錦繡成都 PartⅥTourism Culture旅游文化 The Shu Culture蜀文化 第二單元杜甫草堂 Unit2 DuFu's That ched Cottage PartⅠListening Activities聽力訓練 1.The Snow—capped Xiling Mountain西嶺雪山 2.Jinsha Ruins金沙遺址 PartⅡ Itinerary旅游線路 One—day Tour of Chengdu成都一日游 PartⅢCommentary景點講解 DuFu's That ched Cottage杜甫草堂 PartⅣReadings旅游閱讀 Gong bu Shrine工部祠 PartⅤTranslation景點翻譯 1.DuFu—AGreat Realistic Poet杜甫——一個偉大的現(xiàn)實主義詩人 2.浣花溪 PartⅥTourism Culture旅游文化 Chinese Embroidery中國刺繡 第三單元武侯祠 Unit3Wuhou Temple PartⅠListening Activities聽力訓練 1.Wangjiang TowerPark望江公園 2.TheTomb of WangJian王建墓 PartⅡOn—the—Way Introduction途中導游講解 Jinjiang Hotel—Wuhou Temple錦江賓館至武侯祠 PartⅢDialogues導游對話 Wuhou Temple武侯祠 PartⅣReadings旅游閱讀 Zhuge Liang諸葛亮 PartⅤTranslation景點翻譯 1.ZhugeLiang's Hall諸葛亮殿 2.“二表” PartⅥTourism Culture旅游文化 Confucianism儒學 第四單元都江堰 Unit4 Dujiangyan Irrigation Project PartⅠListening Activities聽力訓練 1.Wenshu Temple文殊院 2.Qingyang Temple青羊官 PartⅡCommentary景點講解 Dujiangyan Irrigation Project都江堰水利工程 PartⅢReadings旅游閱讀 The Liduiand Erwang Temple離堆和二王廟 PartⅣMethods of Introduction景點講解方法 TheMethod of Introduction with a Focuson Key Events重點講解法 PartⅤTranslation景點翻譯 1.Yuzhui(Fish Mouth)魚嘴 2.二王廟 PartⅥTourism Culture旅游文化 Chinese Dragons and Tigers中國龍虎 第五單元青城山 Unit5Mt.Qingcheng PartⅠListening Activities聽力訓練 1.Mt.Fule富樂山 2.ArhatHall of Baoguang Temple寶光寺羅漢堂 PartⅡDialogues導游對話 Mt.Qingcheng青城山 PartⅢReadings旅游閱讀 Shangqing Temple上清官 PartⅣMethods of Introduction景點講解方法 TheMethod of Narrative Introduction陳述法 PartⅤTranslation景點翻譯 1.Mt.Qingcheng青城山 2.天師殿 PartⅥTourism Culture旅游文化 Taoism道教 第六單元九寨溝 Unit6Jiuzhaigou Valley PartⅠListening Activities聽力訓練 1.PingwuBao'en Temple平武報恩寺 2.TheLongMarch Monument of RedArmy紅軍長征紀念碑 PartⅡCommentary景點講解 Jiuzhaigou Valley九寨溝 PartⅢReadings旅游閱讀 RizeGully日則溝 PartⅣMethods of Introduction景點講解方法 The Method of Explanatory Introduction解釋法 PartⅤTranslation景點翻譯 1.Jiuzhaigou Valley九寨溝 2.諾日朗瀑布 PartⅥTourism Culture旅游文化 Tibetan Culture藏族文化 Unit 7 Taoping Qiang Stockaded Village Part Ⅰ Listening Activities聽力訓練 1.Qiang Ethnic Group羌族 2.Huangjing Virgin Forest黃荊原始森林 Part Ⅱ Dialogues導游對話 Taoping Qiang Stockaded Village桃坪羌寨 Part Ⅲ Readings旅游閱讀 The Qiang Architecture羌族建筑 Part Ⅳ Methods of Introduction景點講解方法 The Method of Leading Someone to a Fascinating Vista引人人勝法 Part Ⅴ Translation景點翻譯 1.The Qiang Blockhouse羌碉 2.羌繡 Part Ⅵ Tourism Culture旅游文化 The Qiang Culture羌族文化 第八單元臥龍自然保護區(qū) Unit 8 Wolong Nature Reserve Part I Listening Activities聽力訓練 1.The Guyu Lake Scenic Area古宇湖風景區(qū) 2.Li Bai's Memorial Hall李白紀念館 …… 第九單元四姑娘山 Unit9Mt.Siguniang 第十單元瓦屋山 Unit10Mt.Wawu 第十一單元樂山大佛 Unit11Leshan Giant Buddha 第十二單元峨眉山 Unit12Mt.Emei 第十三單元自貢鹽業(yè)歷史博物館 Unit13Zigong SaltHistory Museum 第十四單元竇圌山 Unit14Mt.Doutuan 第十五單元玉蟾山 Unit15Mt.Yuchan 第十六單元劍門蜀道 Unit16Jianmen Shudao Road 第十七單元蒙頂山 Unit17Mt.Mengding 第十八單元碧峰峽 Unit18Bifeng xia Valley Transcripts聽力文本 ReferenceKeys參考答案


版權頁:   插圖:   Jiuzhaigou Valley Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Jiuzhaigou Valley- the most beautiful waterscape under heaven! Water is the soul of Jiuzhaigou Valley. You may nolonger see water landscape after you travel back from Jiuzhaigou. Here you cansee more than 100 lakes of different colors. They vary in size and shape, sparklewith colors in the sunlight. In addition, you can also appreciate the layeredwaterfalls, colorful forests, snow-clad peaks and Tibetan customs. The scenery ofalpine lakes together with the Tibetan culture presents the pictures of a fairyland. As you enter Jiuzhaigou Valley, the firstsite you see here is the Treasure Mirror Cliff.It is a gigantic cliff, standing loftily into thesky, lying north of Zharu Gully. Look at thesurface of the cliff! It is as smooth as a mir-ror. That's why people call it a treasure mir-ror. Look at it more carefully! The cliff toplooks like the head of a man with disorderlyhair and a curly beard. According to the legend, it was placed where Zhayizhaga,the god of mountains, keep the evils under control. When the evils see the mir-ror, they will immediately lose their magic power. Now, please put your palmstogether to pray for a safe journey! Just like this! I'm sure the mountain godwill bless you a wonderful trip in this fairyland. Here we've come to Shuzheng Lakes. It just lies at the entrance to themagnificent Jiuzhaigou. As I told you before, the evils were put under controland buried in the Treasure Mirror Cliff. But you may not know there is anotherexciting story about the cliff and Jiuzhaigou Valley. Long time ago, the femaledeity Wonuose fought fiercely with the evils and dropped down her mirror in ahurry. Suddenly, the mirror was broken into more than a hundred pieces, andimmediately turned into over a hundred haizi, a Tibetan word for the beautifulalpine lakes.






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