
出版時間:2006-9  出版社:中國旅游出版社  作者:本書編寫組  頁數(shù):327  




初級Unit One Greetings and Sending off第一單元打招呼及送行Unit Two Asking about Public and Business Areas第二單元詢問公共場所Unit Three Asking the Guest to Wait and Offering Help第三單元請客人等候以及提供幫助Unit Four Making Phone Calls第四單元打電話Unit Five COngratuIatiOns and Appreciations第五單元祝賀及感謝Unit Six Requests and Complaints第六單元要求及投訴Unit Seven Sympathy and Care第七單元同情與關心Unit Eight Fondness and Satisfactions第八單元愛好與滿意Unit Nine The Front 0仟ice第九單元前 廳Unit Ten H0uSekeeping第十單元房 務Unit Eleven Food&Beverage第十一單元餐 飲Unit Twelve At the Bank第十二單元在銀行Part One Opening a Bank Account第一部分銀行開戶Part Two Asking about Deposit第二部分詢問存款Part Three Asking about Savings第三部分詢問儲蓄Part Four Asking to Change Money第四部分要求兌換錢Unit Thirteen At the Customs第十三單元在海關Part 0ne At the Customs第一部分在海關Part Two Anything to Declare第二部分有東西要報關嗎Part Three Paying Duty on a Computer第三部分為電腦繳稅Part Four Going Through the Customs Formalities第四部分辦理海關手續(xù)Unit Fourteen At the Post Office第十四單元在郵局Part One Sending a Letter第一部分寄信Part Two Posting a Letter第二部分寄信Pan Three Sending a Parcel第三部分寄包裹Part Four Sending Money第四部分寄錢Unit Fifteen At the Hospital第十五單元在醫(yī)院Part One Seeing a Doctor第一部分看醫(yī)生Part Two Stomach Problem第二部分犯胃病Part Three Making an Appointment with the Doctor第三部分與醫(yī)生約診Part Four Buying Medicine第四部分買藥Unit Sixteen Travel第十六單元旅行Pan 0no 0n the Plane第一部分在飛機上Part Two Traveling by Train第二部分乘火車旅行Part Three Traveling by Bus第三部分乘公共汽車旅行Part Four Taking a Taxi第四部分乘出租汽車Unit Seventeen Telecommunications第十七單元電信Part One Making a Long Distance Call第一部分打長途電話Part Two The Internet第二部分國際互聯(lián)網Part Three Talking about Telecommunications第三部分談論電信Part Four E—commerce第四部分電子商務English Test at Preliminary Level初級英語試卷中 級Front OfficeUnit One At the AirportPart One Meeting the GuestPart Two Recognizing a Tour GroupPart Three A Brief Welcome SpeechUnit Two Room ReservationsPart One Accepting ReservationsPart Two Fully BookedPart Three Canceling a ReservationUnit Three BellmanPart One Greeting a Guest on ArrivalPart Two Introducing Hotel FacilitiesPart Three Baggage DeliveryPart Four Hiring a TaxiUnit Four Reception and Check——inPart One Checking in a Guest with ReservationPart Two Checking in a Walk—-in GuestPart Three Changing a RoomPart Four Extending the StayPartOne Askingthe WayPart Two Arranging a TourBusPart Three City TourPart Four Leaving a MessageUnit Six Sales PromotionsPart One Talking about Hotel ReservationsPart Two Negotiating on Terms.Part Three Persuasive TalksUnit Seven Public RelationsPart One Soliciting Comments and SuggestionsPart Two Arranging a News ConferencePart Three Invitation and RepliesUnit Eight Front CashierPart One Checking OutPart Two A MiscalculationPart Three Foreign Currency ExchangeUnit Nine Business CenterPart One Booking Air TicketsPart Two Sending a FaxPart Three Sending E - mailsPart Four Explaining Time DifferencesPart Five Asking for An InterpreterUnit Ten OperatorPart One A Call from OutsidePart Two Making a Collect CallPart Three Wake - up Call ServiceHousekeepingUnit Eleven Floor AttendantPart One Showing a Guest to the RoomPart Two Explaining Room FacilitiesPart Three Valuables DepositUnit Twelve Chamber ServicePart One Making up the RoomPart Two The Turn - clown ServicePart Three Bringing Something on RequestUnit Thirteen Laundry ServicePart One Demanding Laundry ServicePart Two Special InstructionsPart Three Suggesting Express Laundry ServiceUnit Fourteen Miscellaneous ServicesPart One Shopping for GuestsPart Two Baby - sitting ServicePart Three Room ServicePart Four Repairing the TV SetUnit Fifteen Dealing with EmergenciesPart One Guest InjuredPart Two A Sick GuestPart Three A Small FireFood & BeverageUnit Sixteen ReservationsPart One Booking SeatsPart Two Banquet ReservationsPart Three Reserving a Meeting RoomUnit Seventeen Seating GuestsPart One Seating the Guest without a ReservationPart Two Seating the Guest with a ReservationUnit Eighteen Chinese Food ServicePart One Chinese FoodPart Two Chinese Restaurant ServicePart Three Ordering DrinksPart Four Serving the DishesUnit Nineteen In the Coffee ShopPart One At Dinner TimePart Two A Buffet BreakfastPart Three A Continental BreakfastPart Four An American BreakfastUnit Twenty At the BarPart One Chinese Liquors and WinesPart Two Mixing CocktailUnit Twenty - one Room ServicePart One Ordering Room ServicePart Two Sending the Room Service OrderUnit Twenty -two Ways of PayingPart One Signing the BillPart Two Paying by Credit Card.Part Three Explaining the BillPart Four Explaining the Credit LimitUnit Twenty-three Guest ComplaintsPart One Changing a DishPart Two Complaining about the DishesUnit Twenty- four A Birthday PartyShoppingUnit Twenty -five At the Textile and Knitwear CounterPart One Buying Chinese Silk FabricsPart Two Buying T- shirtsPart Three FashionUnit Twenty -six At the Jewelry and Crafts CounterPart One Recommending Traditional Chinese CraftsPart Two JewelryPart Three Recommending Typical Chinese ToysUnit Twenty- seven At the Medicine and FoodstuffDepartmentPart One Chinese TeaPart Two Chinese Medicine and TonicsPart Three Chinese Local Flavor FoodUnit Twenty - eight At the Chinese Arts and StationeryDepartmentPart One Chinese Seal Cutting, Calligraphy and PaintingsPart Two The Four Treasures of StudyPart Three Packaging and ShippingHealth and RecreationUnit Twenty -nine At the Health CenterPart One Talking about Health Club Facilities.Part Two SaunaPart Three At the Indoor Swimming PoolUnit Thirty In the Beauty SalonPart One At the Barber'sPart Two A Permanent WaveUnit Thirty - one RecreationPart One At the Ball RoomPart Two Karaoke BarPart Three MahjongPart Four BowlingEnglish Test at Intermediate LevelAppendix I useful English Abbreviations For HotelsAppendix II 180 Useful Sentences For FotelsAppendix III Key to Listening Exercises (Tape Script)



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