
出版時間:1999-1  出版社:中國旅游出版社  作者:常振國 編  頁數(shù):130  


13世紀(jì)中葉,一位英俊的西方少年歷盡艱辛從威尼斯來到太平洋西岸、亞洲東方的中國,他的目光里充滿了對這片迷人土地的好奇和摯愛。他以客座官員身份在這里逗留了17年之后,回到了他的故鄉(xiāng),撰寫了4卷229章的《馬可·波羅行紀(jì)》, 轟動了整個歐洲,膾炙人口,經(jīng)久流傳,編織著幾百年來西方友人的東方之夢。




插圖:   Chinese people was formed duringthose long, hard centuries by the chal-lenge of their environment and by the driving need to conqucr whatever in itcould be ordcred and conquered. To come to some understanding ofChinese civilization we have to consider the physical context in which the people lived fiom earliest times. Spectacular is aword that is inescapable when we look at the astonishing variety of landscapeand at the environs of China's two great rivers, the Yellow and the Yangtze, as they churn through segments of thecountry-rather like two great Nile rivers, cache as powerful and pregnant withhuman destiny as Egypt's Nile proveditself to be in the course of that country's history. Just as the need tocontrol the rivers and thus the watersupply for agriculture induced early Chi-nose inventions in hydraulics, so did thegreat swathe of yellow loess soil that deeply blankets mulch of the course andsurrounding regions of the Yellow River.It facilitated the start of human civilization in the country; its fertile nature andfriability effected other inventions. To prevent wind and rain from blowing thissoil away, and in order to plant and wa-ter the crops on it, hills of yellow earthwere laboriously terraced, and water di-rected into each slip of land fbllowingthe contours of the slopes.


《壯麗中華(英文版)》:THERE IS GREAT REASON WHY CHINA IScalled the Middle Kingdom and its Chinesecharacter is a globe. For if the earth truly hasan origin——from the sweeping sands of the GobiDesert, to the 29,000 foot peak of Mt. Everest, to thelush, palm tree-lined shores of the Wanquan Riverand the sun-drenched tropical beaches of the HainanProvince——China would be it. Yet this book, andChina itself, is about much more than a beautifullandscape. China's nearly 1.2 billion people is thelargest population in the world, and with a writtenlanguage almost 4,000 years old and 56 recognizedethnic groups, its richness lies in the history anddiversity of the people and their interdependence withtheir surroundings: the people's development of fileland, and the land's inspiration of the people. Thisunique, oversize volume celebrates the many splen-dors of China, and features 180 magnificent-colorphotographs, including 36 pages of foldouts in whicheach image expands to nearly four feet wide.Since Marco Polo first returned from the Far East in1295 with exotic treasures and wondrous stories,China has been a land of great fascination to the West.Spectacular China captures all of the fantastic andintriguing natural wonders——the breath-takingHuangshan Mountains and mist-wrapped peaks ofGuilin; the Golden Summit ofMt. Emei; the 3,400mile Yangtze River that is known as China's "sourceof wealth" and is the longest river in Asia; snowcovered Tibetan peaks; the towering precipicesof Qutang Gorge along the Yangtze River; andHangzhou's quiet, lotus filled West Lake. The rangeof visual treasures is as expansive as the 3.7 millionsquare miles of China itself.  The people's impression on the land is just as signifi-cant-from the imperial and ancient, to the modernmetropolises, Spectacular China explores the majestyand mystery of China. Imperial treasures includethe formidable, palatial halls of the Forbidden City;the seven ancient capitals ofAnyang, Xi'an, Luoyang,Kaifeng, Nanjing, Beijing, and Hangzhou; andthe 6,000 life-size terra cotta warriors of the secondcentury B.c. Emperor Qin Shi Huang's army.Lke a timeline through the country, the works ofthe Chinese have truly become part of the landscape——from the 1,056 mile Grand Canal built in the fifthcentury B.c. to connect Beijing and Hangzhou; theGreat Wall of China, the world's largest engineeringand building project stretching nearly 1,500 mileswith sections dating back to the fourth century B.c.;the gilded Buddha in the Hall of Matreya standingnearly nine stories tall and the six foot Buddha inYufo Temple carved from one solid piece of jade; theTemple of Heaven in Beijing; the world famousSummer Palace built in 1750 and its imperial gardens;and the timeless terraced fields of Guangxi; to thecosmopolitan streets of Hong Kong; steel mills andinternational port of Shanghai; and the dazzlingfireworks over the Chinese capital of Beijing onChinese New Year.



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