出版時間:2006-7 出版社:地圖出版社 作者:本書 頁數:283
《中國地圖集(英文)》主要內容:Since it was established in 1954, SinoMaps Press has published various editions of the atlas of China. The 2006 edition Atlas of China, compiled with digital mapping technique and the latest data available, is an important reference book for a general study of China and its geographical background.The Atlas consists of three parts: the introductory maps, the provincial maps. and the place-name index.The introductory maps comprise 17 thematic maps. which supply the general information of China as a whole, from the aspects of natural, cultural, social, and economical environment.Specifically there are maps of administrative divisions, ethnic groups, population, topography, climate, river system, adjacent sea areas, mineral resources, land cover, environmental protection, communications, and tourist resources, etc.The provincial maps are the main part of the atlas, which includes 34 geographical maps of province-level units, 4 enlarged regional maps. and 39 maps of major cities with captions. The provincial geographical maps reflect in details the administrative territory, physical geography, settlement distribution, communications and tourism of the administrative areas concerned. The maps of major cities give a clear view of the major streets, public services and tourist attractions in the city. The captions give a brief account of the administrative evolution, natural environment, natural resources, economic development and tourism in each administrative area at provincial level. Together these informative captions and beautifully made maps form a good combination.The index includes about 23,000 place names shown on the 34 provincial maps. Each entry includes the name, the abbreviation of administrative division, a page number and a grid reference.
Satellite ImageGeographical LocationAdministrative DivisionsEthnic GroupsPopulationReliefClimate ( I )Annual average TemperatureAverage Temperature,Jan.,Apr.,Jul.,OctClimate ( II )Annual PrecipitationPrecipitation, Jan.,Apr.,Jul.,Oct. River SystemLand CoverMineral ResourcesEnvironmental ProtectionCommunications ( I )Communications ( II )Tourist ResourcesBo Hal,Yellow Sea & East China SeaSouth China SeaBeijing MunicipalityDowntown BeijingBeijingTianjin MunicipalityDowntown TianjinTianjin & TangguHebei ProvinceShijiazhuangBo Hal Coastal RegionShanxi ProvinceTaiyuanNei Mongol (Inner Mongolia) Autonomous RegionHohhotLiaoning ProvinceShenyangJilin ProvinceChangchunHeilongjiang Province HarbinShanghai Municipality Downtown ShanghaiShanghaiJiangsu ProvinceNanjingZhejiang ProvinceHangzhouChangjiang (Yangtze R.) DeltaAnhui ProvinceHefeiFujian ProvinceFuzhouJiangxi ProvinceNanchangShandong ProvinceJinanHenan ProvinceZhengzhouHubei ProvinceWuhanHunan ProvinceChangshaGuangdong ProvinceGuangzhouZhujiang DeltaGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionNanningHainan ProvinceHaikouChongqing MunicipalityDowntown ChongqingChongqingSichuan ProvinceChengduChengdu-Chongqing RegionGuizhou ProvinceGuiyangYunnan ProvinceKunmingXizang (Tibet) Autonomous RegionLhasaShaanxi ProvinceXi'anGansu ProvinceLanzhouQinghai ProvinceXiningNingxia Hui Autonomous RegionYinchuanXinjiang Uygur Autonomous RegionUrumqiHong Kong SARNorthern Hong Kong IslandHong Kong Island·KowloonMacau SARMacau PeninsulaTaiwan ProvinceTaipeiIndex