
出版時間:2011-10  出版社:測繪出版社  作者:張西光 等編著  




1 Introduction
 1.1 Definition of Geodesy
 1.2 Classification of Geodesy
 1.3 Aim of Geodesy
 1.4 Historical Introduction
 1.5 Recent Developments of Space Geodesy
2 Reference System
 2.1 Time Systems
 2.2 International Earth Rotation Service
 2.3 Celestial Reference System
 2.4 Terrestrial Reference System
 2.5 Gravity Field Related Reference Systems
3 Methods of Measurement in Geodesy
 3.1 Terrestrial Geodetic Measurements
 3.2 Satellite Observations
 3.3 Gravity Measurements
 3.4 Astronomic Measurements
4 Geodetic Networks
 4.1 Horizontal Control Networks
 4.2 Vertical Contr01 Networks
 4.3 Three.dimensional Networks
 4.4 Gravity Networks
5 The gravity field of the Earth
 5.1 Fundamentals of the Gravity Field
 5.2 Level Surfaces and Plumb Lines


版權(quán)頁:插圖:Geodetic astronomy is based on spherical astronomy.Its importance has decreased since the development of efficient satellite positioning and gravimetric methods and is now restricted to more local applications of gravity field(plumb line direction)and azimuth determinations.On the other hand,radio waves emitted from extragalactic sources are used extensively in order to derive base line vectors between fundamental terrestrial stations and to determine earth-rotation parameters:Very Long Baseline Interferometry.The determination of astronomic latitude,longitude and azimuth is based on the relations given in geodetic astronomy,where the star positions are given by star catalogues.We ignore here the methods,such as Horrebow-Talcott method,developed in geodetic astronomy.Observations of extragalactic radio sources such as quasars,can provide the geodetic information to determine the vector separations between the antennas of two widely separated radio telescopes.The components of the vector are its length and direction.To accomplish this,it is necessary to measure very accurately the difference in the time of arrival,recorded at the two antennas,of a particular wavefront from a given(point)source of radio radiation.The phenomena called interference,in Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI),is produced by electronically superimposing the recorded signals to produce a resultant disturbance or“interference”pattern.The theoretical expression for the relative phase delay shows it to be a function of the source direction,the antenna locations,the relative clock error between the two sites,the time of day,the model atmosphere employed,the earth’S tidal parameters,the radio frequency at which the observation is made,etc.Proper account must also be taken of the earth’S rotation.Two of the main limiting factors in the VLBI technique are clock stability and atmospheric variations.A major goal of VLBI is to reduce the uncertainty in intercontinental baselines to the centimeter level.





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