
出版時(shí)間:2011-3  出版社:王建捷、 等 氣象出版社 (2011-03出版)  作者:王建捷  頁(yè)數(shù):145  




PrefaceExecutive SummaryPart Ⅰ.Summary Report of the Project1 Background, Rationale and Goals of the project2 Participating Systems and Executive Organization3 Implementation the of B08FDP4 Discussions and ConclusionsAppendix A.Product List of the B08FDPAppendix B.Milestones of the WWRP B08FDPPart Ⅱ. Summary Reports of ParticipantsSummary Report on BJANC and VDRASSummary Report on CARDSSummary Report on GRAPES-SWIFTSummary Report on MAPLESummary Report on NIWOTSummary Report on STEPSSummary Report on SWIRLSSummary Report on TIFSSummary Report on B08FDP Data EnvironmentSummary Report on RTFV and VerificationSummary Report on Social and Economic Impact Assessment


版權(quán)頁(yè):插圖:Severe squalls——the sub-system for downburstfsqualls nowcasting is called BLAAST(Buoyancy contribution and Loading effect of rain water to Air parcel Acceleration in SquallyThunderstorms). The conceptual model adopted here refers to the descending forces thatcreate a downburst, namely the combined effect of negative buoyancy as a result of evapora-tive cooling of falling rain drops and the water loading effect on an air parcel. The lattereffect manifested itself under radar surveillance as the vertically integrated liquid water, aquantity readily available from typical radar processing software (Yeung et al. 2008, 2009).Hail——the hail nowcasting sub-system is called BRINGO (Buoyancy-supported RimedIce Nugget and Graupel Overhang). Its design was based on the automatic detection of over-hanging intense radar echoes, typically found in hailstorms as a result of strong inflow andbuoyancy in the riming process for ice or graupel (Yeung et al. 2009).





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