
出版時間:2006-9  出版社:氣象出版社  作者:馬小梅  頁數(shù):118  


  《預(yù)報(bào)員服務(wù)英語》共有19個單元,基本上每單元分三個部分,但有些單元則根據(jù)內(nèi)容分為兩個部分?! 〉谝徊糠质翘鞖饨榻B,內(nèi)容覆蓋如何接聽天氣咨詢電話、發(fā)送天氣要素傳真、發(fā)布短時預(yù)警和短期天氣預(yù)報(bào)、介紹奧運(yùn)會帆船賽天氣等。本部分側(cè)重于使讀者掌握基本的天氣預(yù)報(bào)和服務(wù)用語,積累必需的氣象英語詞匯和表達(dá)方式,達(dá)到基本交流的目的。  第二部分與第三部分難度較大,包括北京氣候、紫外輻射、氣象與體育、天氣展望、天氣會商,以及發(fā)布災(zāi)害性、突發(fā)性天氣預(yù)警信息,中英文預(yù)報(bào)翻譯等內(nèi)容。這兩部分試圖讓讀者了解國外的氣象預(yù)報(bào)、服務(wù)現(xiàn)狀,掌握一些復(fù)雜的語言點(diǎn)和表達(dá)方式,熟悉天氣事件詮釋所需的英語表達(dá),并能進(jìn)行較為完整的英語天氣會商和服務(wù)。


序前言Unit OnePart 1 Answering a Phone CallPart 2 The Climate of BeijingUnit TwoPart 1 Weather Briefing at the VenuePart 2 The Olympic GamesPart 3 Celsius and Fahrenheit ConversionUnit ThreePart 1 Receiving and Sending a FaxPart 2 About Ultraviolet RadiationPart 3 The Kyoto ProtocolUnit FourPart 1 Detailed Weather ForecastPart 2 Weather and SportsPart 3 What is the Air Quality Index?Unit FivePart 1 Australia WeatherPart 2 Sports Weather RulesPart 3 Key Factors in Short-term Wind ForecastingUnit SixPart 1 Olympic Daily Weather ForecastPart 2 The Influence of Weather on SportsUnit SevenPart 1 The Introduction of Beijing Meteorological BureauPart 2 August Weather Report-September 05, 2000Unit EightPart 1 Opportunity Weather Report, July 6thPart 2 Weather OutlookPart 3 Wind Force ScaleUnit NinePart 1 Weather Report StudyPart 2 Customer RelationsUnit TenPart 1 Olympic Sailing Weather ForecastPart 2 Whether the Weather will Deliver?Part 3 What Sailors Want?Unit ElevenPart 1 Study on Releasing a ForecastPart 2 Monthly Summary and ForecastUnit TwelvePart 1 Cold Front Causes Mercury to PlummetPart 2 Metaphor in Weather EnglishPart 3 TranslationUnit ThirteenPart 1 Weather Online(1)Part 2 Northwest Pounding Persists; Snow, Storms in SouthPart 3 TranslationUnit FourteenPart 1 Weather Online(2)Part 2 Weather ProverbsPart 3 TranslationUnit FifteenPart 1 Forecast DiscussionPart 2 TranslationUnit SixteenPart 1 A Dust StormPart 2 Tropical Storm BETA DiscussionUnit SeventeenReading Material:Heavy Rain EventsUnit EighteenPart 1 Samples for Severe Weather WarningPart 2 High Temperature AlertUnit NineteenListening Comprehension 1Listening Comprehension 2Listening Comprehension 3Listening Comprehension 4……Appendix A 翻譯練習(xí)答案Appendix B 預(yù)報(bào)翻譯Appendix C 預(yù)報(bào)員常用英語表達(dá)Appendix D 單位、職銜規(guī)范譯法Appendix E 聽力腳本



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