第二次青藏高原大氣科學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)研究=The Second Tibetan Plateau Experiment of Atmospheric Sciences

出版時(shí)間:2002-12  出版社:氣象出版社  作者:陶詩(shī)言等 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):236  


Chapter 1 Boundary Layer and Parameterization  Dynamical Effect of Boundary Layer Characteristics of Tibetan Plateau on General Circulation  Composite Physical Mode of Land-Air Process near Surface and Boundary Layer on Tibetan Plateau  Characteristics of Surface Fluxes in Western Area of Tibetan Plateau  A Dynamic Study on PBL Characteristics by Using'98 SCSMEX and TIPEX Data  Study on Structure of Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Tibetan Plateau  The Tubulent Characteristics in the Surface Layer over Gerze Area in the Qinghai-Xizang PlateauChapter 2 Land-Atmosphere Proceses and Water Vapor /Energy  The Relationship Between Water Vapor Transport Features of Tibetan Plateau-Monsoon“Large Triangle Affecting Region”and Abnormal Drougth-flood of China  The Energy Imbalances Observed in Tibetan Plateau and Mougolian Plateau  Surface Flux Measurements in GAME-Tibet 1998  Determination of Regional Land Surface Heat Flux Densities for Tibetan Plateau Area……Chapter 3 Land surface Hydrological ProcesesChapter 4 Plateau Scale Circulation and PrecipitationChapter 5 Impact of Plateau on Heavy RainfallChapter 6 Plateau and Asia MonsoonChapter 7 Data Analysis



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