
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:化學(xué)工業(yè)  作者:李佳  頁數(shù):181  




PART ONE  FRONT DESK SERVICES  Unit 1 Reservation ?  1 Accepting a Reservation ?  2 The Hotel is fully Booked ?  3 Changing the Reservation Date ?  4 Cancelling the Reservation  Unit 2  Check?in ?  1 Checking in for the Guest with Reservation ?  2 Checking in for the Guest without Reservation ?  3 Checking in for a Group ?  4 No Reservation and the Hotel is fully Booked  Unit 3  Calling Service    1 Paging a Guest ?  2 Calling for the Guest ?  3 Leaving a Message ?  4 Placing Morning Calls  Unit 4  Exchanging Money ?  1 Normal Procedure ?  2 The Night Change Limits ?  3 Cash a Check ?  4 There’s No Full Exchange Service  Unit 5  Delivering Luggage ?  1 At the Door ?  2 After Checking in ?  3 Arriving at the Room ?  4 Delivering Bags to the Wrong Room ?  5 Before Checking out  Unit 6  Information ?  1 Giving Directions to the Hotel ?  2 Giving Information ?  3 Introducing about Entertainment in the Hotel ?  4 About the Restaurants ?  5 Where to Buy some Cigarettes  Unit 7  Check?out ?  1 Paying in Cash ?  2 Paying with Credit Cards ?  3 Explaining the Bill ?  4 The Hotel Doesn’t Accept Personal Checks  Unit 8  Other Services ?  1 Greeting an Arriving Guest ?  2 Depositing Bags ?  3 Delivering Letters for the Guests ?  4 When the Guests Want the Keys ?  5 Booking a Plane Ticket PART TWO  HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES  Unit 1  Floor Attendants ?  1 Showing the Guests to their Rooms ?  2 Introducing the Room Facilities ?  3 About the Hotel Services  Unit 2  Chamber Service     1 Cleaning the Room ?  2 Asking for an Early Cleaning ?  3 Turn?down Service  Unit 3  Laundry Service ?  1 Explaining Laundry Service ?  2 Demanding Laundry Service ?  3 Suggesting Express Laundry Service  Unit 4  Miscellaneous Services ?  1 Providing Something Extra on Request ?  2 Shopping for Guests ?  3 About Room Service  Unit 5  Special Problems ?  1 Babysitting Service ?  2 Compensation ?  3 A Sick Guest  Unit 6  Dealing with the Complaints ?  1 Toilet Problem ?  2 Television Problem ?  3 The Air Conditioner is out of Work ?  4 People Next Door are Noisy  Unit 7  Lost and Found ?  1 My Necklace is Missing ?  2 When the Guest has Checked out ?  3 Mailing the Lost Property to its Owner ?  4 Your Bag has been Found  Unit 8  Creating a Home away From Home ?  1 A Birthday Party ?  2 A Big Surprise ?  3 Wish You a Pleasant Heart PART THREE  FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES  Unit 1  Reserving a Table ?  1 A Reservation for Mrs?Dunlop ?  2 Reserving a Banquet ?  3 Overbooking  Unit 2  Seating Guests ?  1 Seating the Guest with a Reservation ?  2 Seating the Guest without a Reservation ?  3 We Want a Larger Lazy Susan  Unit 3  Taking Orders ?  1 Taking a la Carte Order ?  2 Ordering Dinner for Two ?  3 Ordering Breakfast  Unit 4  Serving Dishes ?  1 A Chinese Banquet ?  2 In the Coffee Shop ?  3 At the Bar  Unit 5  Room Service ?  1 Replenishing the Mini?Bar ?  2 Ordering Room Service ?  3 Sending the Ordered Meal to the Guest’s Room   Unit 6  Catering for Guests ?  1 Having Birthday in China ?  2 Enjoying Moon Cakes ?  3 Arranging Special Food  Unit 7  Complaints ?  1 Complaining about Dish ?  2 We are in a Hurry ?  3 Wrong Bill  Unit 8  Ways of Payment ?  1 Paying by Cash ?  2 Paying with the Credit Card ?  3 Signing the Bill PART FOUR  AUXILIARY SERVICES  Unit 1 Services for Business ?  1 Copying ?  2 Fax Sending ?  3 Sending E?mail ?  4 Typing  Unit 2  Services for Meeting and Exhibition ?  1 Booking a Meeting ?  2 Arranging the Meeting Room ?  3 Booking an Exhibition ?  4 Handling the Urgent Needs  Unit 3  Services for Health ?  1 Swimming ?  2 Sauna Bath ?  3 Bowling ?  4 Body Building  Unit 4  Services for Recreation ?  1 Night Club ?  2 Dancing ?  3 Seeing a Movie ?  4 Comment on Sports  Unit 5  Services for Beauty ?  1 Having a Hair Cut ?  2 Having a Hair Done ?  3 Having a Hair Dyed ?  4 Having a Facial Treatment  Unit 6  Services for Shopping ?  1 Choosing Silk Fabrics ?  2 Chinese Culture and Tea ?  3 Choosing Souvenir Gift ?  4 Choosing Traditional Chinese Paintings  Unit 7  Services for Tourism ?  1 Asking Information about Traveling ?  2 Asking about the Sights ?  3 Reserving a Natural Scenery Tour ?  4 Arranging the Itinerary  Unit 8  Other Services ?  1 Seeing the Doctor    2 Ordering a Taxi ?  3 Charging for Children ?  4 A Guest with Animals AppendixⅠ A Welcome Letter from the Hotel Manger AppendixⅡ Online Booking AppendixⅢ Chinese Cuisine AppendixⅣ Western Cuisine AppendixⅤ Terms of Room Services Reference


  前言  隨著我國旅游事業(yè)的飛速發(fā)展,越來越多的外國游客來到我們這個擁有五千年歷史的文明古國。作為窗口行業(yè),飯店業(yè)發(fā)展迅速,各家飯店對工作人員的外語水平要求也越來越高,而英語是世界上最活躍的交際語言,所以學(xué)好《飯店英語》顯得尤為重要。本書注重用簡潔的英語進行編寫,共分四個部分——前臺服務(wù)(李佳編)、客房服務(wù)(王薇編)、餐飲服務(wù)(王麗華編)和其他服務(wù)(劉雅婧編),系統(tǒng)地介紹了飯店各個部門的工作,并詳細(xì)地總結(jié)了飯店服務(wù)中可能遇到的各種情形。本教材注重口語訓(xùn)練,通過本教材的講解宜于學(xué)生應(yīng)用能力的培養(yǎng),本教材中列舉了大量需要背誦、模仿的句型,通過進行角色表演可訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的聽力和口語能力。此外,通過反復(fù)大量的練習(xí),可熟練掌握飯店管理中的常用英語語句。避免用教精讀的辦法教口語,更不要糾纏語法和詞法。在編寫過程中,我們參閱了有關(guān)書籍,力求達(dá)到通俗、易懂、全面、實用,使教材更貼近現(xiàn)在飯店服務(wù)的需要,但由于時間所限,難免存在不妥之處,誠懇希望使用者提出寶貴意見,以便再版時補充提高。本書編者衷心希望這本《飯店英語》能夠幫助廣大旅游專業(yè)學(xué)生以及有志于從事和現(xiàn)已從事旅游服務(wù)工作的人員學(xué)習(xí)和使用英語,爭取早日提高技能,做好飯店及旅游服務(wù)管理工作。本書在編寫過程中得到了河北旅游職業(yè)學(xué)院各級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的大力支持,同時本書的主審?fù)鯇W(xué)藝先生以及參編教師王麗萍、王秀芳也給予了我們很多的幫助,謹(jǐn)在此一并表示感謝?! 【幷摺 ?007年1月



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