出版時間:2005-4 出版社:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社 作者:弗里德 頁數(shù):582
CONTENTSPREFACEPREFACETO FIRST EDITIONACKNOWLEDGMENTS1 INTRODUCTION TO POL YMER SCIENCE1.1 Classification of Polymers1.2 Polymer Structure1.3 Molecular Weight1.4 Chemical Structure and Thermal Transitions2 POLYMER SYNTHESIS2.1 Step-Growth Polymerization2.2 Chain-Growth Polymerization2.3 Polymerization Techniques2.4 Reactions of Synthetic Polymers2.5 Special Topics in Polymer Synthesis2.6 Chemical Structure Determination3 CONFORMATION,SOLUTIONS,AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT3.1 Polymer Conformation and Chain Dimensions3.2 Thermodynamics of Polymer Solutions3.3 Measurement of Molecular Weight4 SOLID-ST ATE PROPERTIES4.1 The Amorphous State4.2 The Crystalline State4.3 Thermal Transititons and Properties4.4 Mechanical Properties5 VISCOELASTICITY AND RUBBER ELASTICITY5.1 Introduction to Viscoelasticity5.2 Introduction to Rubber Elasticity6 POLYMER DEGRADATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT6.1 Polymer Degradation and Stability6.2 The Management of Plastics in the Environment7 ADDITIVES,BLENDS,AND COMPOSITES7.1 Additives7.2 Polymer Blends and Interpenetrating Networks7.3 Introduction to Polymer Composites8 BIOPOLYMERS,NATURAL POLYMERS,AND FIBERS8.1 Biopolymers and Other Naturally Occurring Polymers8.2 Fibers9 THERMOPLASTICS,ELASTOMERS,AND THERMOSETS9.1 Commodity Thermoplastics9.2 Elastomers9.3 Thermosets10 ENGINEERING AND SPECIALTY POLYMERS10.1 Engineering Thermoplastics10.2 Specialty Polymers11 POLYMER PROCESSING AND RHEOLOGY11.1 Basic Processing Operations11.2 Introduction to Polymer Rheology11.3 Analysis of Simple Flows11.4 Rheometry11.5 Modeling of Polymer Processing Operations12 POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES12.1 Membrane Science and Technology12.2 Biomedical Engineering and Drug Delivery12.3 Applications in Electronics12.4 Photonic PolymersAPPENDICESINDEX