
出版時間:2005-1  出版社:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社  作者:周小儒  頁數(shù):103  




contentslesson one1 part i text1mona lisa’s smile1 part ii words and expressions4 part iii reading comprehension6lesson two8 part i text8chinese painting8 part ii words and expressions 12 part iii reading comprehension13lesson three15 part i text15the palace museum: a general survey15 part ii words and expressions20 part iii reading comprehension21lesson four23 part i text23parthenon temple23 part ii words and expressions27 part iii reading comprehension28lesson five30 part i text30the sculpture of auguste rodin30 part ii words and expressions33 part iii reading comprehension34lesson six36 part i text36small worlds: the art of the carte de visite36 part ii words and expressions40 part iii reading comprehension41lesson seven43 part i text43adculture comes a-knocking43 part ii words44 part iii reading comprehension45lesson eight47 part i text47the art of chinese dance47 part ii words and expressions49 part iii reading comprehension49lesson nine51 part i text51talents of



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