
出版時(shí)間:1999-6-1  出版社:第1版 (1999年1月1日)  作者:鐘理  頁數(shù):175  字?jǐn)?shù):279000  




PART 1 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING  Unit 1 Text: Environmental Engineering  Unit 2 Text: Historical Overview of Hazardous Substance Disposal in the USA  Unit 3 Text: Energy Ezploration and Environment  Unit 4 Text: Enviromnental AnalysisPART 2 AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL  Unit 5 Text: Type and Sources of Air Pollutants[Ⅰ]  Unit 6 Text: Effects on Climate and Ecological Envirnment[Ⅱ]  Unit 7 Text: Conventional Technology of Air Pollution Control  Unit 8 Text: New Technology of Air Pollution Control[Ⅰ]  Unit 9 Text: Others[Ⅰ]PART 3 WATER POLLUTION AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT  Unit 10 Text: Water Pollution and Pollutants  Unit 11 Text: Pollution of Inland Water Supply——Water Quality Requirements  Unit 12 Text: Water Purification  Unit 13 Text: water Treatment ProcessesPART 4 SOLID WASTES AND DISPOSAL  Unit 14 Text: S9ources and Types of Solid Wastes  Unit 15 Text: Everybody’s Problems——Hazardous Waste  Unit 16 Text: Methods of Waste Disposal[Ⅰ]  Unit 17 Text: Materials RecoveryPART 5 OTHER POLLUTION AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES  Unit 18 Text: Sound and Noise  Unit 19 Text: Noies Control  Unit 20 Text: Energy Consumption and Pollution  Unit 21 Text: Thermal PollutionPART 6 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT  Unit 22 Text: Summary of EIA  Unit 23 Text: Impact of Wastiwater Effluents on Water Qualiy of River  Unit 24 Text: Environmental Impact Assessment of Air Quality  Unit 25 Text: Impact Assessment of NoisePART 7 ABSTRACT, ADVERTISEMENT, INSTRUCTION AND PATENT  Unit 26 Text: Patent and Chemical Abstract  Unit 27 Text: Merchandise-Silling and Help Wanted Advertisements  Unit 28 Text: The Instruction about a CD-525E  Unit 29 Text: Patent GLOSSARY



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