出版時(shí)間:1998-9-1 出版社:化學(xué)工業(yè) 作者:胡鳴,劉霞 頁(yè)數(shù):263
PART 1 CHEMICAL PROCESS INDUSTRY Unit 1 Chemical Industry Unit 2 Research and Development Unit 3 Typical Activities of Chemical Engineers Unit 4 Sources of ChemicalsPART 2 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES Unit 5 Basic Chemicals Unit 6 Chlor-Alkali and Related Processes Unit 7 Ammonia,Nitric Acid and Urea Unit 8 Petroleum Processing Unit 9 PolymersPART 3 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Unit 10 What Is Chemical Engineering? Unit 11 Chemical and Process Thermodynamics Unit 12 What Do We Mean by Transport Phenomena? Unit 13 Unit Pperations in Chemical Engineering Unit 14 Distillation Unit 15 Solven Extraction,Leaching and Adsorption Unit 16 Evaporation,Crystallization and Drying Unit 17 Chemical Reaction EngineeringPART 4 FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Unit 18 Chemical Engineering Modeling Unit 19 Introduction to Process Design Unit 20 Material Science and Chemical Engineering Unit 21 Chemical Industry and EnvironmentAPPENDIXES Appendix 1 Reading and Searching a Patent Appendix 2 Design Infmation and Data Appendix 3 化學(xué)化工常用構(gòu)詞 Appendix 4 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds Appendix 5 總詞匯表
4.ManufacturingChemical engineers occupy a central position in manufacturing (or "operations" or"production," as it is called in some companies). Plant technical service groups are responsible forthe technical aspects of running an efficient and safe plant. They run capacity and performance testson the plant to determine where the bottlenecks are in the equipment, and then design modificationsand additions to remove these bottlenecks.Chemical engineers study ways to reduce operating costs by saving energy, cutting rawmaterial consumption, and reducing production~~ of off-specification products that requirereprocessing. They study ways to improve product quality and reduce environmental pollution ofboth air and water.In addition to serving in plant technical service, many engineers have jobs as operatingsupervisors. These supervisors are responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day operation of theplant, including supervising the plant operators who run the plant round the clock on a three-shiftbasis, meeting quality specifications, delivering products at agreed-upon times and in agreed-uponquantities, developing and maintaining inventories of equipment spare parts, keeping the plant wellmaintained, making sure safe practices are followed, avoiding excessive emissions into the localenvironment, and serving as spokespersons for the plant to the local community.5.Technical SalesMany chemical engineers find stimulating and profitable careers in technical sales. As withother sales positions, the work involves calling on customers, making recommendations onparticular products to fill customer's needs, and being sure that orders are handled smoothly. Thesales engineer is the company's representative and must know the company's product line well. Thesales engineer's ability to sell can greatly affect the progress and profitability of the company.The marketing of many chemicals requires a considerable amount of interaction betweenengineers in the company producing the chemical and engineers in the company using the chemical.This interaction can take the form of advising on how to use a chemical or developing a newchemical in order to solve a specific problem of a customer.
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