
出版時間:2011-1  出版社:冶金工業(yè)  作者:殷瑞鈺  頁數(shù):328  


Metallurgical Process Engineering discusses large-scale integrated theory on the level of manufacturing production processes, putting forward concepts for exploring non-equilibrium and irreversible complex system. It emphasizes the dynamic and orderly operation of the steel plant manufacturing process, the major elements of which are the flow, process network and program. The book aims at establishing a quasi-continuous and continuous process system for improving several techno-economic indices, minimizing dissipation and enhancing the market competitiveness and sustainability of steel plants. The book is intended for engineers, researchers and managers in the fields of metallurgical engineering, industrial design, and process engineering. Prof. Ruiyu Yin is honorary president of the Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, China, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.


殷瑞鈺(Yin Ruiyu),1935年7月生于江蘇蘇州。中國著名鋼鐵冶金專家。1957年畢業(yè)于北京鋼鐵學院(現(xiàn)北京科技大學),1994年當選為巾同工程院首批院士。歷任唐山鋼鐵公司總工程師、副經(jīng)理,河北省冶金廳廳長,冶金工業(yè)部總工程師、副部長,鋼鐵研究總院院長,中國工程院化工、冶金與材料學部主任、工程管理學部主任等職,中國金屬學會第五、六、七屆副理事長。曾任國家攀登計劃“熔融還原技術(shù)基礎(chǔ)研究”首席科學家。現(xiàn)任中同工程院主席團成員,鋼鐵研究總院名譽院長,中國金屬學會名譽理事長,北京科技大學、東北大學兼職教授、博導。長期住冶金企業(yè)、科研單位和同家工業(yè)部門從事科技、生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)濟管理和行業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究工作,特別是對20世紀90年代中國鋼鐵工業(yè)技術(shù)進步戰(zhàn)略的判斷、選擇和有序推進做了大量工程技術(shù)和理論研究工作。組織推進了中國連續(xù)鑄鋼,高爐噴吹煤粉,棒、線材連軋等多項關(guān)鍵一共性技術(shù)的全國性突破工作;在理論上提出并闡述了鋼鐵制造流程的多因子物質(zhì)流控制、鋼鐵制造流程解析與集成、鋼鐵廠結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化和發(fā)展模式、鋼鐵工業(yè)與綠色制造等一系列觀點;促進了一大批鋼廠工藝流程結(jié)構(gòu)的優(yōu)化,推動了中國鋼鐵工業(yè)持續(xù)快速發(fā)展。曾獲冶金工業(yè)部(局)科技進步獎一等獎二項,國家科技進步獎二等獎一項。由于住工程技術(shù)和工程科學方面的成就和貢獻,榮獲1998~1999年度中國工程科技獎。2002年當選為日本鋼鐵學會名譽會員。榮獲2008年度何梁何利科技進步獎。


Chapter 1 Steel——the "Material of Choice" 1.1 The Position of Steel among Diverse Materials 1.2 Steel——An Important Basic Material in the Process of Industrialization 1.3 The Rise of the Chinese Steel Industry  1.3.1 The traction of market demand  1.3.2 Correct judgments and choices and the orderly implementation of technological progress strategies  1.3.3 The promotional effect of using international mineral resources and scrap  1.3.4 Domestication of advanced technology and equipment  1.3.5 The coordinating effect of effective investments and a technological progress strategy 1.4 Technological Progress of the Chinese Steel Industry  1.4.1 Continuous casting technology  1.4.2 PCI technology  1.4.3 Technology for the elongation of BF campaigns  1.4.4 Technology for continuous rolling of long products  1.4.5 Comprehensive energy savings by means of production process adjustments  1.4.6 Slag splashing technology for BOFs ,  1.4.7 Summary 1.5 Comparative Superiority, Restrictions and Prospects of the Chinese Steel Industry  1.5.1 Advantages  1.5.2 Restrictions  1.5.3 Prospects of the Chinese steel industry " ReferencesChapter 2 Process Manufacturing Industry and Process Engineering" 2.1 Manufacturing Industry and Its Technological Process 2.2 Process Manufacturing Industry and Equipment Manufacturing Industry 2.3 Manufacturing Process and Process Engineering  2.3.1 Process and manufacturing process  2.3.2 Process engineering  2.3.3 Process engineering and manufacturing process  2.3.4 Connotation and targets of process engineering 2.4 Features of Manufacturing Process  2.4.1 Complexity of manufacturing process  2.4.2 Integrity of manufacturing process 2.5 Classification of Manufacturing Processes  2.5.1 Classification according to functions  2.5.2 Classification according to structures  2.5.3 Classification according to production running modes  2.5.4 Classification according to technological features ReferencesChapter 3 Engineering Science in Steel Manufacturing Process 3.1 Transition of Theory and Engineering Practice for Metallurgical Process  3.1.1 Formation and progress of the fundamental science on metallurgy  3.1.2 Technical science issues in unit device and procedure level of metallurgical process  3.1.3 Formation and progress of metallurgical process engineering .. 3.2 Connotation and Physical Essence of Metallurgical Process Engineering  3.2.1 Multi-level analysis of science  3.2.2 Physical essence of manufacturing process of metallurgy  3.2.3 Targets of the metallurgical process engineering  3.2.4 Research scope and methodology of metallurgical process engineering  3.2.5 The influence of metallorgical process engineering on steel enterprise 3.3 Ken and Topics of Fundamental Research of MetallurgicalEngineering Science References


版權(quán)頁:插圖:In sum, steel is still irreplaceable for the world's primary basic industries and infrastructure and even daily consumption due to its excellent overall properties. The competitiveness of steel in terms of price is also quite obvious. The cost per unit strength of steel compared with those of various structural materials is only 1/4 to 1/5 that of aluminium, ceramics, and carbon materials.  Also, iron ore deposits for the manufacture of steel are available in large quantities and easy to exploit, and steel products are easy to process and recycle. Thus steel will remain as the principal basic material worldwide in the foreseeable future, and will continue to play an active role in the world's social civilization and economic development, especially in China where the national economy is growing at a rapid pace.   In the 21st century, the international steel industry has been paying close attention to the position and role of steel materials and has expressed many views of an evaluating nature. It appears that the opinions of all countries are unanimous in these aspects. A typical opinion is that of the AISI (Kavanagh, Carson, Dasgupta, et al, 1998), which maintains that steel will continue to be the "material of choice".  In China, where the economy is in a period of rapid growth, steel consumption is swiftly increasing in the wake of the country's rapidly developing nationaeconomy and social civilization, the apparent consumption of steel reaching 411.6 million tons in 2007. Relevant studies hold that petroleum, steel, aluminum, and copper are strategic materials for this country and should be given a high degree of attention.





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