出版時(shí)間:2010-4 出版社:何純孝 冶金工業(yè)出版社 (2010-04出版) 作者:何純孝 編 頁數(shù):724
The author's original intention for the compilation of the Chinese edition of themonograph Phase Diagrams of Precious Metal Alloys and Structure Parameters ofPrecious Metals Compounds was to provide for Chinese readers an overall, convenientand high speed searched, and reliable data including alloy phase diagrams and structureparameters of the eight elements of precious metals. This monograph has beenpublished by Metallurgical Industry Press in January 2007.Its publication evoked strong repercussions in the worldwide scientific circles.Academician of Academy of Sciences of China, Professor Liang Jingkui of PhysicalResearch Institute of Academy of Sciences of China, said in his letter to the authors,"this monograph gives an important help for the research workers engaging in theinvestigation on the phase diagrams and metallic materials". Academician of Academyof Engineering of China, Professor Dai Yongnian of Kunming University of Scienceand Technology also said in his letter to the authors ,"the publication of this monographhas great significant for the readers both in China and abroad," and "this monographinvolves detailed and complete data, the selection of which is conscientious, and it hasfull and reliable data." Professor Dai Yongnian said, this monograph could be used asan essential book in their desks of scholars in the scientific circle of phase diagraph,conveniently use it and consult it. Dr. V. Vasekin, academician of the II A and theChief Manager of FSUE NPK "Supermetal", Russia; wrote in his letter to the authors,"the book is just global and of huge interest for experts" and "your monograph is goingto be a practical manual for experts of Supermetal, as well as for many other expertsdeveloping new alloys on the basis of precious metals."
《貴金屬合金相圖及化合物結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)(英文版)》是國內(nèi)外發(fā)表的8種貴金屬元素金(Au)、銀(Ag)、鉑(Pt)、鈀(Pd)、銠(Rh)、銥(Ir)、鋨(Os)和釕(Ru)合金相圖及相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)的薈萃,其中大部分內(nèi)容是經(jīng)過國際相圖委員會(huì)組織專家評(píng)審的,因而具有較高的可靠性。書中包括了8種貴金屬元素的二元、三元、四元、五元及六元系合金相圖及化合物的結(jié)構(gòu)數(shù)據(jù)(包括相名稱、化學(xué)式、晶體結(jié)構(gòu)、結(jié)構(gòu)符號(hào)、結(jié)構(gòu)典型、皮爾遜符號(hào)及晶格參數(shù)等)的同時(shí),提供了詳細(xì)的參考文獻(xiàn)。書中共收入貴金屬合金相圖1080個(gè)體系,2126幅相圖以及3283個(gè)貴金屬金屬間化合物。全書共分5章:第1章是二元系合金相圖;第2章是三元系合金相圖;第3章是高元系合金相圖;第4章是二元化合物的結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù);第5章三元化合物的結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)。每章都有一個(gè)概述,它簡要介紹了相關(guān)的根本概念、研究現(xiàn)狀、發(fā)展趨勢(shì)以及初步總結(jié)的經(jīng)驗(yàn)規(guī)律?! 顿F金屬合金相圖及化合物結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)(英文版)》可供從事貴金屬合金材料研究、開發(fā)、應(yīng)用、設(shè)計(jì)的科技工作者及冶金工作者參考。
1 Phase Diagrams of Precious Metal Binary Alloys1.1 Introduction1.1.1 Fundamental conception and phase diagram theory1.1.2 About the expression of coordinate in phase diagrams1.1.3 The expression of intermediate phases1.1.4 Experimental determination of phase diagrams1.1.5 About the calculation and prediction of phase diagrams1.1.6 About the reliability of phase diagrams1.1.7 The present research situation on phase diagrams of precious metal binary alloys1.1.8 Interactions of precious metals with other elements in the Periodical Table1.1.9 Relationship between types of binary alloy phase diagrams of the elements in group Ⅷ and group IB with Mendeleev number1.1.10 Investigation on phase diagrams of precious metal binary alloys in China1.2 Phase DiagramsReferences2 Phase Diagrams of Precious Metal Ternary Alloys2.1 Introduction2.1.1 Regulations of the constitution of phase diagrams2.1.2 The present research situation on phase diagrams of precious metal ternary alloys and its progress2.2 Phase DiagramsReferences3 Phase Diagrams of Precious Metal Multi-component Alloys3.1 Introduction3.1.1 The basic conceptions and important theory3.1.2 The present research situation of phase diagrams of precious metal multi-component alloys and its progress3.2 Phase DiagramsReferences4 Binary Compounds of Precious Metals and Their Structure Parameters4.1 Introduction4.1.1 Basic concept4.1.2 Compound classification4.1.3 Brief history of the development of intermetallic compounds4.1.4 Intermetallie compounds containing precious metals and their application4.2 Compounds and Their Structure ParametersReferences5 Ternary Compounds of Precious Metals and Their Structure Parameters5.1 Introduction5.2 Compounds and Their Structures ParametersReferencesAppendixesAppendix 1 Conversion of the Mass Percentage to Mole Percentage and Vice Versa for Binary SystemsAppendix 2 Conversion of the Mass Percentage to Mole Percentage and Vice Versa for Ternary SystemsAppendix 3 Conversion of the Mole Percentage to Atom Percentage and Vice Versa for Pseudo-binary SystemsIndex of Phase Diagrams
插圖:one is experimental determinationand the other is calculation method according tocertain physics models. However, up to now there isnot a suitable program which could be universal andeasily applied, whether it is the semi-empiricalcalculation based on the thermodynamic theory model,or the ab inito calculation. Therefore, the experimentaldetermination of phase diagrams is still an importantmethod in the field of construction of phase diagramseven through the theory calculation of phasediagrams is an important developing direction.Liang Jinkui (Liang, 1993) introduced in detail thenormal methods for the construction of phase diagrams(including the preparation of sample, analysis of phaseand thermal analysis).The experimental determinationof phase diagrams consists of dynamic methods (i.e.thermal analysis) and static methods. The former isbased on the determination of the relationship betweenthe physical and chemical properties of a system matterwith temperature according to a certain continuousvariation program of temperature. The thermo-analysisis more suitable to determine the system with faster rateof phase transition. However, the latter is based on theconstant-temperature treatment of samples withdifferent compositions at different temperatures inproper order, then quenching to room temperature.This method is also called cool-quenching method. Itis very important for the static methods to decideweather the equilibrium of the sample is reached atgiven temperature. The other factors to inference themeasurement are the composition, temperature-gradient, and surface action as additional variables.Of cause thermodynamic measurements (such ascalorimetry and equilibrium method) also could beused to determine phase diagrams. However, inmost cases these methods could not obtain phasediagram as other methods do. Because of it relateswith thermodynamic calculation. It is an importanttool for the determination of phase diagrams. In the normal methods for the determination ofphase diagrams, the preparation of samples is a keyproblem. Robert D. Shull of the National Bureau ofStandards, USA, discussed the phase diagram samplepreparation in 1983 (Robert, 1983). He pointed outthat three key elements require attention.
《貴金屬合金相圖及化合物結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)(英文版)》:Phase Diagram,s" q/Preciou,s" Metal Alloys and Structure Paradmeters of Pre cious Metal Compounds collected the alloy phase diagrams of the eight ele ments of precious metals (platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium, gold and silver), and the structure parameters of the precious metal compounds reported before 1996 and assessed or corrected before 2007 (including 2007), the achievements reported by researchers in China before2007 were also involved in it. 1109 systems, 1662 phase diagrams of preciousmetal alloys and 3722 precious metal compounds were included in the book.The book is intended for the researchers, engineers and designers on the precious metal alloy subject.He Chunxiae is the winner of this Special Allowance by the State Council of P.R.China. He Chunxiao and Li Guanfang are professors of Kunming Institute of Precious Metals, China.
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