
出版時間:2008-6  出版社:冶金工業(yè)出版社  作者:中國有色金屬學會編 編  頁數(shù):317  字數(shù):499000  


《鉑族金屬在現(xiàn)代工業(yè)氫能源和未來生活領(lǐng)域里的應(yīng)用:第三屆國際貴金屬會議論文集(英文版)》主要內(nèi)容:Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Precious Metals Platinum Metals in the Modern Industry,Hydrogen Energy and Life Maintenance in the Future
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PlatinUlll Metals Productioil  Hydrogen Energy,Platinum Metals,and Nanoteehnologies in Russia  Platinum Group Metals Resources and Extraction Metallurgical   Technology Progress  PGMs in Industrial Applications and Recycling   The Possible Platinum Recovery from Dust and Sea Water  Path from Raw Materials to High Technological Products   and Manufacture of Goods on the Base of Platinum Metals  Thermal Treatment Effects on Pt/C Electrocatalysis  Effect of Physical Characteristics of Platinum Powder on TCR of Thick-Film Platinum Resistance Temperature Sensitive Elements  Pyrometallurgical Processing of Noble Metal Scrap  The Present Situation and Perspectives of Development of Platinum Metals Production Technology  Platinum Metals in the Modern Industries  Two Different Phenomena and Mechanisms of Pdcl in Some Chemical Reactions  Platinum Engineered Materials of Umicore  Research and Development of Platinum Group Metals in the Fields of High Technology  Slot—type and Orifice Bushing for Production of Basalt Fibers  Platinum Catalyst Gauze for Nitric Acid Production  Catalysis and Electrocatalysis on Nanostructured Pt-contained Materials  Nanosize Catalysts on the Base of Platinum Metals  Preparation of Pt·Ni Alloy PVD Sputtering Material for Semiconductor Application  Physico—chemical Conditions of Brittle Failure Behavior of   Platinum Metals and Alloys when Interacting with the Melts of Chemical Elements  Hily Efficient Laser Electrodispersion Technique Catalyst on Pt and Pd Nanoparticles  Adsorption Properties of Platinum on CCCS Resin  Progress in Films and Coatings of Precious Metals  Thick—film Au—Pt Conductive Paste Used as Soldered Area  Highly Ordered Ti02 Nanotubes Loaded with Pt Nanoparticles  Temperature Transient Calculation in the Glass-melting Crucibles  Influence of Adsorption Process on Pt/C Catalysts  Application of Platinum Materials  Studies of Platinum Coated Titanium Prepared by Platinum Compounds  The Future of High-tech Production in the Precious Metals Industry of the Russian Federation  Operational Life Increased Crucibles for Melting the Stomatological   Alloys of Quartz Glassceramics  Solid Electrolyte Sensors for the Control of Liquid and Gaseous Media   Technologies and Materials in the Production Line at FSUE SIC“Superrnetal”  Platinum Metals in Fuel Cells and of Hydrogen Energy Technologies  Development of Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers in Russia  The Sustainable Way to Hydrogen Market Economy:Principle Bases and Platinum Metals Key Role  Transformations in Palladium Induced with Hydrogen:Scientific and Technological Aspects ……Platinum Metals in Life Maintenane Techonlogies and Consumption GoodsElse







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