出版時間:2008-3 出版社:冶金工業(yè)出版社 作者:張羊換,王新林 頁數:261 字數:748000
貯氫材料因其能可逆地大量吸收和放出氫氣,在氫的儲存與輸送過程中充當一種重要載體,加之氫與貯氫材料均是“綠色"環(huán)保產品,因此備受全世界各國的高度重視。 金屬氫化物、碳纖維、碳納米管以及某些有機液體都是優(yōu)良的貯氫材料,特別是金屬氫化物,不僅是一種優(yōu)良的貯氫材料,而且還是一種新型功能材料,可用于電能、機械能、熱能和化學能的轉換與儲存,具有廣泛的應用前景。因此,金屬氫化物技術,包括材料開發(fā)以及應用技術的研究,近年來受到包括我國在內的世界各國的廣泛重視,得到了迅速的發(fā)展。我國在“863”高新技術發(fā)展規(guī)劃、“973”計劃以及國家自然科學基金指南中,都把貯氫材料作為重點研究領域之一。鋼鐵研究總院功能材料研究所近年來在國家“863”及國家自然科學基金多個項目的資助下,對各種貯氫材料開展了較深入的研究,取得了一些有特色的研究成果,為了加速我國貯氫材料的研究與產業(yè)化趕超世界先進水平以及加強與同行的交流,特整理出版了本書。
Microstructure and Electrochemical Characteristics of Mm(Ni, Co, Mn, Al)5 Bx (x=0~0.4) Hydrogen Storage Alloys Prepared by Cast and Rapid QuenchingResearch of Mm(Ni, Mn, A1, Cu)4.9Co0.2 Hydrogen Storage Alloys Prepared by Cast and Rapidly QuenchedEffect of Boron Additive on the Cycle Life of Low-Co AB5-type Electrode Consisting of Alloy Prepared by Cast and Rapid QuenchingThe Effects of Rapid Quenching on the Electrochemical Characteristics and Microstructures of AB2 Laves Phase Electrode AlloysEffects of Rapid Quenching on the Electrochemical Performances and Microstructures of the Mm(Ni, Mn, Si, A1)4.3Co0.6-xFex(x=0~0.6)ElectrodeAlloysEffect of Substituting Mn with La on the Electrochemical Performances of Co-free Lax Mml-x (Ni, Mn, Si, AI, Fe)4.9 (x=0~1 ) Electrode Alloys Prepared by Casting and Rapid QuenchingMicrostructures and Electrochemical Performances of La2 Mg(Ni0.85 Co0.15 ) 9 Crx (x=0~0.2) Electrode Alloys Prepared by Casting and Rapid QuenchingEffect of Substituting CO with Fe on the Cycle Stabilities of the As-cast and Quenched ABs-type Hydrogen Storage AlloysEffect of Rapid Quenching on the Microstructures and Electrochemical Performances of Co-free ABs-type Hydrogen Storage Alloys Microstructures and Electrochemical Performances of La2 Mg (Ni0 as COo 15 ) 9 Mx (M=B, Cr, Ti; x= 0, 0.1)Electrode Alloys Prepared by Casting and Rapid QuenchingEffect of Boron Additive on Electrochemical Cycling Life of La-Mg-Ni Alloys Prepared by Casting and Rapid QuenchingElectrochemical Characteristics of Mechanical Alloyed(Mgl-xZrx)2Ni(x=0~0.1)Electrode AlloysEffects of Substituting Ni with Cu on the Microstructures and Electrochemical Characteristics of the As-cast and Quenched La0.7 Mg1.3 Ni2.55-xCo0.45Cux (x = 0~ 0.4) Electrode AlloysResearch on Electrochemical Characteristics and Microstructure of Mm(Ni, Mn, Al)4.9 Co0.2 Rapidly Quenched AlloyResearch of Low-Co AB5 Type Rare-earth-based Hydrogen Storage Alloy ElectrodesElectrochemical Characteristics and Microstructures of Rapidly Quenched Ti0.5 Zr0.2 Mn0.2 Cr0.5 V0.2 Ni0.95 AlloyEffect of Boron Addition on the Microstructures and Electrochemical Properties of MmNia. 8 Co0.4 Mn0.6 Al0.2 Electrode Alloys Prepared by Casting and Rapid QuenchingThe Effects of Rapid Quenching on the Microstructures and Electrochemical Properties of Low-Co ABs-type Electrode Alloy Investigation on the Microstructure and Electrochemical Performances of La2 Mg(Nio. 85 Co0.15 )9 Bx (:r=0~0.2)Hydrogen Storage Electrode Alloys Prepared by Casting and Rapid QuenchingEffects of Substituting Co with Fe on the Microstruetures and Electrochemical Characteristics of the As-cast and Quenched Mm(Ni, Mn, Si, A1)4.6 Co0.6-xFe(x=0~0.6)Electrode AlloysThe Cycle Stabilities of the As-cast and Quenched La2 Mg(Ni0.85 Co0.15 )9 Mx (M=B, Cr, Ti; x=0, 0.1)Hydrogen Storage Alloys