
出版時(shí)間:2008-1  出版社:冶金工業(yè)  作者:翁宇慶  頁(yè)數(shù):569  


This book is composed of ten chapters. Based on systematic description of research achievements of the project of ultra-fine grain steels and the irengineering applications, new theories of microstructural refinement and the newly developed technologies in production of high strength and high toughnesssteels are introduced. The book features the integration of materials science with engineering technology. In the scope of theories of the strengthening and toughening of ultra-fine grain steels, the theory of deformation induced ferrite transformation (DIFT) for ferrite-pearlite steels has been put forward. The phenomenon of ultra-fine grain refinement effect by the existing precipitates of nanometer size in the steel produced by using thin slab casting and rolling (TSCR)has been discovered and analyzed. The theory of deformation inducedprecipitation and medium temperature phase transformation control for bainiticsteels has been proposed. The theory of resistance against delayed fracturing of high strength and high toughness alloy structural steels has been established.   In the aspect of production technologies, some production technologies forobtaining ultra-fine grains and high strength high toughness of steels are introduced.


  Ultra-Fine Grained Steels discusses results of the New Generation Iron and Steel ,Materials research project funded over the last ten years. Modern sustainability requirements want that iron and steel must meet tour conditions:stronger, longer service life, leading-edge manufacturing technology (low cost, material and energy efficient), and environmentally sound (waste recycling, reduced carbon dioxide emission). Therefore, new generation iron and steel materials featuring “double strength and double service life” are needed (labeled “ultra steels” in Japan).


1 Overview1.1 The Technology of Controlled Rolling and Controlled Cooling1.2 R & D Program of "Super Steels" and "New Generation Steel Materials"1.3 The Formation of Ultra-fine Grains and MicrostructuralRefinement of Steels-Core Technique for the R & D of New Generation Steel Materials1.4 Theory and Technology on Ultra-fine Grains1.4.1 The state change and microstructure refinement of austenite during hot deformation1.4.2 Deformation induced ferrite transformation1.4.2.1 Thermodynamic consideration of deformation induced ferrite transformation1.4.2.2 DIFT phase transformation and characters of transformed products1.4.3 Deformation induced precipitation and medium temperature phase transformation control1.4.4 The influence of nanometer size precipitates on ultra fine grain steel ?1.4.5 Ultra grain refinement of alloy structural steels and the wayof increasing the resistance against delayed fracturing1.4.6 The development of carbide-free bainite/martensite multiple phase steels1.5 Several Key Technologies Concerning the Development of1.5.1 Steel cleanness1.5.2 Refinement and homogenization of solidification structure1.5.3 Brief introduction of welding technique and economy of ultra fine grain steelsReferences2 Refinement ofAustenitic Microstructure and Its Influence on Transformation2.1 Thermomechanical Control Process and Refinement of Austenitic Microstructure2.1.1 Rolling at the austenite-recrystallization temperature region (RARTR) Metadynamic recrystallization2.1.1.2 Static recrystallization2.1.2 Rolling in austenite non-recrystallization temperature region.2.1.3 Rolling at the under-cooled austenite2.1.4 Accelerated cooling and microstructural refinement2, 2 Influence ofAustenitic Recrystallization on Subsequently Transformed Grain Size2.2.1 Influence of recrystallized or deformed austenite on ferrite transformation2.2.1.1 Influence of recrystallized austenite on ferrite transformation2.2.1.2 Influence of partially recrystallized austenite on ferrite transformation2.2.1.3 Influence of non-recrystallized austenite on ferritetransformation2.2.2 Influence of recrystallization in the austenite on D1FT References3 Deformation Induced Ferrite Transformation3.1 Introduction3.2 Experimental Confirmation and Study Method of DIFT3.2.1 Microstructure observation on the quenched sample3.2.2 Mechanical behavior measurement3.2.3 Dilatometry measurement3.2.4 In-situ X-ray diffraction3.3 Thermodynamics of DIFT3.3.1 Deformation stored energy3.3.2 Transformation driving force3.3.3 Ads versus deformation stored energy3.4 Kinetics of DIFT3.4.1 Microstructural evolution and nucleation sites3.4.2 Transformation fraction versus strain……4 Microstructure Pefinement of Steels by TSCR Technology5 Microstructure Fining Theory of Low-carbon Bainitic Steel6 Microstructure Refining and Strengthening of Martensitic Steel7 Carbide-free Bainite/Martensite(CFB/M)Duplex Phase Steel8 Extra Low Sulfur and fNon-metallic Inclusions Control for Ultra Fine Grain High Stength Steels9 Fundamental Study on Homogeneity of Solidification Structure of Steel10 Welding of Ultra-Fine Grained SteelsSubject Index


插圖:When entering the 1990s, increasingly serious competition was waged among various structural materials. Engineering plastic materials were increasingly applied for longitudinal structures subject to not very high loading. Audi car made of whole aluminum structure did appear in Europe posing threat to cars made of steel structure due to its self-weight reduction, reducing oil-consumption, and alleviation of gas emission. IISI (International Iron & Steel Institute) organized 35steel companies from North America and Europe to jointly start a project on the development of "Ultra Light Steel Auto Body". In the project, it is required that strength level of auto body structure should be increased by 80%, the weight of auto body be reduced by 25%, Oil consumption of family car be reduced to3L/100 km, and the amount of CO2 emission reduced by 2%-3%. The development of high strength automotive sheet steels and longitudinal beam steels and the development of high strength and high toughness sheet steels will increase the competitiveness of steel materials against other engineering materials. The project certainly is an important project contributing to continuous optimization of air environment.





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