
出版時(shí)間:2006-9  出版社:冶金工業(yè)出版社發(fā)行部  作者:程志勤  頁(yè)數(shù):171  字?jǐn)?shù):259000  


本書是根據(jù)《高職高專教育英語(yǔ)課程基本要求》編寫而成。全書由兩部分組成:第一部分為課堂教學(xué)內(nèi)容,共有12個(gè)單元,每個(gè)單元包括會(huì)話、閱讀與寫作。這一部分列舉了大量的實(shí)例來講述學(xué)習(xí)要點(diǎn),力求提高學(xué)生的實(shí)際交際能力和應(yīng)用英語(yǔ)能力;第二部分為精選詞匯和短語(yǔ),詞匯包括B級(jí)詞匯、少量A級(jí)詞匯和超綱詞匯,便于學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)查詢。      本書為高職高專英語(yǔ)教材,也可供其他各類院?;蛴⒄Z(yǔ)愛好者參考使用。


Unit1  Part A Conversation   Meeting For the First Time  Oral Practice Part B Text  A Cool College Life  Phrases and Expressions   Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit2 Part A Conversation  Asking the Way  Oral Practice Part B Text  Dinning with Americans  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit3 Part A Conversation  Meeting and Goodbye  Oral Practice Part B Text  Sports and Games  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit4 Part A Conversation  Thanks and apologies  Work in pairs Part B Text  Three Wise Men  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit5 Part A Conversation  Weather  Work in pairs Part B Text  Punctuality and Keeping Promise  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit6 Part A Conversation  Study and Hobby  Work in pairs Part B Text  The Moral of the ‘ Big Rocks’  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit7 Part A Conversation  Diet and Health  Work in pairs Part B Text  Why Beauty Matters  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit8 Part A Conversation  Invitation  Work in pairs Part B Text  Jay Chou---Small King of R&B  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit9 Part A Conversation  Shopping  Work in pairs Part B Text  An Everlasting Gift  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit10 Part A Conversation  At Restaurant  Work in pairs Part B Text  Olympic Economy  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit11 Part A Conversation  Seeing the Doctor  Work in pairs Part B Text  Steven Spielberg  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingUnit12 Part A Conversation  Traveling  Work in pairs Part B Text  I Have a Dream  Reading Out   Getting the Message   Using the Right Word  Word study Part C Practical WritingVocabularyNew Words and Expressions



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