
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:原子能  作者:王邁邁 編  頁數(shù):250  字?jǐn)?shù):620000  


《4級考試核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊》是為即將參加新四級考試的考生們精心準(zhǔn)備的。四級考試改革之后,四級考卷的題型、難度和容量發(fā)生了巨大變化,快速閱讀理解、聽力長對話、選詞填空、漢譯英等全新題型為考生們逾越四級考試大關(guān)增添了變數(shù)?!?級考試核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊》按照最新四級考試精神,依據(jù)最新公布的《大學(xué)英語四級考試樣卷和說明》,對考生們在四級考試過程中可能遇到的各種疑難目標(biāo),精確定位,精確打擊!《4級考試核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊》對新四級考試的所有題型全面出擊,重點(diǎn)目標(biāo)是本次改革后的新增題型和傳統(tǒng)題型中的核心考點(diǎn),分析考試題型,預(yù)測命題趨勢,探索命題規(guī)律。    《4級考試核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊》嚴(yán)格按照最新《大學(xué)英語四級考試大綱》,針對四級考試的核心考點(diǎn),精心設(shè)計15套新題型押題預(yù)測卷,按照各個擊破的原則,分題型精確定位,按目標(biāo)精確打擊!




Part 1 Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 快速閱讀理解  一、快速閱讀理解題型聚焦  二、快速閱讀理解應(yīng)試技巧精確突破  三、快速閱讀理解核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊  四、快速閱讀理解答案詳解Part 2 Listening Comprehension 聽力理解  一、短對話命題規(guī)律與應(yīng)試技巧  二、長對話命題規(guī)律與應(yīng)試技巧  三、短文理解命題規(guī)律與應(yīng)試技巧  四、復(fù)合式聽寫命題規(guī)律與應(yīng)試技巧  五、聽力理解核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊  六、聽力理解答案詳解Part 3 Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) 仔細(xì)閱讀理解  一、選詞填空命題規(guī)律與應(yīng)試技巧  二、短句回答命題規(guī)律與應(yīng)試技巧  三、多項(xiàng)選擇命題規(guī)律與應(yīng)試技巧  四、仔細(xì)閱讀理解核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊  五、仔細(xì)閱讀理解答案詳解Part 4 Cloze完形填空  一、完形填空命題規(guī)律與應(yīng)試技巧  二、完形填空核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊  三、完形填空答案詳解Part 5 Translation 翻譯(漢譯英)  一、漢譯英三大命題規(guī)律精確定位  二、漢譯英應(yīng)試三大步驟精確突破  三、漢譯英核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊  四、漢譯英答案詳解Part 6 Writing 寫作  一、寫作題型聚焦  二、寫作三大癥結(jié)精確描述  三、寫作應(yīng)試技巧精確突破  四、寫作核心考點(diǎn)精確打擊  五、寫作答案詳解


  Unit 7  IAEA head to probe Irans nukes claims  The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog, Mohamed E1Baradei, expressed optimism about his visit to Iran on arriving there for talks aimed at defusing tension over Tehrans nuclear program.  "The time is right for a political solution and the way is negotiations," the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency told journalists at Mehrabad International Airport in Tehran just after midnight Wednesday local time.  E1Baradeis visit began not long after Tehrans announcement Tuesday that the country had successfully enriched uranium, a key step to producing peaceful nuclear energy or nuclear weapons.  "I would like to see Iran come to terms with the requests of the international community," he said, explaining the purpose of his trip as being "to clarify remaining outstanding issues on the nature of the Iranian program."  Earlier Wednesday, the countrys deputy nuclear chief said Iran intends to move toward large-scale uranium enrichment involving54,000 centrifuges, signaling its resolve to expand a program the international community has insisted it halt.  That will be hundreds of times more than what the country has now, reports CBS News correspondent Jim Axelrod. If true, Axelrod adds, that would be enough to produce hundreds of nuclear warheads.  Irans president had announced Tuesday that the country, had succeeded in enriching uranium on a small scale for the first time, using164 centrifuges. The U.N. Security Council has demanded that Iran stop all enrichment activity because of suspicions the programs aim is to make nuclear weapons.  "We will expand uranium enrichment to industrial scale at Natanz," Deputy Nuclear Chief Mohammad Saeedi told state - run television Wednesday.  He said Iran has informed the International Atomic Energy Agency that it plans to install 3,000 centrifuges at Natanz by late 2006,then expand to 54,000 centrifuges, though he did not say when.  He said using 54,000 centrifuges will be able to produce enough enriched uranium to provide fuel for a 1,000 - megawat nuclear power plant like the one Russia is currently putting the finishing touches on in southern Irma.  Irans claims brought it fresh international condemnation as allies Russia and China joined several European countries and the United States in expressing their disapproval over the nuclear activities.  Already the U.N. Security Council had given it until April 28 to clear up suspicions that it wants to become a nuclear power. It has asked Tehran to suspend enrichment and allow unannounced IAEA inspections.  The White House is pressing for U.N. sanctions against Iran.  ElBaradei said he hoped the visit "would bring Iran in line with the requests of the international community to take confidence——building measures regarding its activities including suspension of enrichment and related activities until outstanding issues are clarified. "  A team of five IAEA inspectors arrived in Irma late last week.


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