
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:石油工業(yè)出版社  作者:Eve Bower,William Va  頁數(shù):352  


  Do you become speechless when you chatting with a foreigner?  Daring not to speak is not an excuse.  Can't understand what the foreigners say. Chinese often can not understandwhat the foreigners are saying.  Poor vocabulary is not an excuse.  The set of the "365 Days of English" will make you more confident in Eng-lish. It will als0 give you the confidence to meet and hang out with foreigners.  Learning English is difficult. Many people can only write and read, but neg-lect to listen and speak. Many students learn a lot of words and phrases, and alsoknow a lot about grammar, but can not understand and speak English in practice.And their spoken English is not appropriate nor spoken in a standard passion. Tolearn spoken English well, the most basic thing is to have a good English tutorial.This tutorial must contain three basic elements——covering practical knowledge,teaching the correct way of learning , and shaping the authentic way of thinking inEnglish. In order to create a truly practical oral English encyclopedia, we invited anumber of senior experts to participate in writing, editing and revising a set of fourbooks. The books cover every aspect of our daily activities, so you can truly mastereveryday "live" English.  Each book within the series not only has its special characteristic but is alsointerrelated. They will help learners systematically and comprehensively masterEnglish language speaking skills and strategy. This book set is suitable for Chinesepeople to learn English.


  Learning English is difficult. Many people can only write and read, but neg-lect to listen and speak. Many students learn a lot of words and phrases, and alsoknow a lot about grammar, but can not understand and speak English in practice.And their spoken English is not appropriate nor spoken in a standard passion. Tolearn spoken English well, the most basic thing is to have a good English tutorial.This tutorial must contain three basic elements——covering practical knowledge,teaching the correct way of learning , and shaping the authentic way of thinking inEnglish. In order to create a truly practical oral English encyclopedia, we invited anumber of senior experts to participate in writing, editing and revising a set of fourbooks. The books cover every aspect of our daily activities, so you can truly mastereveryday "live" English.


  浩瀚(筆名),本名李洪濤,祖籍江蘇省,1981年就讀于徐州師范大學外語學院英語專業(yè)。1985年開始在中國礦業(yè)大學致力于現(xiàn)代教育工作。34歲破格晉升為高級職稱。導演6部電視專題片,均榮獲省部級一等獎。自幼愛好書法繪畫、配音朗誦、收藏奇石等。  現(xiàn)主持北京浩瀚英語研究所工作,專門從事英語工具書、教輔書及大眾英語指導書的策劃、編稿和出版工作。18年來。該研究所已在科學出版社、外文出版社、石油工業(yè)出版社、科學技術(shù)文獻出版社、中國宇航出版社、大連理工大學出版社、機械工業(yè)出版社、上海科學普及出版社等全國50多家出版杜出版英文著作800余種,部分圖書印數(shù)多達15萬余冊。現(xiàn)主要代表作有:《英漢廣播電影電視電教詞典》、《英語寫作雙向速查詞典》、《英漢多功能雙解詞典》、《脫口說英語情景口語大全》、《流暢英語口語》、《英語口語一語千說》、《敢說英語》系列30種、《英語900句》系列20種、《外貿(mào)金融英語口語實例大全》、《大學英語作文工具王》、《巧學英語》系列等。


January 商務招待Jan.1at 元旦Jan.4th 迎接客人Jan.5th 幫助拎行李Jan.6th 路上寒喧Jan.7th 賓館登記住宿Jan.8th 自我介紹Jan.9th 介紹同事Jan.10th 參觀工廠Jan.11th 公司簡介Jan.12th 歡迎客人Jan.13th 流水線車間Jan.14th 樣品室Jan.15th 參觀日程Jan.16th 簡要介紹Jan.17th 辦公大樓Jan.18th 介紹生產(chǎn)Jan.19th 參觀結(jié)束Jan.20th 航班Jan.21st 查詢機票Jan.22nd 預訂機票Jan.23rd 改換機票Jan.24th 登機Jan.25th 訂出租車Jan.26th 道別Jan.27th 中午宴請Jan.28th 約定晚宴Jan.29th 選擇酒品Jan.30th 感謝邀請Jan.31th 宴后February 商務會議Feb.1st 會前通知Feb.2nd 會議開始Feb.3rd 時間問題Feb.4th 商談時機Feb.5th 交談討論Feb.6th 堅持原則Feb.7th 提出意見Feb.8th 增加議題Feb.9th 各抒己見Feb.10th 意見分歧Feh.11th 銷售討論Feb.12th 定價意見Feb.14th 春節(jié)Feb.20th 投資意見Feb.21st 發(fā)展方案Feb.22nd 反饋意見Feb.23rd 工作計劃Feb.24th 議題發(fā)言Feb.25th 董事會議Feb.26th 安排與計劃Feb.27th 簡要總結(jié)Feb.28th 總結(jié)重點March商務談判Mar.1st 索要目錄Mar.2nd 詢問折扣Mar.3rd 一般詢盤Mar.4th 具體詢盤Mar.5th 實盤Mar.6th 虛盤Mar.7th 商品質(zhì)量Mar.8th 無法報盤Mar.9th 價格Mar.10th 付款Mar.11th 還盤Mar.12th 試訂Mar.13th 續(xù)訂Mar.14th 接受訂單Mar.15th 確認訂購Mar.16th 訂貨數(shù)量Mar.17th 批發(fā)價Mar.18th 無法打折Mar.19th 折中讓步Mar.20th 招標Mar.21at 投標Mar 22nd 投保Mar.23rd 包裝Mar.24th 投資環(huán)境Mar.25th 投資政策Mar.26th 合資形式Mar.27th 合資責任Mar.28th 裝運Mar.29th 起草合同Mar.30th 修改合同Mar.31st 簽訂合同Aprird 商務信息Apr.1st 正式信函Apr.2nd 英文商務信函Apr.3rd 信件收費Apr.4th 信中事宜Apr.5th 清明節(jié)Apr.8th 附寄建議Apr.9th 快件Apr.10th 回信Apr.11th 來信確認Apr.12th 催款函Apr.13th 信和備忘錄的區(qū)別Apr.14th 查找備忘錄Apr.15th 收發(fā)文件Apr.16th 網(wǎng)上商機Apt.17th 網(wǎng)上購物Apr.18th 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)Apr.19th 創(chuàng)建網(wǎng)站Apr.20th 虛擬世界Apr.21st 信息高速路Apr 22nd 電子郵箱Apr.23rd 發(fā)送郵件Apr.24th 郵件聯(lián)系Apr.25th 理想媒體Apr.26th 電子商務安全Apr.27th 使用電傳機Apr.28th 電傳優(yōu)越性Apr.29th 發(fā)傳真Apr.30th 辦公設備MaY 商務保險May.1st 勞動節(jié)May.4th 保險洽談May.5th 保險費率May.6th 保險金額May.7th 破碎險May.8th 保險單證May.9th 一切險May.10th 保險索賠May.11th 海運貨物保險May.12th 投資保險May.13th 保險中介May 14th 保險理賠代理委托May.15th 仲裁May.16th 傭金May 17th 附加險May.18th 偷盜險May.19th 全損險May.20th 單獨海損May.21st 共同海損May.22nd 交貨不到險May.23rd 投訴May.24th 詢問保險May.25th 介紹保險May.26th 購買保險May.27th 保險求職May.28th 再保險May.29th 保險公司May.30th 保險問題May.31st 保險費June 經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略Jun.1at 部門安排Jun.2nd 各部門文化Jun.3rd 評價網(wǎng)絡經(jīng)營Jun.4th 收購Jun.5th 雙贏戰(zhàn)略Jun.6th 營銷策略Jun.7th 內(nèi)部重組Jun.8th 新的組織機構(gòu)Jun.9th 跨文化合作Jun.10th 管理Jun.11th 公司價值觀Jun.12th 企業(yè)行為與責任Jun.13th 商標Jun.14th 業(yè)績評估Jun.15th 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)Jun.16th 端午節(jié)Jun.19th 企業(yè)文化Jun.20th 競爭Jun.21st 合作關(guān)系Jun.22nd 新產(chǎn)品發(fā)布會Jun.23rd 記者招待會Jun.24th 公司財務Jun.25th 公司結(jié)構(gòu)Jun.26th 福利Jun.27th 外貿(mào)政策Jun.28th 管理風格Jun.29th 生產(chǎn)Jun.30th 商務環(huán)境Ju1y電子商務Ju1.1at 網(wǎng)上購物Ju1.2nd 網(wǎng)上找客戶Ju1.3rd 網(wǎng)絡營銷……August 銀行業(yè)務September 商務支付October 酒店商務中心Nuvember 商務旅行December 人力資源管理


  A:l hope you can get a picture of what ou r business is from mv introduction.Now. may I say a feW words about our company?  B:Yes,you may begin  A:0ur tompany was established in 1982 We specialize in manufacturing electronic goods and exporting them all over the world.We grossed about US$tO million last year,and our business is growing stead一  1 Good morning,ladies and gentleman!First of all, 1 would like to make a brief introduction早上好, 女士們,先生們!首先,我想做一個簡短的 介紹?! ? The hotel started operation in eaHy 1996 and has been doing well since then We had a net profit of one million US dollars last year賓館于1996年 初開始營業(yè),迄今經(jīng)營情況良好。去年,我們 的凈利潤為100萬美元。  3 Our company was established in 1929 as the first Joint-venture company with a Western partner Our company will soon celebrate its eighdeth atl- niversary我們的公司建于1929年,是第一家 與西方伙伴合資的公司。  ……


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