
出版時(shí)間:2009-08  出版社:國(guó)家圖書(shū)館出版社  作者:龔澎等 主編  


《中國(guó)文摘》(China Digest)是中國(guó)共產(chǎn)黨創(chuàng)辦的第一份向海外發(fā)行的英文期刊,1946年底在香港正式出版。這家期刊由龔澎等人主編,及時(shí)向全世界報(bào)道中國(guó)大陸上的激烈斗爭(zhēng),報(bào)道解放戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的消息,刊登延安的時(shí)事評(píng)論,揭露蔣管區(qū)的民不聊生和白色恐怖??锷线€刊登了毛澤東等人一些著作的英文翻譯,其中有的是毛澤東作品最早的英文版,如《中國(guó)革命和中國(guó)共產(chǎn)黨》,于1949年刊登在第5卷第9-11期上。該刊對(duì)幫助世界人民了解中國(guó)共產(chǎn)黨所進(jìn)行的正義事業(yè)和中國(guó)的革命形勢(shì)起到了極大的作用,為黨史及新聞史研究者提供了寶貴的一手資料。


Vol. I, No. 1 December 31, 1946  THE OBSERVER    The Draft Constitution--an Issue of Discord By Charles Lin    Why Democratic League and Communists  Boycott the National Assembly By Chang Li-ping    Behind the Sino-American Commercial Treaty By Ch'en Feng    A Brief Introduction to Chinese Music By Chao Feng  PRESSMEN'S FORUM  THE CULTURAL CIRCLES  ON CHINA SOILVol. I, No. 2 January 14, 1947  READERS'  FORUM  THE OBSERVER    One Year in China    The Protest    A General Collapse Facing China's Urban Economy    Bureaucratic Capital    A Fundamental Problem of China's Rural Economy    China's Labour Representative, Chu Hsueh Fan  ON CHINA SOIL    A Nation-wide Students Movement    War Devastates the Countryside    Full Support to Students' Demands  PRESSMEN'S FORUM    Chinese Newspapers on American Articles in China  Chinese Woodcut  THE CULTURAL CIRCLES  EVENTS IN BRIEFVol. I, No. 3 January 28, 1947  THE OBSERVER    January Thirteenth    China's 1947 Budget    A Review of China's Civil War    Chinese Civil War--Made In USA    The Yellow River--China's Sorrow    The People Demand Withdrawal of US Troops  ON CHINA SOIL……


插圖:The choice of a Nanking representative tokeep contact with MacArthur's Japan. can findnone better than Chang Chun who knows andbelieves in a new "East Asia Co-prosperitySphere," since he had been a loyal advocate ofthe old one. Although he claims that the visitwill be strictly a personal trip to a country whichhe has not seen for twelve years, press re-ports and comments in China decide that he hasan oflk.ial mission.What this otfacial mission will be is not dif-ficult to conjecture. Confronted with difficul-ties in practically all walks of life, Nankingholds to the last straw of hor-American aid.Nevertheless, American aid in the last two yearshas proved futile in preventing Communist ad-vances.What the most effective form of aidgranted to Nanking should be has been under much discussion in America. William C. Bullit, writing for the Life Magazine, has boldly sun-gested that MacArthur should divide his time between Nanking and Tokyo to jointly direct China and Japan's administration. There was atime when American politicos believed that by supporting an opposition group to Chiang and effecting a few reforms within the framework of the old system, a regime subservient to Ameri-can interests might be perpetuated.It cul- minated in the election of General Li Tsung-jen as Nanking's vice president, in the grant of large sums of money to Jimmy Yen's "rural re-construction" plan, in direct U.S. assistance tothe various generals who are not Chiang's ownmen, and in the time-to-time attempts to splitthe anti-Kuomintang forces. Meanwhile, Communist military victories andpopular revolt against the Kuomintang regimeextend.It clearly becomes an emergency case in which America hesitates to wait to reap thefruits of her endeavours to make Nanking atleast appear as a democratic and independentcountry.In other words, with the steady de-terioration of the Nanking Government almostin direct proportion to its American aid, Ameri-ca takes the accent off "reform" and puts it ondire serviceability.The Sino-American bilateralagreement signed in June testifies to this newtrend.





    中國(guó)共產(chǎn)黨創(chuàng)辦的英文期刊:中國(guó)文摘(全三冊(cè)) PDF格式下載

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