
出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:世界知識出版社  作者:中國國際問題研究所 編  頁數(shù):507  




The Changing International SituationPart ⅠOverviewInternational Situation in 2009 andChina's Foreign PolicyPart ⅡThe International Situation in 2009/2010Chapter 1Analysis on Foreign Policy of the Obama AdministrationChapter 2Foreign Policy of Hatoyama AdministrationChapter 3EU's Integration against the Context of Financial CrisisChapter 4Russia's External Strategy and Foreign RelationsChapter 5Shanghai Cooperation Organization: In Good Shapeand with Better ProspectChapter 6Readjustment of the US Middle East Policyand Unresolved HotspotsChapter 7Korean Peninsula Crisis and Prospect of "Package Solution"Chapter 8US-Iran Relationship and Contention over theIranian Nuclear IssueChapter 9The Complicated Situation in South AsiaChapter 10An Overview of the Situation in Latin America in 2009Chapter 11A New Modal for Cooperation in East Asia and its ProspectsChapter 12Role and Influence of the Major Emerging CountriesChapter 13Developments of the International Financial Crisisand Changing Global Economic StructureChapter 14International Arms Control and Disarmament:Recent Developments and Future TrendsChapter 15International Contention over Climate Changeas Reflected at Copenhagen ConferenceChapter 16Features and Trends of the World Economy in 2009-10Part Ⅲ  China's Diplomacy in 2009/2010Chapter ] 7Security Situation on China's Periphery in 2009Chapter 18An Overview of China's Diplomacy in 2009Chapter 19China-US Relations: Opportunities and ChallengesChapter 20Further Deepening the China-Japan StrategicRelationship of Mutual BenefitChapter 21Mature Relations between China and Russiain the New EraChapter 22Building a Pragmatic Partnership betweenChina and EuropeChapter 23Sustained and Well Nurtured Sino-African RelationsChapter 24China-ASEAN Relations in 2009Chapter 25Burgeoning Relations ,between China and Central AsiaChapter 26China and South-Asia: Partners for Common DevelopmentChapter 2 7China-South Pacific Relations in 2009Chapters 28China's Economic Diplomacy in 2009Chapters 29China's Military Diplomacy in 2009


版權(quán)頁:At G20 summits and other relevant multilateral high levelmeetings, Chinese leaders and government delivered variousimportant speeches, in an effort to effectively protect the interests ofChina and that of the countries across the world, elaborate China'spolicy stands vis-a-vis the reform of the international financialinstitution, with emphasis on stepping up the international oversightmechanism, guarding against trade protectionism, and givingspecial attention to the protection of the developing countries. Chinaattached importance to the revision of the existing international gamerules, and actively promoted the establishment of the new globalorder that is over due, in an effort to tap into the advantages whileavoiding disadvantages and creating a best possible international andsurrounding environment for its domestic development. On variousoccasions, China's policy goals, principles and concrete policymeasures vis-a-vis the financial crisis and the reform of the currentinternational financial institutions received positive responses fromthe attendees. More importantly, China played a constructive role inthe institutionalization of G20, which would convert it into an formalplatform for the reform of the international financial institutions,an important forum for global economic and financial dialoguesand cooperation, demonstrated its image as a responsible majoremerging country ready for international cooperation and managingcommon challenges, and further elevated China's status in the field ofinternational game rules.





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