
出版時(shí)間:2009-11  出版社:世界知識(shí)出版社  作者:中華人民共和國(guó)外交部政策研究司 編  頁(yè)數(shù):667  譯者:外交部翻譯室  


China's Foreign Affairs is compiled by the Department of Policy Planning of the Foreign Ministry with a purpose to make clear the Chinese Government's foreign policy and its views on the international situation, so as to help Chinese and foreign readers understand China's foreign affairs.


Chapter 1 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN 2008  1. An Overview       2. Regional Developments     3. Special Events    Chapter 2 CHINA'S DIPLOMACY IN 2008 1. An Overview     2. China's External Relations     3. Special Events    Chapter 3 CHINA'S RELATIONS WITH COUNTRIES HAVING DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH CHINA Afghanistan     Albania     Algeria     Andorra     Angola     Antigua and Barbuda     Argentina     Armenia     Australia      Austria     Azerbaijan      Bahamas     Bahrain     Bangladesh     Barbados     B elarus      Belgium      Benin      Bolivia      Bosnia and Herzegovina      Botswana      Brazil      Brunei Darussalam      Bulgaria      Burundi      Cambodia      Cameroon      Canada      Cape Verde      Central African Republic      Chad      Chile      Colombia      Comoros      Congo     Cook Islands      Costa Rica      Cote d'Ivoire      Croatia    Cuba      Cyprus      Czech      Denmark      Djibouti     Dominica      DPRK      D. R. Congo     Ecuador     Egypt    Equatorial Guinea Eritrea     Estonia     Ethiopia     Fiji    Finland     France     Gabon      Georgia     Germany     Ghana     Greece      Grenada     Guinea     Guinea-Bissau Guyana     Hungary     Iceland      India      Indonesia     Iran      Iraq     Ireland      Israel      Italy     Jamaica      Japan     Jordan     Kazakhstan     Kenya     Kuwait     Kyrgyzstan     Laos     Latvia     Lebanon     Lesotho     Liberia     Libya     Liechtenstein     Lithuania     Luxembourg     Macedonia     Madagascar     Malawi     Malaysia     Maldives     Mali     Malta     Mauritania     Mauritius      Mexico      Micronesia, F.S.      Moldova     Monaco     Mongolia     Montenegro     Morocco     Mozambique     Myanmar     Namibia     Nepal     The Netherlands     New Zealand     Niger     Nigeria     Niue     Norway     Oman     Pakistan     Palestine     Papua New Guinea Peru     The Philippines     Poland     Portugal     Qatar     ROK      Romania     Russia     Rwanda     Samoa     San Marino     Saudi Arabia     Senegal     Serbia     Seychelles     Sierra Leone     Singapore     Slovakia     Slovenia     Somalia     South Africa     Spain     Sri Lanka     Sudan     Suriname     Sweden     Switzerland     Syria     Tajikistan     Tanzania     Thailand     Timor-Leste     Togo     Tonga     Trinidad and Tobago     Tunisia     Turkey      Turkmenistan     Uganda     Ukraine     United Arab Emirates     United Kingdom    United States of America     Uruguay     Uzbekistan     Vanuatu     Venezuela     Vietnam     Yemen     Zambia     Zimbabwe    Chapter 4 CHINA'S RELATIONS WITH INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONSChapter 5 CHINA'S DIPLOMATIC WORK CONCERNING ARMS CONTROL, DISARMAMENT AND NON-PROLIFERATIONChapter 6 TREATIES AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF CHIN'S DIPLOMACYChapter 7 PRESS AND INFORMATION WORK IN CHIN'S DIPLOMACYChapter 8 CONSULAR WORKCHRONICLE OF CHINA'S MAJOR DIPLOMATIC ACTIVITIES IN IMPORTANT DIPLOMATIC DOCUMENTS IN 2008AppendixesEditor's Note


The situation in Iraq improved with good progress made in security,reconciliation,reconstructionand other areas.On 12 January, theparliament adopted the Accountability and Justice Law that revised thede-Baathification measures which had triggered strong dissatisfactionamong the Sunnis. On 19 July, the Sunni "Iraqi Accord Front" rejoinedthe national coalition government one year after its withdrawal.On 24September, the parliament adopted the amended provincial election law,confirming that provincial elections were to be held before the end ofJanuary 2009. Countries in the region and the international communitycontinued to work for the settlement of the Iraqi issue. On 22 April, the3rd expanded ministerial conference of the neighboring countries of Iraqwas held in Kuwait. On 29 May, the first annual review conference of theInternational Compact with Iraq took place in Stockholm, Sweden. On 12December, the United States and Iraq exchanged notes on the StrategicFramework Agreement for a Relationship of Friendship and Cooperationand the Status of Forces Agreement.These two agreements would takeeffect as of 1 January 2009.The process to address the Iranian nuclear issue, which was a mixtureof progress and setbacks, was stalled.On 3 March, the UN SecurityCouncil adopted Resolution 1803 to further tighten sanctions against Iran'snuclear program and its related activities.But at the same time, it alsostated that it would step up diplomatic efforts to address this issue. On 14May, Iran submitted a package of proposals to resolve the nuclear issue.On 14 June, Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreignand Security Policy of the European Union, delivered a letter to the IranianForeign Minister from his counterparts in the United States,Britain,France, Germany, Russia and China, as well as a plan for the resumptionof the talks.This plan increased many incentives and at the same timeurged Iran, in explicit terms, to suspend uranium enrichment.On thesame day, Iran stated that it would not consider any request to suspend itsnuclear program.On 27 September, the UN Security Council unanimouslyadopted Resolution 1835, reiterating previous resolutions of the Councilon this issue, urging Iran to promptly and fully implement the resolutions.However, no new sanction measures were introduced in this resolution.Peace talks were resumed between Palestine and Israel and there weretwists and turns in addressing the Middle East issue. At the end of 2008,serious armed conflicts broke out between the two sides.After theAnnapolis Conference,Palestine and Israel began negotiations on the "final status" and other core issues. In March, the escalation of violenceand conflicts once halted the negotiations.





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