
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:世界知識出版社  作者:中國國家問題研究所  頁數(shù):475  


The year of 2008 marked the 30th anniversary of China's reformand opening up. Over the 30 years, China underwent earthshakingtransformations at home and historic changes in its relations withthe rest of the world. Through 30 years of sustained and steadydevelopment, China registered the eye-catching achievements in allits economic and social endeavors, with the increase of its overallnational strength and marked improvement of the material andcultural lives of its people. China has now become an importantcountry with extensive influence in the world.China has developed itself against the international backgroundof the reinforcing interaction between the world multi-polarizationand economic globalization. Its relations with the outside worldhave been ever closer and its interests more interrelated with thoseof the other actors in the world. While increasingly influenced bythe international community, China's interaction with the rest of theworld has also been intensified. China's future and destiny are moreclosely tied to those of the world. China needs an endurable peacefulinternational environment and sound economic climate for itsdevelopment, which, in turn, would contribute positively to the worldpeace, common development and mutually beneficial cooperation.Meanwhile, China is also benefited from and benefiting the world.


  China has developed itself against the international backgroundof the reinforcing interaction between the world multi-polarizationand economic globalization. Its relations with the outside worldhave been ever closer and its interests more interrelated with thoseof the other actors in the world. While increasingly influenced bythe international community, Chinas interaction with the rest of theworld has also been intensified. Chinas future and destiny are moreclosely tied to those of the world. China needs an endurable peacefulinternational environment and sound economic climate for itsdevelopment, which, in turn, would contribute positively to the worldpeace, common development and mutually beneficial cooperation.Meanwhile, China is also benefited from and benefiting the world.


PrefacePart I Overview  An Overview of the International Situation and China's Diplomacy in 2008Part II The International Situation in 2008/2009  Chapter 1 Strategic Readjustment and Trend of the US Diplomacy  Chapter 2 The Fukuda and Aso Cabinets' Diplomacy in Asia  Chapter 3 EU Integration: A Tortuous Path  Chapter 4 Russia's Strategic Posture in Diplomacy in 2008  Chapter 5 Trend of the Geopolitical Configuration in Central Asia after the Russia-Georgia Conflict  Chapter 6 Sustained and Steady Growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization  Chapter 7 The Capricious Situation in the Middle East with None of the Hot Issues Settled  Chapter 8 New Developments of.the Nuclear Issue on the Korean Peninsula  Chapter 9 Tense Confrontation over the Iranian Nuclear Issue-Features of the Gaming on the Iranian Nuclear Issue in 2008  Chapter 10 Steady Progress in Regional Integration of Latin America  Chapter 11 Opportunities and Challenges in Asia-Pacific Cooperation  Chapter 12 Rise of Emerging Powers and Reshaping of International Order  Chapter 13 Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact  Chapter 14 Overview of the Situation of International Arms Control and Disarmament in 2008  ……Part III China's Diplomacy in 2008/2009


On the Iraqi issue, the US tried to win the cooperation of themajor political forces in the country while increasing the US troopsdeployment to intensify the attacks on the rebel forces. It tried hardto persuade the Shiites and Kurds to allow the return of the Sunnisto the government. The US also supported the autonomous tribalparamilitary organization Sahwah Council in maintaining localorder, and paid salaries to the members of the Council. It sped up thehandover of the regional defense to the Iraqi authorities and kept theceasefire agreement with the Shiite militant force - the Mahdi Army.These measures gradually brought about some notable improvementsto the security situation in Iraq. Correspondingly, PresidentBush changed his previous position of no timetable for the troopwithdrawal, and started to negotiate with the Iraqi government on themandate of the US forces in Iraq. An agreement on the status of theUS forces in Iraq was signed in December 2008, under which the USagreed to withdraw all its troops by the end of 2011, and withdrawfrom Iraqi urban areas by mid-2009. This agreement not only meanta timetable for the withdrawal of the US troops, but also legalized theUS military presence in Iraq.On the Iranian nuclear issue, the US obviously toned down itsstatement about the use of force, and demonstrated its willingnessto negotiate despite its continued intensification of sanctions againstIran. An ODNI report published in December 2007 on the latestevaluation of the Iranian nuclear issue believed that Iran suspendedits research and development of the nuclear weapons as early as inthe autumn of 2003. This report was interpreted as a reflection of therise of opposition to the use of force against Iran in the US. In 2008,Israel was actively preparing for the surgery attacks against Iran'snuclear facilities, which was dissuaded by the Bush Administration.






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