
出版時間:2005-5  出版社:世界知識出版社  作者:張?zhí)N嶺  頁數(shù):301  




PrefaceIntroductionNetwork Building Between State and Society in the Asian ContextThe Role of the State in Managing Social Transition: The Malaysian ExperienceDemocratic Transformation and Non-Traditional Security Challenges of Republic of KoreaSocio-economic Transition, Conflict and Government in ChinaThe Role of Government in China's Social TransitionUnderstanding the Causes of Terrorism: A Preliminary Quantitative AnalysisThe Role of Government and NGO in Managing Non-Traditional Security Issues in East AsiaEmergence of NGOs in Contemporary JapanNGOs and Social Protection: The Philippine ExperienceThe Development and Role of Civil Society in Cambodia


  As it is usually defined, the state-society linkage is primarily an examination of "states in relation to particular kinds of socio economic and political environments populated by actors with  given interests and resources" (Skocpol, 1985). Within this con-  text, the state is "an organizational entity that is at least partially separate from the larger society of which it is a part. While the society encompasses the wider territorial entity, the state is the political organization that asserts rulership of the society. It  is the administrative, legal, and political institutions that together monopolize legitimate force and territorial sovereignty within its borders" (	Ikenberry, 2003).  In conjunction with the rapid economic growth in East and Southeast Asia during the 1970s/1980s, various explanations have been advanced to interpret this new phenomenon. Two schools of thought emerged, Institutionalist and Statist approaches. As a variation of the former approach, the neo-Classic explanation looks at non-state variables. It stresses export-oriented, market-driven industrialization through a pursuit of com- parative advantages and contends that East Asian governments "did not try to overwhelm the market, and were flexible enough to adjust policies when necessary". This Institutionalism can be seen as an approach that "(1) incorporates private sector and, public sector arrangements, (2) appreciates the coalitional bases of such arrangements, and (3) recognizes the utility of combining political support for local firms with pressure on them to con- form to market forces". In this view, developmental states are one component of, one participant in, broader institutions that provide solutions to the collective action problems common to developing nations (Doner, 1992)  ……



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