
出版時間:2011-10  出版社:文物  作者:安特生  頁數(shù):50  譯者:樂森璕  


Black)著李濟譯的《甘肅史前人種說略》(The Prehistotc


作者:(瑞典)安特生(J.G.Andersson) 譯者:樂森璕


Archaeological Research in Kansu


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:   The earliest dynasty of the San Tai, the Hsia, remains entirely legendary as,so far, no archaeological material has been found to support the scanty historical data. Also for the early Shang such evidence is badly lacking. But with reference to thelate Shang, which has also been called Yin after the then capital in northern Honan,we are in a much more favourable position. On the site of Yin, which in modern times is An Yang Hsien on theHonan-Chihli border, rich and remarkable finds were made in 1899. Some commenton this material has been made by foreign students of the subject, among them Menzies, Hopkins, and especially Chalfant, but by far the most exhaustive work onthese oracle bones and allied objects has been done by the leading Chinese archaeologist of our day Lo Chin Yu, who has published a series of important works on thepalaeography of the Yin Dynasty, and furthermore, a volume, Yin Hsu Ku Ch'i WuT'u Lu on a number of highly important objects stated to havebeen found in this site. The most abundant and in many ways also the most illuminating material of theAn Yang site consists of pieces of bone and tortoise shell with a very archaeic Chinese script, used in this case mostly for divination. Together with the oracle bonesthere were found bone arrow points, ivory carvings, fragments of bronze, cowrieshells and other objects which help to form a picture of the culture of that time. Welearn from these objects that the people of Yin had a script, still primitive and largely pictographic, but marking a tremendous stride towards a higher civilization. Thesewritings tell about the structure of their social life, their calendar, and such interesting details as for instance, the use of the two horse cart. In the work Yin Hsii Ku Ch'i Wu Lu Lu by Lo Chin Yu, there are figured somerichly decorated objects of the highest interest. Fig. 2 is a carving of a Rhinoceroshorn and Fig. 4 a carving on ivory, both covered with the design of angular spiralswhich is known among Chinese archaeologists as the Yun Lei pattern. In addition we recognize in both cases within the Yun Lei pattern the features of the T'aoTieh.






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