
出版時間:2009-2  出版社:中國少年兒童新聞出版總社,中國少年兒童出版社  作者:嚴軍,等 編  頁數:322  




必修部分必修一 Units 1~3Unit 1 School lifeUnit 2 Growing painsUnit 3 Looking good,feeling good必修二 Units 1~3Unit 1 Tales of the UnexplainedUnit 2 Wish you were hereUnit 3 Amazing people必修三 Units 1~3Unit 1 The World of 0ur sensesUnit 2 LanguageUnit 3 Back to the past必修四 Units 1~3Unit 1 AdvertisingUnit 2 Sporting eventsUnit 3 Tomorrow’s world必修五 Units 1~3Unit 1 Getting along with othersUnit 2 The environmentUnit 3 Science versus nature選修部分選修六 Units 1-4Unit 1 Laughter is good for youUnit 2 What is happiness to you?Unit 3Understanding each otherUnit 4 Helping people around the world選修七 Units 1~4Unit 1 Living with technologyUnit 2 Fit for LifeUnit 3 The world onlineUnit 4 Public transport選修八 Units 1~4Unit 1 The written worldUnit 2 The Universal languageUnit 3 The world of colours and lightUnit 4 Films and film events選修九 Units 1~4Unit 1 Other countries,other culturesUnit 2 Witnessing timeUnit 3 The meaning of colourUnit 4 Behind beliefs選修十 Units 1~4Unit 1 Building the futureUnit 2 People on the moveUnit 3 Protecting ourselvesUnit 4 Law and order選修十一 Units 1~4Unit l Careers and skillsUnit 2 Getting a jobUnit 3 The secret of successUnit 4 The next step活頁部分知能提升練習復習質量評估卷參考答案與提示備考手冊


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