出版時(shí)間:2004-8 出版社:中國(guó)財(cái)經(jīng)出版社 作者:朱莉莉 編 頁(yè)數(shù):253
Unit 1
Text A The Land
Dialogues Greetings and Introductions
1.On the Campus
2.Do You Know Our English Teacher?
Grammar Basic English Sentence Patterns
TextB Each and the Sun
Unit 2
Text AThe Balance of Nature
Dlaloguos Meeting People
1.A Nice Day.Isn’t It?
2.In the Supermarket
Grammar Verb Tenses l
Text B Why Men Have to Work
Unit 3
Text A Natural Resources
Dialogues Talking About the Weather
1.Don’t Worry ToO Much
2.A Class About the Weather in U.S.Cities
Grmmer Vlerb Tenses 2
Text B How Long Can Our Minerals Last?
Unit 4
ToXt AComputers
Dialogues Time
1.Tonight’S the Last Night!
2.Bill’S Timetable
Grammer The Voices of Verbs
Text B Tools
Unit 5
TOXt A Lincoln’s Autobiographv
Dialoguos Descriptions
1.What Is She Like?
2.We’ve Moved to a New House
Grammar Word Formation
Text B William Beebe
Revision 1
Vocabulary Exercises
Grammar Exercises
Reading Comprehension
Cloze Test
Translation Exercises.
Unit 6
TextA The Market Economy
Dialogues Daily Activities.
1.A Monday Morning.
2·The Beginning of the University Days
Grammar Interrogative Sentences
Text B Consumer Rights
Unit 7
Toxt A Human Psychological Needs
Dialogues Study.
1.How to Study English?
2.That’S Great!
Grammar Prepositions
Text B Good Health Habits
Unit 8
Text A Goals
Dlaloguos Parties
1.At a Birthday Party
Unit 9
Unit 10
Revision 2
Land covers about one-fourth of the earth’S surface. The major divisions of the land are called continents.People usually speak of seven continents.They are Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,South America,Oceania and Antarctica.But two of them are one mass of land.They are Asia and Europe.Antarctica is the coldest continent.Asia,Europe and North America are totally in the Northern Hemisphere. In addition to continents.the world has thousands of islands.Ice-covered Greenland is the largest. The land has a great variety of surface features.They are called landforms.The most important landforms are plains,hills,mountains,and plateaus. Since plains are mostly broad stretches of fairly level land,they are the main fanning regions of the world.They are also the most densely settled portions of the earth’S surface. Hilly land is more difficult to farm than level land and erodes more easily.Nevertheless, in most of the world where there is enough rainfall,the hilly land is used to produce food. Mountains have steep sides,peaks,or ridges and are difficult to use except for recreation, forestry,grazing and mining.At times farming is carried on in the valleys between the mountains.Occasionally,where the population is dense and there is little level land,men terrace the sides of mountmns tO make more room for growing crops. Plateaus are highlands with fairly level tops.Some plateaus,like Tibet,are very high and cold.Those that are between mountmns are often quite dry.The winds drop much of their moisture on mountainsides before they reach the plateau.Rivers at times cut deep canyons into plateaus.Few people choose to live in this kind of region.But in the tropics,high plateaus are cooler and often pleasanter places to live in than the steaming lowlands. ……
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