
出版時間:2002-1  出版社:中國財經(jīng)出版社  作者:桑德格雷  頁數(shù):228  字數(shù):472000  


  INTRODUCTION As business and capital markets have continued to grow more globalized over recentyears, the need for cross-border financial information has correspondingly increased.This has brought international accounting to the forefront. As products, services, andcapital increasingly cross domestic borders the likelihood that various parties to business transactions are based in different countries increases. These parties must contend with the reality that information on their business parmers often exists in an accounting language othe.




CHAPTER 1 Financial Reporting in The Global AreaIntroductionInteraction Between Accounting and Its EnvironmentDiverse Roles of Accounting in CountriesEffects of Diversity on Capital MarketsClassification of Financial Accounting and Reporting SystemsMajor Challenges Facing Accounting GloballySummaryQuestionsExercisesCasesReferencesCHAPTER 2 Harmonizing Financial Reporting Standards GloballyRationale for HarmonizationPressures for HarmonizaionObstacles to HarmonizationMeasuring HarmonizationSupranational Organizations Engaged in Accounting HarmonizationHarmonization ScenariosCurrent Evidence on HarmonizationSummaryQuestionsExercisesCasesReferencesCHAPTER 3  Accounting for Currency Exchange Rate ChangesOverview of Foreign Currency Markets Exchange RatesForeign Exchange ExposureAccounting for Exchange Rate FluctuationsThe International Accounting Standard on Foreign Currency TranslationAccounting lssues Related to the EuroSummaryQuestionsExercisesCasesReferencesCHAPTER 4CHAPTER 5CHAPTER 6CHAPTER 7 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSSUBJECT INDEX



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