
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:中國社會科學出版社  作者:范琳  頁數:287  




  女,博士,教授,碩導。1965年9月出生,山東高密人。1992在南京大學獲碩士學位,2006在山東大學獲英語語言文學專業(yè)博士學位,研究方向為第二語言習得。現為教育部文科重點研究基地外國語言學與應用語言學研究中心兼職研究員、寧波大學英語教育研究所副所長、山東省國外語言學會常務理事、國際應用語言學學會會員?! ≈饕芯糠较驗閼谜Z言學、二語習得、英語教育、心理語言學。發(fā)表論文40余篇,其中在《外語教學與研究》、《外語學刊》、《外語與外語教學》、《外語教學》、《解放軍外國語學院學報》、《四川外語學院學報》、《外語電化教學》等外語類重要期刊發(fā)表學術論文約40篇。


Introduction0.1 Research Orientation  0.2 0bjective of the Study0.3 0utline of the Book0.4 SummaryChapter One Literature Refiew1.1  Related Theories1.1.1  An Overview of Schema Theory1.1.2 Cognitive Views on Readin91.1.3 Analysis of Narrative Text1.1.4  Factors Constraining Inferential Process  1.2 Related Empirical Studies1.2.1  0n.1ine Infe-rence Measures1.2.2 Previous Studies of Thematic InferentialActivities  1.3  SummaryChapter Two Models of Thematic Inference Generation andTheoretical Framework of the PresentStudy  2.1 Definition of Key Concepts  2.1.1 Theme2.1.2 Reading Ability2.1.3 Working Memory  2.2  Models of Generation of Relevant ThematicInferences2.2.1 The Minimalist Hypothesis2.2.2 The Constructionist Theory  2.2.3 The Current—state Selection Theory  2.3 Theoretical Framework of the Present Study2.4 SummaryChapter Three  General Methodology and Pilot Studies  3.1 General Design of the Study3.2 Research Questions of the Study3.3  Selection of Reading Comprehension TestingMaterials3.4 Selection of Participants3.4.1  Selection of Skilled and Less Skilled Readers3.4.2  Selection of High—span and Low—span Readers3.4.3 Participants Selected for the Main Studies  3.5 Pilot Studies3.5.1 Pilot Study l  3.5.2 Pilot Study 2  3.5.3 Pilot Study 3  3.6 SummaryChapter Four The Effects of Two Reader-based Factorson Thematic Inference Generation 4.1 Experiment l  4.1.1  Research Questions4.1.2  Method4.1.3 Results of Experiment l4.1.4 Discussion  4.2  Experiment 2  ……Chapter Five The Effects of Two Text-based Factors on Thematic Inference GenerationChapter Six Testing the Time Course of Thematic Inferential Processing in a Narrative Discourse Context Chapter Seven General Discussion Chapter Eight ConclusionReferences AppendicesAbbreviations后記



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