
出版時(shí)間:2008-4  出版社:中國社會科學(xué)出版社  作者:吳世雄  頁數(shù):357  




  吳世雄,男,香港嶺南大學(xué)英文系語言學(xué)方向哲學(xué)博士(Ph.D) (2007),任福建師范大學(xué)外國語學(xué)院教授(2005),先后任《福建外語》常務(wù)副主編和《外國語言文學(xué)》副主編。研究方向:模糊語言學(xué),比較詞源學(xué),符號語言學(xué),基于語料庫的英漢詞匯隱喻結(jié)構(gòu)研究。已經(jīng)出版語言學(xué)專著2部,哲學(xué)譯著一部,參編詞典一部。先后獲得福建省優(yōu)秀社會科學(xué)成果一等獎1項(xiàng)、二等獎1項(xiàng),三等獎2項(xiàng)。已在《古漢語研究》、《外語教學(xué)與研究》、《外國語》、《外語學(xué)刊》、《現(xiàn)代外語》等國內(nèi)學(xué)術(shù)期刊以及日本、波蘭等地的語言學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)上發(fā)表論文70余篇。


Preface (in Chinese)Typographical ConventionsList of AbbreviationsList of Numbered Tables and FiguresChapter 1  Introduction1.0  Metaphor and Metaphor Studies1.1  Definition of Metaphors1.2  Theoretical Background of Metaphor Studies1.3  Emotion and Emotion Metaphors1.4  The Major Contents and Goals of the Present Study1.5  Database and MethodologyChapter 2  Metaphor and Etymology2.0  Introduction2.1  Metaphors in Etymology2.1.1  Metaphors in Chinese Etymology2.1.2  Metaphors in English Etymology2.2  Concluding RemarksChapter 3  Corpus-based Synchronic Comparisons of Lexicalized Emotion Metaphors in English and Chinese3.0  Introduction3.1  Further Methodological Details of the Synchronic Study3.2  Results3.2.1  Common Emotion Metaphor Themes in English and Chinese3.2.2  Muhivalency and Diversification3.2.3  Conceptualization of Emotions3.2.4  Interplay of Culture and Body and the Metonymic Basis of Emotion Metaphors3.2.5  Cross-linguistic Differences and Universalities of LEMS in English and Chinese3.3  Discussion: Non-universality in Emotion Metaphors and Its Reasons3.3.1  Lack of Exact Target Concept in One Culture/Language as Exists in Another3.3.2  Lack of Exact Source Concept in One Culture/Language as Exists in Another3.3.3  Differences in the Pairing of Target and Source3.3.4  Different Grounds or Partial Mapping of Potential Correspondences3.3.5  General Identity of Pairing with Specific Differences3.4  ConclusionsChapter 4  Diachronic Comparisons of LEMS in English and Chinese4.0  Introduction4.1  The Concepts of Emotions in Chinese4.1.1  Emotion as a Native-born Concept in Chinese4.1.2  Cultural Influences on the Conceptualization of Emotions4.1.3  Concluding Remarks for This Section4.2  The Concept of Emotions in English with Reference to its Chinese Counterpart情BibliographyMain IndexAppendixPart One : Corresponding Metaphor Themes of Lexicalized EmotionMetaphors in English and ChinesePart Two: Other Tables


  Chapter 1  Introduction  1.0  Metaphor and Metaphor Studies  Before conducting my corpus-based synchronic comparison and diachronic interpretation of lexicalized emotion metaphors (LEMS) in English and Chinese, Iwould like to introduce the basic concepts involved in this study, its contents, aca-demic background, methodological basis, theoretieal frame, and the goals that Ihope to reach. And quite naturally the first concept I would confront would be metaphor. Metaphors have been studied and argued about for more than two thousand years since the ancient Greeks in the West and the Pre-Qin periods (2696--221BC) in China. It seems impossible (and unnecessary too) to present a completeintroduction of all the penetrating insights about metaphors in the academic historyin the West, not to say those in that of China, because the metaphor theories inancient China tended more to be the small-scale descriptions of metaphors in con-crete contexts and how to reach rhetoric effects by using metaphors in different styles, but without a theoretical system. So, I will begin this chapter by briefly introducing the influential classic definition by Aristotle and three kinds of contempo-rary definition of metaphors, i. e. dictionary definition, cognitive definition, and linguistic definition, which could roughly reflect the folk understandings and expertunderstandings of metaphors.  ……




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