
出版時間:2004-7  出版社:中國社會科學出版社  作者:中國國家博物館  頁數:311  


Preface konstantinos karamanlisPreface sun jiazhengPreface pan zhenzhouForeword Dr.lazaros kolonasForeword prof.zhu fenghanAncient greek art:Visual expression of the conquest of integrated human experience  prof.vassilios lambrinoudakisHumanism in ancient greek art prof.wang huanshengGreek art and greek civilization  Prof.zhu longhuaGreece and its colonies in the iron age Introduction ancient greece:mortals and Immortals Dr.eleni andri AndrikouUnit 1 Pre-hellenic and early hellenic  Representations  41-811.Neolithic figurine of a seated male figure2.Neolithic female figurine3.Neolithic female figurine4.Neolithic female figurine5.Neolithic house model with figurines6.Cycladic female figurine with folded arms7.Cycladic female figurine with folded arms8.Cycladic female figurine9.Minoan female figurine10.Minoan female figurine11.Minoan female figurine12.Minoan female figurine13.Mycenaean kourotrophos figurine14—18. Mycenaean female figurines19.Minoan figurine of the “gooddess with upraised hands”20.My cenaean larnax(Sarcophagus)of a childUnit2 Immortals:The divine my thology21.Figurine of zeusprotome of a goddessfigurine of enthroned AthenaPlaque with a representation of athena erganeFragment of a votive relief with a scene of athenaHead of helmeted athenaFragment of a votive relief representing demeter and kore Fragment of a relief depicting a female figure,probably demeterProtome of a female deity A plaque of the goddess demeterFragment of a relief pitham-phora with a scene of a goddessFragment of an engraved stone block depicting apollo and artemisStatue of artemisHead of apolloStatuette of apollo kitharodhosFigurine of aphroditeFolded mirror with a woman's headStatuette of aphrodite sitting on a rockStatuette of aphroditeMarble table support with a plastic figure of dionysosArchaisttic tstatuette of dionysosRed figure calyx crater with a scene of dionysos and ariadneFolded mirror with a scene of a satyr and  a maenadFragment of a sarcophagus with a dionysiac scene in reliefFragment of votive relief depicting asklepios and hygieiaHead of asklepiosStatuette of hygieiaSeated statuette of the goddess cybeleStatue of pan Unit 3  From mortals to immortals Unit 4  Personifications of political institutions Unit 5  Mortals Unit 6  Instances of life on earthGreek jewelry in the late clssical and the early hellenistic periods Bibliography -AbbreviationsPostscript



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