出版時間:2012-3 出版社:海明威 (Ernest Hemingway) 中國對外翻譯出版公司 (2012-03出版) 作者:海明威 頁數(shù):241
作者:(美國)海明威(Ernest Hemingway) 海明威(1899—1961),是美國現(xiàn)代著名小說家、諾貝爾文學(xué)獎獲得者,早期以“迷惘的一代”的代表著稱。他的作品風(fēng)格獨特,文體簡潔,在歐美很有影響。海明威1899年7月21日生于伊利諾伊州的奧克帕克。他父親是內(nèi)科醫(yī)生和體育愛好者,母親是音樂教師,在父母的影響下,他從小就酷愛體育、捕魚、狩獵,愛好音樂與繪畫。中學(xué)畢業(yè)后,他當(dāng)了6個月的《堪薩斯城星報》見習(xí)記者。第一次世界大戰(zhàn)爆發(fā)后,他志愿赴意大利當(dāng)戰(zhàn)地救護車司機。1918年夏,他在前線被炮彈炸成重傷回國休養(yǎng)。1921年,他作為加拿大《多倫多星報》記者前往巴黎,結(jié)識了美國女作家斯坦因、青年作家安德森和詩人龐德等,在寫作上得到他們的鼓勵和指導(dǎo)。僑居巴黎的幾年是海明威文學(xué)生涯的啟蒙時期,后來,他放棄記者的采訪工作,專門從事寫作。他1923年發(fā)表處女作《三個短篇小說和十首詩》;1925年發(fā)表了短篇小說集《在我們的時代里》;1926年出版了第一部長篇小說《太陽照樣升起》,這部作品是他的成名作,確立了他在美國文壇上小說家的地位。1929年,反映第一次世界大戰(zhàn)的長篇反戰(zhàn)小說《永別了,武器》問世,又為他贏得聲譽。20世紀30年代初,海明威到非洲旅行和狩獵,1935年,他寫成《非洲的青山》和一些短篇小說。1937年發(fā)表了以美國與古巴之間海上走私活動為描寫背景的小說《富有與貧窮》。西班牙內(nèi)戰(zhàn)期間,他三次以記者身份親臨前線,1938年發(fā)表劇本《第五縱隊》;1940年發(fā)表了以西班牙內(nèi)戰(zhàn)為背景的重要長篇小說《喪鐘為誰而鳴》。1952年《老人與海》問世,深受好評,翌年獲普利策獎,1954年獲諾貝爾文學(xué)獎??ㄋ固亓_掌權(quán)后,他離開古巴返美定居。因身上有多處舊傷,百病纏身,精神憂郁,1961年7月2日用獵槍自殺。海明威去世后發(fā)表的遺作主要有《流動的節(jié)》(1964)、《海流中的島嶼》(1970)、《伊甸園》(1986)。
BookOne Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6 Chapter7 Chapter8 Chapter9 Chapter10 Chapter11 Chapter12 BookTwo Chapter13 Chapter14 Chapter15 Chapter16 Chapter17 Chapter18 Chapter19 Chapter20 Chapter21 Chapter22 Chapter23 Chapter24 BookThree Chapter25 Chapter26 Chapter27 Chapter28 Chapter29 Chapter30 Chapter31 Chapter32 BookFour Chapter33 Chapter34 Chapter35 Chapter36 Chapter37 BookFive Chapter38 Chapter39 Chapter40 Chapter41
版權(quán)頁: then saw the smoke ball distort and thin in the wind. There were manyiron shrapnel balls in the rubble of the houses and on the road beside thebroken house where the post was, but they did not shell near the post thatafternoon. We loaded two cars and drove down the road that was screenedwith wet mats and the last of the sun came through in the breaks betweenthe strips of mattings. Before we were out on the clear road behind thehill the sun was down. We went on down the clear road and as it turned acomer into the open and went into the square arched tunnel of matting therain started again. The wind rose in the night and at three o'clock in the morning withthe rain coming in sheets there was a bombardment and the Croatianscame over across the mountain meadows and through patches of woodsand into the front line. They fought in the dark in the rain and a counterattack of scared men from the second line drove them back. There wasmuch shelling and many rockets in the rain and machine-gun and rifle fireall along the line. They did not come again and it was quieter and betweenthe gusts of wind and rain we could hear the sound of a great bombardmentfar to the north. The wounded were coming into the post, some were carried onstretchers, some walking and some were brought on the backs of men thatcame across the field. They were wet to the skin and all were scared. Wefilled two cars with stretcher cases as they came up from the cellar of thepost and as I shut the door of the second car and fastened it I felt the rainon my face turn to snow. The flakes were coming heavy and fast in therain. When daylight came the storm was still blowing but the snow hadstopped. It had melted as it fell on the wet ground and now it was rainingagain. There was another attack just after daylight but it was unsuccessful.We expected an attack all day but it did not come until the sun was goingdown. The bombardment started to the south below the long wooded ridgewhere the Austrian guns were concentrated. We expected a bombardmentbut it did not come. It was getting dark. Guns were firing from the fieldbehind the village and the shells, going away, had a comfortable sound. We heard that the attack to the south had been unsuccessful. They didnot attack that night but we heard that they had broken through to the north.In the night word came that we were to prepare to retreat. The captain at thepost told me this. He had it from the Brigade.
永別了.武器-中譯經(jīng)典文庫-世界文學(xué)名著-第五輯 PDF格式下載