出版時間:2012-3 出版社:中國對外翻譯出版公司 作者:勞倫斯 頁數(shù):463
這本《戀愛中的女人(世界文學(xué)名著英語原著版)》是“中譯經(jīng)典文庫 ”之一。
作者:(英國)勞倫斯(Lawrence D.H.)
Chapter 1 Siste
Chapter 2 Shortlands
Chapter 3 Classroom
Chapter 4 Diver
Chapter 5 In the Train
Chapter 6 CrOme de Menthe
Chapter 7 Fetish
Chapter 8 Breadalby
Chapter 9 Coaidust
Chapter 10 Sketchbook
Chapter 11 An Island
Chapter 12 Carpeting
Chapter 13 Mino
Chapter 14 Water-party
Chapter 15 Sunday Evening
Chapter 16 Man to Man
Chapter 17 The Industrial Magnate
Chapter 18 Rabbit
Chapter 19 Moony
Chapter 20 Gladiatorial
Chapter 21 Threshold
Chapter 22 Woman to Woman
Chapter 23 Excue
Chapter 24 Death and Love
Chapter 25 Marriage or Not
Chapter 26 A Chair
Chapter 27 Flitting
Chapter 28 Gudrun in the Pompadour
Chapter 29 Continental
Chapter 30 Snowed Up
Chapter 31 Exeunt
版權(quán)頁: He knew that all his life he had been wrenching at the flame of life tobreak it apart. And now, with something of the terror of a destructive child,he saw himself on the point of inheriting his own destruction. And duringthe last months, under the influence of death, and of Birkin's talk, and ofGudrun's penetrating being, he had lost entirely that mechanical certaintythat had been his triumph. Sometimes spasms of hatred came over him,against Birkin and Gudrun and that whole set. He wanted to go back to thedullest conservatism, to the most stupid of conventional people. He wantedto revert to the strictest Toryism. But the desire did not last long enough tocarry him into action. During his childhood and his boyhood he had wanted a sort ofsavagedom. The days of Homer were his ideal, when a man was chiefof an army of heroes, or spent his years in wonderful Odyssey. He hatedremorselessly the circumstances of his own life, so much that he neverreally saw Beldover and the colliery valley. He turned his face entirelyaway from the blackened mining region that stretched away on the righthand of Shortlands, he turned entirely to the country and the woods beyondWilley Water. It was true that the panting and rattling of the coal minescould always be heard at Shortlands. But from his earliest childhood,Gerald had paid no heed to this. He had ignored the whole of the industrialsea which surged in coal-blackened tides against the grounds of the house.The world was really a wilderness where one hunted and swam and rode.He rebelled against all authority. Life was a condition of savage freedom. Then he had been sent away to school, which was so much death tohim. He refused to go to Oxford, choosing a German tmiversity. He hadspent a certain time at Bonn, at Berlin, and at Frankfurt. There, a curiosityhad been aroused in his mind. He wanted to see and to know, in a curiousobjective fashion, as if it were an amusement to him. Then he must try war.